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  • Who is Jesus?
  • "Daddy" by Renee Keyes
  • "Faith and Works"

    It is my honest belief that there is only one true GOD. I truly believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins. I also honestly confirm that I do not know everything when it comes to the Bible, and do not mind being "told off." If one observes any errors, please take the liberty of notifying me of corrections that need to be made, okay?

    Who is Jesus?

    To Eat or Not to Eat?

    Background Scripture: Roman 14

    Knowing that people are concerned about whether or not it is good to eat, that is, whether they may be sinning by not participating in a fast, or are just curious, I write this. I say to all of you: it is good to eat. It is also good to not eat. Just remember to acknowledge GOD and give thanks, both for what you have and for what you do not have.

    The only problem with this liberty of yours is when one encounters one weaker in the faith, who does not understand this. That person, who may have chosen a certain fast, may become offended to see you as one of his brethren ignoring the fast.

    My brethren, should not we, as believers, edify one another? Let us edify our brethren and build them up in Christ.

    What does it profit one to eat and be merry, if a brother or sister is grieved by your behavior. It is of GOD to encourage your fellow members in Christ: to edify one another.

    Please do not discourage one another.

    Please, now that this knowledge is given unto you, do not abuse it.

    Also, be advised that if one eats in doubt, the same does not eat of faith, and is therefore damned, ". . . for whatever is not of faith is sin." (Romans 14:23)

    Recommended Reading:
    Job 23:12
    Matthew 11:16-19
    John 4:31-34
    John 6:27
    Romans 14