~ My Memories of Skater's Waltz ~


To love someone is one thing.
To be loved by someone, is another.
But to be loved by the one
you love is everything.

This is a true story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did remembering......(smile)

One of the memories I have of Skater's Waltz, still gives me warm, fuzzy feelings. I guess I was about ten years old. My Dad took my friends and me ice skating, about 10 miles out of town. It was on a huge lake, owned by a happy, fun-loving farmer. He dressed everynight in a colorful, plaid parka, big red neck scarf, and swished around in unbuckeled boots. I guess he was quite a skater when he was younger. He had several children, that he taught to skate great. He had put big high poles with lights all around the lake to light our way, at night. When it would finally freeze, he put a blade on a huge tractor, and scooped the snow off, till it was as smooth as glass. Then we all went out to (try) to our best. The first few years, I spent most of my time on my behind. Oh, I didn’t do too bad for a beginner, but it wasn’t all that easy. I had the wind knocked out of me more than once. It didn't stop me. Nothing was ever hurt but my pride. *smile*

While I was keeping the ice warm, I would sit and watch the really well accomplished skaters. One, was the son of the farmer. My, he was the best! Let me explain it this way. Scott Hamilton, had nothing on him. I used to watch him whiz around the lake doing all these fantastic tricks. He did high jumps, jumped over barrels, and all those fancy twists and turns. I never did see anyone skate any better than he, before or since. I suppose he was probably at least 10 years older than I. That made him an older man to me, and sooo far above me, especially at the age of fifteen.

The farmer was a wonderful old gentleman. He had built an old shanty, and put in a big pot-belly stove for all of us to go to get warm between skates. Actually, it must have been old, as it was leaning, but it held up long enough for me to grow up! Boy, did that stove ever feel good when we were freezing! Of course, one side of us would be well done and the other side still uncooked 'til we turned around. My, did many gloves get scorched on that old stove! We could actually smell the wool burning. He had bright lights in it, hanging from the ceiling by wires, and old benches all around the wall, to come in and rest on, and get warm. We also used the benches to put on our skates, and to take them off, to feel our frozen toes. The old walls were white-washed. Actually, it would get as hot as a bake oven inside. However, the nicest thing was his record player, that he had hooked to an amplifier to the outside. Ohhhh, was it ever romantic! Now if you think a big pot-belly stove, in an old leaning, white-washed shanty, in the middle of winter, can't be romantic, you should have been there!! Big speakers outside made the ice almost vibrate. It was too cool back then!

Well, the first few years, I was learning, and by the time I was about fifteen, I was pretty well accomplished. By then, I could at least stand up, and have some fun. I have to admit I didn't wear a short flittery skirt, either. I was dressed in 2 pair of jeans, a wool turtleneck sweater (yikes, scratchy )and a heavy winter jacket, with a scarf on my head and one around my neck. Well, one of the songs the farmer used to play was Skater's Waltz. I love all the old Vienna Waltzes, so this was my dream, to hear. Many others preferred the newest pop tunes,(I did too, at times) but, I used to go in and request the Skater's Waltz. One year, I guess I had made the grade. The young man that did all the fancy skating, knew I loved the Skater's Waltz. He would leave all his skating buddies, and came over to me….Yes, to ME, and bow....and ask, "May I please have this skate?" Oh, WOW, could he ever. He took hold of my hands, and held them so gently, but tightly. Talk about being in heaven, it seemed I was. I felt like I was the best skater in the whole wide world. No,oh no by far, I wasn't, it was just the way HE skated, and held my hands, that gave me so much courage. He said very little, but smiled at me, 'til I could have melted the ice.

He was a dear friend. I know now that Oksana Baiul and Scott Hamilton had nothing on us, in my mind. From then on, he always managed to make his way to me for "OUR" skate to the Skater's Waltz. I could see his eyes scanning the ice for me, when the song started playing. Then, he made his way to me. All my friends teased me mercilessly. I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to give up my chance to feel the cold air on my face, and the warm feeling in my heart, as we waltzed all around the lake. Freezing air, never felt so good! When the song was over, he always bowed again, and thanked me for the skate. He thanked me? Imagine that! That was funny. I often wondered if he knew it was definitely my PLEASURE. What a sweetheart he was. It did make me realize I was born at the wrong time. I definitely belonged in the Victorian era.

I was so saddened a few weeks ago, when I picked up the newspaper and found he has passed away. I know he was much too young, but death is a part of life, and has to be accepted. All that is left now, is to say, "Thanks for the wonderful memories, and GOODBYE JOHNNY."

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CREATED NOV.16, 2001

Webset by Shari Becker
Art by Jeffrey K. Bedrick

Email: rainbow787@attbi.com