Written by: Sharon Bryant
In Memory of her son: Andrew Frank Dunbar

A Christmas Story

When I was just a little girl
Around the age of three
I remember a Christmas
When Santa came to see me

A doll wrapped up
In a pretty bright red bow
Long golden hair to stroke
Oh my, how my heart glowed

And then came a Christmas
Later on in time
When I shared my first Christmas
With a son that was all mine

A few years later down the road
When he was only five
I didn't know it would be
The last Christmas in my life

Now on Christmas
As many in all these years
I spend my days at a grave
Shedding many tears

The Holidays come every year
That, I cannot change
But through all my memories
My memories I can rearrange

I can remember all the good years
That he and I had shared
I can still hear the giggles
When he got that talking teddy bear

I can remember the hugs and squeals of "OH MOM"
As each gift he opened on that day
I can sit back and smile remembering
Before the angels took him away

Now I am older than I once used to be
But my mind drifts back
To what once was on Christmas
When my son was on earth with me

I tuck my head to fight the snow
As I wade through the fenced in graves
I've got my gift to give to him
On this year's Christmas Day


Page created Dec. 2000

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Heaven's Children
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