Various Madonna Ministry Members give their views on What is Healing
I would speak of unconditional love, acceptance and prayers. I would explain what I call The Three I's (Integrity, Intention & Intuition) and how to work within that framework. When I give healing I always set my intent for the type of energy that I want to channel through, I step aside (become hollow bones) and connect with the 'source' and act as a pure channel for the healing energy of Spirit/God/Sai Baba/Creator/Quin Yin/Buddha/Jesus/or whatever and set the intent of "as much as needed, when it is needed, and when it is safe for the client" Always for the clients’ higher self, to take as much as wanted, when and how the client wants it.
While I have a theoretical understanding of what we believe to happen, during healing, I too prefer not to try to put it into language - I have never found language rich or intense or descriptive enough to even begin to verbalize it.
Explaining my type of healing to a newcomer Doctors usually try to improve people's health by a chemical change, e.g. a tablet, medicine, etc. This causes a reaction and alters the subtle energies to some extent. We try to effect this change by directly altering the energies surrounding the human body. First we attune with the patient, that is, vibrate in sympathy with them, so that we are working on the same level. We then link with a Higher Level (God, Universal Consciousness, whatever one wishes to call it) and bring healing energies down through our subtle levels, transform them to the frequency required by the patient, and project them into the patient.
Apart from the physical effort required (such as standing, bending, kneeling etc), the act of passing healing through us does not weaken us at all, in fact it actually strengthens us. If we do feel drained it is because we have not worked correctly. Sometimes, particularly when the healer feels particularly sympathetic, he uses his own dynamic energy. This way should be avoided, as it causes physical problems,. The intention of the healer should be that the best interests of the patient be served. This may be a cure, a worsening of symptoms, even death, or nothing (apparent) at all. The healer should remain neutral in expectations. Trying to influence the situation could result in disaster at different levels of the patient.
I cannot honestly say what I think healing is. It takes place I have a glimmer of understanding of the mechanism but do not why it is possible or why it takes place. My thought s on healing do not include magnetic healing which I feel is a psychic Phenomenon rather than "spiritual". If illness is governed by Karma then healing does not make sense to me. However my own feeling is that the need or use for Karma is no longer there so Karmic l was no longer need apply 'though it will take a long time for karma to work through our system. If we are responsible for our selves not other is healing interfering. I shall never know. I have to believe in an echelon in the know who I appeal to for guidance. I subject the healing process to my and the healees highest good subject it to "Thy Will" and my "thy Will" become my will. I cannot say who "Thy" applies too so please do not ask. I know some of my guides and helpers but are they "Thy?"
I feel healing enables us to express altruistic love and to connect with others. In encourages and engenders "interconnectedness". Brings us into our physical beings and into the now. I feel it is an important, if not an essential, step on the path of spiritual development and enlightenment. How it works? It is a modification of the healee's energy field, possibly the etheric bodies, which initiate changes in the physical body ( including emotions or so called mental illness). This is initiated by my intent but what the engine is I do not know. The better the intent and the less my ego is involved the more efficient the healing can be. This is one of the aspects that make me think that healing is to do with our own development as much as anything else. My own feeling is that the energy, heat felt, light seen and so on are psychic phenomena and separate from the healing process.
I sometimes deal with shadows and so on in the healee’s energy field. I do not think that this is healing though it is extremely beneficial especially in extreme cases. Finally I feel that most healing’s deal with the physical symptoms but not the energetic cause of them so illness will often manifest itself again as the same or another condition. To be permanent the energetic pattern of the healee has to change and I feel that this is to do with the healee rather than the channeller. Great healers can possibly change the healee’s pattern which is why they are great but there are not many of these.
The healing energy is God energy. I of myself do nothing except be a channel for this energy. Depending on the religious background of the "new healee" A person most likely would not come to me unless they felt that there was more than what they were experiencing. Therefore they would have a particular belief system of some perfection or solution to whatever their situation is. I reinforce the fact that God of course is perfect, love is perfect, and therefore this energy is perfect. This energy does not have the capacity to know what pain is, what hurt is, what illness is, what trouble is because if it did it wouldn't be able to be what it is. It is of pure love, God Power, which knows much better what is good for us to complete our purpose, and can guide, lead, and direct us in the best way possible.
I think it works because I believe that there is a part of everyone that is perfect, that is of God, and that by my recognising that fact for them they open up to this energy of perfection and their situation changes.
I would speak of love and prayer. When I give healing, I call on all the Beings who are willing to help me, and I pray and pray and pray that the recipient receives everything that they need for their journey home. I pour love into them, which I become increasingly filled with the more I pray.
While I have a theoretical understanding of what we believe to happen during healing, I prefer not to try to put it into language - I have never found language rich or intense or descriptive enough to even begin to verbalize what I say.
Question: Do you believe in the Creator God? or Do you believe in a Supreme Being? Do you believe in Energy? I should receive a few yes's with those questions if I were to proceed..... "All of creation is and comes from energy, from the stones, rivers, nature, animals, planets and humans everything, nothing is without energy. All has an energy source or they/it would not be." As, you may sense or feel the back of you neck prickle or the hair stand up on edge when you seem to be feeling a warning or fear. This too is energy.
To open yourself up to the Divine Spiritual Energy from your belief, be it Creator God, Supreme Being, etc..... I would ask you to open with a prayer, ask for the White Light to surround you and protect you, and in your prayer ask that you be open to receiving the energy from the highest source. The important part here is "White Light of Protection, and Highest Source of Energy from the Creator God, Supreme Being"
Place your hands a few inches apart and pretend you are holding a ball.... after a few moments.... move your hands out and in and begin to sense where the edge of the energy ball is. When you have been able to feel or sense it turn your hands towards your face and receive the healing energy, feel it on your face and ask some questions.... How does it feel? (Hot, cold, you don't know) (prickly, tingling and so on) Soon you will be able to discern when you have opened up to this energy and how you can apply it towards yourself, for personal healing, headaches, backaches, stomach and so on.
Then I would also ask if the individual had questions... before moving to a more complex topic of Spiritual Healing.
Explaining Spiritual Healing to a new healee.
After having ascertained whether or not the person has experienced Spiritual Healing before, I go on to explain first what it is and secondly exactly what I shall do and what they might experience.
I explain in somewhat the following way.
Your body has an energy field which radiates out around you. In some places this is stronger than others and it possible for me to sense with my hands how far out around you it is.
All around us, in the atmosphere, surrounding all things and available to all, is a stronger unlimited energy. It is called by different names by different groups of people and there are differing beliefs about where it comes from. The important thing is that it is there and the we are able to access it to supplement our own energy.
Healers learn how to get "in tune" with the Source of the energy so that they can draw it through themselves and then send it to the person who is coming for help. I get in tune quietly in my head by saying a silent prayer and asking that I may be used as a channel for healing.
The hands are used as both sensors and transmitters, sensors to find where the body energy is low, and transmitters to channel the "Universal or Divine " energy through to that area.
You the Healee, will absorb that energy and your body will use it in what ever way is best for you. It may be used for a physical improvement, it may change your feelings about the condition that you are experiencing, it may balance your emotions.
The healer cannot guarantee a particular result, but can guarantee there will be no side effects and that there will be some help at some level of your being. Being relaxed while receiving healing helps, so that is the starting point.
I then go on to explain exactly what I shall do. I say that after first working on the energy field, slightly off the body, I then sometimes touch very gently and ask if the person agrees to a light touch. I tell them how I shall indicate that the session is over. I also explain that they might feel heat, or coolness, an electric type of sensation, or that they may feel my right hand trembling. I also explain that they may not feel anything at all and that is ok.
I finally ask if they have any questions before I begin and answer them to the best of my ability. I then get on with Grounding, attuning, bringing in the light and asking permission and "do it"
Centering Techniques
Attuning Techniques
Grounding Techniques
Protection Techniques
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