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I personally, would like to recommend the following book. I loved it! However, I was very skeptical. I am just starting the diet and haven't finished the first 14-day Induction, but I am already feeling better. I have some health problems, high bloodpressure, high cholesterol, overweight, and some back problems. And because of a stomach problem, my doctor(a surgeon) put me on this diet. He and his wife are both on the diet.

There are many rave reviews on this book and some who give it a thumbs down. I don't believe those who gae it a bad review tried it long enough for it to help them. When your body is withdrawing from the poisons that you have been ingesting for years, it is expected that you would feel the effects. If you are a heavy coffee drinker or are addicted to chocolate, just remove it from your diet for a few days and see how bad you feel.

Once your body adjusts to the healthier way of eating everything changes. I have reallyenjoyed the meals, have not been hungry, and have not craved bread and sweets. This is a miracle for me.

Dr. Atkins can provide a recipe book and his specially formulated nutrients, however, he give you a choice of being able to get them elsewhere. In the book he lists what are in his nutrients and what is recommended, the rest is up to you. And the book contains enough recipes for you to be able to plan your own meals with a little thrifty shopping.

Yes, the diet sounds radicle and contrary to all you have ever been taught, but medical science is learning new things everyday that benefits our health. I plan to give the diet at least 60 days before I make any harsh judgement because, at the moment, it is working for me. I will keep you updated as the weeks pass.

Click on the link and read all about it.

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