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What grounding technique/ritual do you use in preparation for healing? If you ground prior to meditating or doing another activity and it is a different ritual, please elaborate on that also?.

(Here are some versions of Grounding from different International Madonna Ministry Members)

Whether sitting, standing or lying down, start by thinking of a grounding cord, a line of energy, from the 1st chakra (base of spine for male bodies, between ovaries for female bodies) and allow that energy cord to go to the center of the earth and attach there. Let it form into any sturdy thing you prefer, a big tree, a pipe, a giant anchor chain, etc. Let there be an open chute down the center for any energy which is not one's own to go down to the center of the earth. From there the Mother will release it back to its source. Let the cord become as wide as your hips. After that, renew the cord often during the day and before sleep. It is a powerful resting place. After releasing a lot of energy always be sure to see a golden ball of light above your head which comes down into your body and fills it up. That is your own highest creative essence and "present-time growth vibration". We want to be sure that our own energy is filling our space as much as possible. Spouses, children, friends, may get a little upset when they get their own energy back and learn that you are allowing them to have their own growth periods.

So that is the basis of grounding, and actually the be-all and process of grounding, for me. There are other steps after that, called running energy, but grounding is just getting a firm grip on a connection with the earth, so the body is safe. The grounding cord allows all foreign energy to leave your space and return to its rightful place. It is a major healing step in itself. Every time you release your grounding cord and get a new one you establish a new vibration in your space. You bring your energy more into present time. You relieve yourself of the energy of others which can cause your body pain and dis-ease. By working with mother earth in a non-effort space like this, we cooperate with the ecology of the spirit.

We can ground anyone in our environment, just by seeing them in our mind's eye with the grounding cord in place. Best not to announce you are doing it. Every body likes the feeling of being grounded, no matter what the personality seems to be getting from an upset.

I think I am a fairly well grounded person most of the time, and soon find out when I am not because that's when I do things like tripping over or falling down the stairs. Before healing I imagine my feet settling into firm sand so that they form a slight impression in it. I also link with mother earth by breathing in the earth energy before attuning to the Source of the Healing energy. When meditating I usually sit on the floor and therefore settle my base firmly on the cushion I am on. I also use another technique of being the mountain if sitting and standing like a pine. It really is after sessions that I find the grounding so necessary.

I generally begin by focusing on the bottom of my feet and just as if I were a tree, I sent roots from the bottom of my feet deep into the earth. When I feel solidly grounded to the earth I start to bring the earth energy up through the roots into my feet and follow it up through the backs of my legs, torso and head. Then I send a cord from the top of my head into the universe and when I feel a connection there, I begin to bring universal energies down through the front of my body. The earth energies and universal energies mix together at the crown chakra and at the 1st chakra. I then visualize a circuit of energy rising from the earth circling up the back and mixing with the universal energy and flowing down the front at the same time I can visualize universal energy flowing in the crown chakra and mixing with the earth energy. This circulates around me, fills me and overflows out through my skin to surround me externally as well.

I use a similar technique to you. I always use it prior to meditating, as I stand with my hands on the shoulders of the healee, I use it. I merge us together first, then both of us become as one, grounded above and below. If its not hands on, then I visualize it happening for the person . My practice is to call down the light, and as I await it, I quiet my breathing, and become very still.
As soon as I feel the warmth on my crown chakra, I send out roots from the soles of my feet, and one thick tap root from my tailbone, as deep into the earth as I can, aiming for the core. It then becomes a matter of breathing light from the Earth, up through my roots and body, leaving through the crown way up into a starry night sky. The sequence is, on the in-breath, up and through to the Universe, and on the out-breath receive from the Universe, down to the Earth’s center.
Once I feel the two way flow, has merged, and just become one continuous beam of light, I gently breathe it outwards, some days I can expand it better than others, but that’s normal. Once I finish whatever, I withdraw the above and below, and condense and seat it into my/the persons body and just know everything is O.K. This works fine for me, and I find that now I am used to it, it is easy and can be established quickly, and there are variations on this that I use for self healing/cleansing.

If in a healing session I place the black tourmaline between the feet or under the base chakra on the floor if the recipient is in a chair. Sometimes I use a small piece of Australian haematite. Occasionally I would hold the haematite or give it to the recipient to hold if they are distraught. Or I would not use a stone. During an attunement I first feel part of the Earth, I am the Earth. Sometimes I see myself walking with my legs in the Earth. I then fill myself with light from the cosmos and it is at this stage I usually get a change of consciousness. I visualize the same for the recipient and keep in mind the strong intent that we are both grounded. I ask that I channel healing for our highest good and ask that the recipient accept the healing for our highest good. If the Healee is sitting I would be standing behind the chair with my hands on the shoulders. If I am not creating a pyramid with crystals, I breathe in light from the cosmos into my chest and it then goes out into my body. With each in-breath I become whiter and whiter. I fill me and my aura with white light and expand it from my chest to enclose the healee to create a protective cocoon of silence within which healing can take place. Sometimes I visualize a double tube growing from me into the Earth and visualize light pouring in from above going down the middle of the tube into the Earth taking all detrius with it into the Earth and energy coming up into me through the outside of the tube so there is a 2 way flow of energy. I check my attunement and grounding during the healing session and always be aware of being in attune with the Divine Plan and always dedicate it to the highest good. It is no way as complicated as it seems as I write and does not take long.

In my grounding, I begin with a connection to Mother Earth. I see my entire body connected as I visualize myself lying on the is almost like a baby that is connected to the mother at birth. There is a silver cord that unites us. After I feel connected, I reach upward to the universe and open my arms to receive the energy of All that Is...and I see myself radiating that energy into a vast space around me until all becomes light. Now, we are One.

I see a cord of white light going from the base of my spine to a ball of white light deep in the center of the earth. I see cords of white light going from the sole of each foot to the same ball of light deep in the center of the earth. I see a tube of golden white light coming from the heavens all around me, all the way down to that same ball of light deep in the center of the earth. I see myself completely surrounded, shielded and protected by this golden white light, perfectly balanced between Heaven and Earth.

I have written to you with a couple of methods but as I sit here contemplating it came to me that grounding has a lot to do with attitude or feeling. To be grounded we need to feel part of "Gaia" to belong to our community, body, country and be happy with and accepting of this situation. It also involves a right sense of self worth an self love of acceptance.

Heaven and Earth Grounding: Before meditation or healing my grounding begins with a petition, "Please bestow your light upon me that I may better do Thy will," which I might say several times either to myself or out loud... At the same time I envision light --- a strong torrent of light coming down from the source --- from the heavens to me --- going through the top of my head --- enveloping my body --- going down through my body --- passing out through my feet and plunging down into the bowels of the earth, anchoring me, rooting me...
Sometimes I double ground. After I do the first grounding from the heavens I envision earth energy, from the center of the earth --- rising up to me --- entering through my feet --- going up through my body --- leaving through the top of my head --- and rising to the heavens. I might do this several times. After I do this second grounding I enviably feel a rise of kundalini and my neck might arch. Naturally, this effect is sometimes inconvenient so I don't always do the second grounding before healing - don't want the healee to think I'm having an attack.

I always see my personal tube of white light surrounding my whole being. It extends above me and way into the universe; and extends below through Mother Earth and again way out into the universe in one continuous unbroken circle. As I see my tube descending way down into the Earth, I also see it following my roots, deep blue, like long feelers rooting me firmly to the Earth.
My tube is also my protective shield which, prior to a healing session, I expand to the edges of my healing room to encompass both myself and all who come in that evening. I extend what I call my 'pseudo' tube to encompass our whole cottage and garden so that anyone entering or within the confine is reenergized and protected.

In my grounding, I usually draw in light from the great central sun through the top of my head and down into the molten core of the earth. Then I allow the energy from the heart of Gaia to flow up into my body, purging away any impurities and then receding only to rise again clean and vibrant, up and out through the top of my head to the great central sun. I allow these energies to run through all of my chakras. Eventually, I draw the energy into my head and cap it off, then cap off the energy flowing from the earth.

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