Our Range
- Books
- Gifts
- Madonna Products and images
- Essences & Oils (Rose Oil)
- Inspirational Gifts and Cards
- Sai Baba Incense
- Artwork
- Custom made robes and stoles
- Rosaries & Icons
Welcome to the Madonna Ministry International Book Store
It is our aim to ‘showcase’ the talents from within the Madonna Ministry and to support our members and 'friends of the ministry'. All sales generated from this Book Store will benefit the Madonna Ministry. All merchandise sold through these pages means the author/artist will donate 10% back to the Ministry. Please mention to the author/artist/supplier that you found their goods from the Madonna Ministry International Book Store when placing your orders - so they know where the sale generated from.
You will place your orders with the Authors/Artists direct via their contacts below…….....happy shopping!
Together the Madonna Ministry is growing……. If you have a product that you think would suit being part of the Madonna Ministry International Book Store and would like to support us by a 10% donation on each item sold, then please contact:
Bishop Ann Williams-Fitzgerald with your details and proposal.
Please send a sample to:
Bishop Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
PO Box 105
Mackay Qld 4740

Work by our Bishops
Charles Sommer
Charles Sommer is a multi-national speaker, writer and author in the new field of Spiritual-Psychology. He is a healing facilitator, spiritual teacher, and a councilor for the World Federation of Healing.
Bishop Charles is also a Fellow of Religious Science, co-founder of the Free Church of Antioch, and Director of the Madonna Ministry. Charles takes the mystery out of the mysticism and teaches the value in understanding and choosing Divine Guidance through intuitive practices.
For more information on this work and other works by Bishop Charles Sommerclick here

Mei Lan Willis
Mei Lan is a 4th generation healer who has been trained in accupuncture and traditional Chinese health practices since an early age. She has been under the direct guidance and protection of the Madonna and the White Brotherhood for most of her life, and is now studying and practicing Tibetan Buddhism, Shamanic healings and soul retrieval, as well as Pleiedian Axiatonal dimensional gridwork. Mei Lan's energies are now devoted to her writing, teaching, and creating new essences. In her spare time, she loves sci-fi, bake pies, and talking to the ocean, trees and flowers.
The DragonStar Series were created for personal healing, protection and transformation. The original DragonStar Essence was created as a general all-purpose spray for relaxation, aura cleansing, healing and rejuvenation. This is our best selling and all-time customer favorite of all the DragonStar Essences. Some of our devoted customers report allergy relief, sinus relief, tension release, headaches relieved, insomnia lessened, and even helping to soothe cranky babies and their tired mommies. Uses: DragonStar Essence will anchor you within the light frequencies of the 12th Dimensions and the sacred number 12, it will replenish depleted prana, release negative influences and energies from your auric field, and raise your frequency to the levels of Joy, Love, and Compassion.
For more information on this work and other works by Bishop Mei Lan click here

Ann Williams-Fitzgerald PhD
Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald Professional Photographer, holds a PhD in Metaphysics. Ann is also an Independent Reiki Master Teacher/Trainer, Seichim Master Teacher, Crystal Therapist,Aromatherapist, Spiritual Healer of 15 years, Author of four books (Words of Guidance),(Wisdom of the Australian Animals Book & Card Set),(Auz Astrology),(The Keys to Successful Healing) and numerous magazine articles, Ann is a Spiritual & Professional Counsellor and channel for 'Son of White Cloud'.
Bishop Ann has a wide experience of life on many levels. Ann has over 29 years experience in metaphysics and healing work. Ann has always known that all knowledge is within ourselves. When we are in touch with our inner selves, we automatically become in touch with our guides. She sees her life as a journey of self-discovery, and has for many years pursued various methods of self development in order to achieve an understanding of herself and others. Ann, a clairvoyant, has been reading tarot for over 27 years both in Australia and overseas.
Click on the images above for more information on these works
For more information on this work and other works by Bishop Ann Williams-Fitzgerald:
click here 1.Inner Wisdom Centre
click here 2. Inner Wisdom Promotions
click here to order - Secure Site

Ashleea Nielsen
Ashleea Nielsen has extensive experience in connecting people to dolphins, whales and to each other. As the founder of the Dancing Dolphin Institute, she initiated the Dolphin Discovery program which for many years introduced people from all over the world to the marine life in the Hawaiian waters. Her work has been featured on radio and television.
Through Bishop Ashleea's nonfiction book Dolphin Tribe and audio cassette Dolphin Meditations she has facilitated many others to discover their own sacred inner dolphin connection.
For more information on this work and other works by Bishop Ashleea Nielsen click here
or visit her exciting new site
Dolphin Dreams

Nicole "Natasha" Christine
Nicole Christine (Natasha) is an ordained Bishop in the Madonna Ministry and
the Founding Administrator of the Madonna Ministry's Global Citizen University and a Celestial Earth Magdalene Priestess.
Works by Nicole "Natasha" Christine
Temple of the Living Earth
The Story of the Awakening of a Priestess to the World
My Ascension Journal
Earth Song Institute – Nicole Christine, Creatrix
Global Citizen University, Nicole Christine, Founding Administrator.
2211 E. Florence Drive
Arizona, USA 85719
Global Citizen University
PMB 229
2818 N. Campbell
Tucson, AZ 85719-2811
Contact Bishop Nicole Christine direct to order Email

Janeson Rayne
Janeson Rayne has three books -- "Don't Have A Cow! How To Thrive In A Post-Cow World," and The Intuition Ignition Mystic Path Manuals (a two book set).
For more information on this work and other works by Bishop Janeson Rayne click here

Sylvia Araya
South America
Sylvia Araya has Rose Oil to sell to members of our Congregation.
At the moment there is 5 and 10 ml. bottles and prices are :
5 ml (0,16 fl.oz.)........$US 30.00
10 ml (0,35 fl.oz.)........$US 55.00
Plus shipping/handling
Contact Bishop Sylvia Araya direct to order Email

Li Lan Chan
Li Lan Chan is consecrated Bishop of the Church of the Madonna Ministry.
She is a teacher and Representative of the Great White Brotherhood of Light in conjunction with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth and the Ascended Masters. She is also of the Office of the Christ and of the Office of the Mother of the Universe and of the World She is the Physical Aspect of the Eloha El-Lah-Rah ( Eloha being the singular of Elohim). She has been trained intensively by the " White Brotherhood " since 1993 to do what she calls her 'Connections ' work for individuals:
Axiatonal Connection to the earth : which connects a person's acupuncture meridians via the vibrational energy axiatonal lines to the vibratory grids of the earth.
Connection to the Divine Light of Gold : The Connection into The Divine Light of Gold allows the Healer to access that Physical energy of the Divine Light of Gold and channel it to enhance the healing modalities of All healing work - whether it be with people , animals, or earth energies and grid work.
For more information on this work and other works by Bishop Li Lan Chan click here
Contact Bishop Li Lan Chan direct to order Email
PO Box 3952
Sedona, Arizona 86340
phone (520) 203-9633

United Kingdom
Sashiva is consecrated Bishop of the Church of the Madonna Ministry.
Bishop Sashiva works almost exclusively with sound therapy using the Gong and Tibetan Bowls to help people to relax and let go of the things they no longer need and want and to open to their unique potential and life purpose.
She is available for individual sessions and she can be contacted through:
The Rainbow Light Centre, 46 Maynard Terrace, Clutton, Bristol BS39 4PW (01761) 453304
£12 for the CD or £8 for the tape.
Contact Bishop Sashiva direct to order Email or visit her exciting new site
Star Heart Website

David Adams runs the Marine Meditations in South Australia and was consecrated as a Bishop of the Madonna Ministry on South Molle Island on 28th April 2001.
Marine Meditation
"Healing the Oceans of the World"
You are Love. You are Light. You are ONENESS with ALL THAT IS. Embrace the Light within yourself. Embrace the Light within each other. For in Light and Love we create the Brotherhood of Healing.
PEACE, BLESSINGS, LOVE be with you all.
For more information on the work by Bishop David Adams
Marine Meditation Site or visit Three Fold Flame Site

Work by our Priests

Work by our Ministers
Demetri Dimas Efthyvoulos
Demetri Dimas Efthyvoulos is a healer, journalist, photographer and
speaker from Cyprus. He studied shamanism and green magic in the Amazon and
became a channel for a simple photographic innovation called "sidesight."
His work has been shown in photographic exhibitions and slide-presentations
in North and South America, Europe and Russia under the title: SPIRITS OF
Demetri holds photographic exhibitions and slide presentations by
invitation and his first book is now available.
He sells 12.5 X 16.5 in
(32 X 42 cm) colour prints from limited editions at prices ranging from $165
to $200 including postage. There are discounts on multiple orders. Payment
is by banker's cheque or international money order. These prints display
Mother Earth's mystical essence and make incredibly magical mandalas .
For more information on this work and other works by Rev Demetri Efthyvoulos click here

Charlene Littau Smith
Rev Charlene Littau Smith is a Psychic Healer. She uses her gifts to "psychically" see where clients are holding blocks that keep them from living life to their fullest potential. She has developed an innovative technique called "Energy Healing." Through Energy Healing she is able to assist clients to heal at emotional and spiritual levels. Several of her successes using this process include raising self-esteem, healing relationships, solving financial issues, and relieving chronic pain. She has a client base from coast to coast.
She was born and raised in Northern California, and now resides with her husband in Apex, North Carolina. She has been a Madonna Minister since 1997.
Contact Charlene Littau Smith direct to order Email

Work by 'Friends' of the Madonna Ministry
Sananjaleen June Hughes
There is a Garden in Northern Virginia named Sananda, where Nature
sings in harmony with human hearts and gifts her Essence to those in need.
This Essence is expressed as living lights of liquid love, bottled and
presented by Sananjaleen - in accordance with the Forces of Light,
as The Sananda Ascension Essences.
The Sananda Ascension Essences bring assistance in restructuring
and purifying our lives. Blessed by the Cosmic Forces in their expression
as Light Rays and Beloved Masters from the Great Central Sun, these plant
and mineral elixirs assist in quickening our existence and accelerating
our vibratory rate by activating sacred codings sealed within the inner
sanctuaries of our very being. Their transformational energy codes help
transmute unwanted patterns and anchor the higher vibrations, offering
strength and sustenance to our personal growth and inner knowing.
The Sananda Ascension Essences are for vibrational upliftment.
These flower and mineral elixirs are for the spiritual warrior who has
set firmly forth upon the path of Truth and Light. This warrior is beyond
the point of turning back, there is no way to go but on and yet - although
this warrior falters not, he does at times grow weary. These are the times
to avail himself of the powers of Nature, the essence of purity and perfection
offered by the plants and minerals of Sananda which sustain the spirit
in the soul's intensive longing for self mastery.
For more information on this work and other works by Sananjaleen June Hughes
click here

Barbara "Bobbi" Harris
Barbara Harris lives on the west coast of Florida with her husband, Chip. Together
they are the parents of nine children and eleven grandchildren.
"Bobbi" has been a Registered Nurse for over four decades. She recently was
awarded the coveted certification in Holistic Nursing. She also earned a Bachelor of
Arts degree in psychology, magna cum laude, and completed holistic studies and
certification as a Natural Health Care Practitioner and Massage Therapist. Her
graduate studies include diverse courses in transpersonal psychology, counseling
and mental health.
Barbara is a Reiki Master/Teacher and also has taught energy healing of Dr. Dolores Krieger, Therapeutic Touch, for the last decade and introduced Healing Touch(multi-cultural energy healing methods) into our communities. She has taught her own course Caring Touch for the Ill, Hospitalized or Dying to a local large hospital nursing staff and also to five hospices on the SW Coast of Florida.
For more information on this work and other works by Barbara “Bobbi’ Harris click here

Order BROTHERS OF THE GRAPE & BLESSED AMONG WOMEN by our Founder Rev Arnold Michael
"Brothers of the Grape" is the corner stone to our of our teachings.
"Blessed Among Women" is the cornerstone to our Church. The book is about the wondrous nature of God as Love expressing Itself through us as us as. As we willing choose to express Love, we raise raise our consciousness as both Mary and Jesus exemplify in this book. Goethe has stated: "The Eternal Feminine draws us upward." We can say that within us, the Divine Masculine chooses and the Divine Feminine performs.
The Madonna Ministry chooses Love as our path, our cornerstone and our mode of being.
For more information on these works and other works by Michael Arnold in USA contact Bishop Charles Sommer
or Nicole Christine at Global Citizen
University: Email Global Citizen University -USA
For more information on these works and other works by Michael Arnold in Australia contact:
Bishop Ann Williams-Fitzgerald or EMAIL Australia

Retail Section
Write to us for any special requests via our fax or via our email - our fax number is:
within Australia: 07 49 577505
International fax 61- 7- 49 577505

If you wish to write to us our address is:
Madonna Ministry International Book Store,
PO Box 105, Mackay, 4740.
Queensland, Australia.
Phone in Australia:- 07 49 577505
Fax in Australia:- 07 49 577505
International: 61 7 49 577505 Phone and Fax
Please consider signing our Guestbook
View Our Guestbook


You can Link your Web Site to our Madonna Ministry Networking Page

Please Make a Difference at these Sites
Breast Cancer
Hunger Site
Save the Rainforest
Second Rainforest Site
Save the Land
Child Survival Site
Kids Aid Site
Landmine Site
Clear Landmines
Save the Big Cats
Light the Peace Candle
Footprints you are leaving on the Earth
Sambusters - Hoax Viruses and other great info

Other Links
A Place of Inspiration - Madonna Ministry
Inner Wisdom Promotions
The Healing Summit 2000
Auz Vizions
Three Fold Flame
Inner Wisdom Centre for Spiritual Development
Email: ann@innerwisdom.com.au

Our thanks go to Cougar Woman for her wonderful snowglobes