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Jaci's Ministry -- the Message Behind the Music

Just Jaci (on the beach)

"I've always known what I wanted from life. I know what I want out of my ministry. I want to go and reach people my age that maybe even a youth pastor couldn't reach.... It scares me to death, but I know where I stand with the Lord" -- Jaci Velasquez, February 1997

       Jaci is an extremely devout Christian. She believes in seeking and doing God's will. "To have a relationship with God, it's the most important testimony you can have before people. It's not easy all the time -- I have a hard time with it sometimes. But that's what is going to last." If you need to talk with someone about what God's plan is for your life, call toll-free 1-888-NEED-HIM.

       Jaci is a believer in sexual purity before marriage. She took the pledge: "Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate, and my future children to be sexually abstinent from this day until the day I enter a biblical marriage relationship" when she was 13. This pledge and other information can be found at the True Love Waits web site. Read and hear the song Jaci co-wrote "I Promise" from Heavenly Place, which is her testimony.

Pray for Jaci

       Jaci is a firm believer that prayer works. "When I was seven or eight, I prayed God would send me a special dog. I looked in a dog encyclopedia and spotted the one I wanted, a Lhasa apso. A few months later, some people who had just gotten a Lhasa apso puppy were giving away their older one. They heard that I wanted a dog and gave it to me. When I was twelve years old, I prayed that I would sing at the White House before I turned thirteen. And sure enough, on September 16, I sang at the White House, for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. I sang "God Bless America" for the invocation, the prayer. A month later, I turned thirteen. I know that some people would say that it's dangerous to believe that your dreams can come true. But the truth is, I don't think I've ever prayed for anything that hasn't happened in one form or another. I think that each and every time you pray, God looks into your heart and He knows whether those dreams are going to be good for you...."
       Every day during 1999, viewers of this web site are signing up to pray especially for Jaci. Of course, stopping right now to pray for Jaci while you're thinking about it is wonderful as well. This prayer list serves two purposes: First, it puts your name on this page, so others can see the prayer committment you've made, and second, it allows other viewers of this page to pray for you.
       Send me an email message and I'll send you a confirmation, add your name to this page and assign you a day to pray for Jaci during 1999. You'll also be entered in a drawing to win a Jaci poster. The drawing will be held as soon as all 365 days of 1999 are filled with names.

The 1999 Jaci Velasquez Prayer Calendar

Pray for the person whose name is on today's date. Send that person an email saying you prayed for him or her today. To add your name to the Jaci Prayer Calendar, click here to send an email to the webmaster, and put "Jaci Prayer Calendar" in the subject line. You'll be added to the calendar and registered in the drawing.


  1. Michael-David Bradford
    Jaci Concert
  2. Timothy Drehmer
  3. Michael Soberon
  4. Timothy Drehmer
  5. John Wilson
  6. Timothy Drehmer
  7. Brandi Harrod
  8. Timothy Drehmer
  9. Zo
    Jaci Concert
  10. Timothy Drehmer
  11. Michael Soberon
  12. Timothy Drehmer
  13. John Mays
  14. Timothy Drehmer
  15. Menno Zeers
  16. Timothy Drehmer
  17. Erica Jones
    Jaci Concert
  18. Timothy Drehmer
  19. Junlly
  20. Timothy Drehmer
    Jaci Concert
  21. RWesaw109
  22. Timothy Drehmer
  23. Monica Lynn Hess
    Jaci Concert
  24. Timothy Drehmer
  25. Michael Soberon
  26. Timothy Drehmer
  27. Orlando Villegas
    Jaci Concert
  28. Molly Wells
  29. Francois Lombard
  30. Timothy Drehmer
    Jaci Concert
  31. Brian Rector
    Jaci Concert

  1. Michael-David Bradford
  2. Timothy Drehmer
  3. Martha
  4. Timothy Drehmer
  5. John Wilson
  6. Timothy Drehmer
  7. Katie
  8. Timothy Drehmer
  9. Michael Soberon
  10. Timothy Drehmer
  11. Cynthia Preacher
  12. Timothy Drehmer
  13. Lajos
  14. Timothy Drehmer
  15. Menno Zeers
  16. Timothy Drehmer
  17. Janelle Ramirez
  18. Timothy Drehmer
  19. JDlvs2sing
  20. Timothy Drehmer
  21. Timothy Drehmer
  22. Timothy Drehmer
  23. Timothy Drehmer
  24. Zo
  25. Molly Wells
  26. Michael Soberon
  27. Timothy Drehmer
  28. Brian Rector

  1. Michael-David Bradford
  2. Timothy Drehmer
  3. Michael Soberon
  4. Timothy Drehmer
  5. John Wilson
    Jaci Concert
  6. Timothy Drehmer
  7. Timothy Drehmer
  8. Timothy Drehmer
  9. Timothy Drehmer
  10. Timothy Drehmer
  11. Menno Zeers
  12. Timothy Drehmer
  13. Timothy Drehmer
  14. Timothy Drehmer
  15. Timothy Drehmer
  16. Timothy Drehmer
  17. Timothy Drehmer
  18. Molly Wells
  19. Timothy Drehmer

  1. Michael-David Bradford
  2. Timothy Drehmer
  3. Michael Soberon
  4. Timothy Drehmer
  5. John Wilson
  6. Timothy Drehmer
  7. Timothy Drehmer
  8. Timothy Drehmer
  9. Timothy Drehmer
  10. Timothy Drehmer
  11. Menno Zeers
    Jaci's 20th Birthday
  12. Timothy Drehmer
  13. Timothy Drehmer
  14. Timothy Drehmer
  15. Timothy Drehmer
    Jaci Concert
  16. Timothy Drehmer
  17. Timothy Drehmer
  18. Molly Wells
  19. Michael Soberon
  20. Timothy Drehmer
  21. Brian Rector

  1. Michael-David Bradford
  2. Timothy Drehmer
  3. Michael Soberon
  4. Timothy Drehmer
  5. John Wilson
    Jaci Concert
  6. Timothy Drehmer
  7. Timothy Drehmer
  8. Timothy Drehmer
  9. Timothy Drehmer
    Jaci Concert
  10. Timothy Drehmer
  11. Menno Zeers
  12. Timothy Drehmer
  13. Timothy Drehmer
  14. Timothy Drehmer
  15. Timothy Drehmer
  16. Timothy Drehmer
  17. Timothy Drehmer
  18. Molly Wells
  19. Michael Soberon
  20. Timothy Drehmer

  1. Michael-David Bradford
  2. Timothy Drehmer
  3. Michael Soberon
  4. Timothy Drehmer
  5. John Wilson
  6. Timothy Drehmer
  7. Timothy Drehmer
  8. Timothy Drehmer
  9. Timothy Drehmer
  10. Timothy Drehmer
  11. Menno Zeers
  12. Timothy Drehmer
  13. Timothy Drehmer
  14. Timothy Drehmer
  15. Timothy Drehmer
  16. Timothy Drehmer
  17. Luis Sanchez
  18. Timothy Drehmer
  19. Molly Wells
  20. Michael Soberon
    Jaci Concert
  21. Timothy Drehmer
  22. Luis Sanchez

Web site designed and maintained by Michael-David R. Bradford
