
Shay is officially dead right now. The sexiness that is called LANCEINBLUESHIRT has killed her. May she rest in peace with those sweet, sweet memories of that blue shirt hugging Lance's chest like a second skin. *sigh*

Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Yes, me, Shay, has sinned. I feel just awful, but it couldn't have been avoided. He was there, looking like he always was. I was so sure that he would be like that forever, but I was wrong. Father, I had impure thoughts about a man. His name... Lance. It was the blue shirt that got me Father! How could you not have impure thoughts about him? He is a babe magnet, so much hotter than Justin in that blue shirt. Even if Justin stole Lance's blue shirt, he wouldn't look as hot. No one can beat the way that blue shirt just fits on him. It was like he was sewn into it. So, I had impure thoughts about Lance... now that I think about it... it's not that bad. What would be bad is if I had impure thoughts about Joey... or Howie... I would need forgiveness for that!

hehe, symba's still alive and kicking!!

bless me father for I cannot remember my last confession...or something like that...anyway, I have to admit something...there are 3 guys that made me think baaad things about them...their names? Well, first there is that guy Lance...in that tight...light...blue...turtleneck...oh, sorry...man, I keep spacing...anyway, he just looks soo dayum fine in that shirt that it started spilling over into everything else...and then there is JC...with the red tank top and blue windbreaker pants at the VMAs...and the henna tatoo...ahhh, this is an especially bad one cause my sister insists she is gonna marry him...so I guess I had impure thoughts about my future brohter in law...please forgive me. One more to go...thats the youngin' known as Justin. doesnt matter what he is(or isnt...bathtub!) wearing, the sight of him is just about enough...thanks for letting me vent my sexual frustrations father...peace out!

NOTE: these confessions are just for fun...dont mean to offend anyone, especially not Lance JC and Justin...all in good fun, remember?
