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January 6, 1998

January 6, 1998

On today, Dr. Davis read the syllabus to the class, and mentioned a few of her pet peaves, namely, these three:
(1) students who arrive late
(2) students unprepared for lecture
(3) plagiarism

Regarding students who arrive late, Dr. Davis has made it clear that late students are a disruption to class, and will be marked absent. Furthermore, if a student does come to class late, he/she should attempt to take the nearest seat. And here is one thing to be warned of, my friends: never, never walk between her and the class while she is lecturing. (She gest sort of pissed off, you know?)

Students unprepared for lecture maybe should stay home. Dr. Davis wants her students to pay attention in lecture, because it drives home the textbook reading, which should always be done. So, when one arrives, one should have notebook out and pen in hand. (One should feel the note-taking process.) One should be prepared to ask and answer questions, as well as give comments on the lecture after class. Even if the material is boring at first, continue to read it, and one will begin to relate to it. (It may actually become a little addicting!) Study thoroughly, my friends.

Regarding plagiarism, I can only say take no chances. See what the syllabus says regarding plagiarism.

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