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Bishop Mei Lan - USA

An ordained Madonna Minister and Priest since 1989, and current Bishop of the Madonna Ministry, an Initiate of the Eli Gatoga Good Medicine Society, Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor, member of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, editor of the Madonna Newsletter and past Health Editor of Face Magazine, teacher/writer/lecturer and Master Healer, Mei Lan White Wolf Star brings to her work and teachings a wide range of knowledge and experience with depth, compassion, and humor.

An incarnated Pleidian, Mei Lan White Wolf Star has spent the last 1000 years on the planet Earth in order to participate and contribute to the healing and raising of the frequencies on this plane at this time. In this current lifetime, she was born into her plan B family (plan A failed) - and is 4th generation healer in a family rich with clairvoyants, psychics, teachers, ministers, healers, artists, writers and creative people. At the age of six, she began to have visions and contact with her spirit guides - especially the Madonna and Archangel Michael, at eight began to receive precognitive dreams, at 15, began training in Chinese acupuncture with an aunt who was a mid- wife/ dentist/ acupuncturist. Under the direct guidance of The White Brotherhood, she was taught the many dimensions of healing through the use of sounds, colors, crystals, essences, Rays, Mandalas, universal grid work, and alternate-universe reality-integration. She began to channel Omna, a member of the White Brotherhood in 1985 as well as other member of the White Brotherhood including Mary, El Morya, St. Germaine and many of the Angelic Realm. Working with Thoth and the Eye of Horus, Mei Lan’s personal practices includes working for the Madonna and the Angelic Realm within her ministry, Tibetan Buddhism practices and meditations, shamanic journey work for Soul Retrievals, Depossession and Exorcisms; counseling therapies that includes Idenics, Metaphorical Healing of the Inner Child, Archetypal Meditations and Integration, drug & alcohol counseling; her healing work includes Pleidian Grid Work (Axiatonal) and anchoring the Light Frequencies of the 12th Dimension in our multi-dimensional universal grid work; and the most fun of all: conducting weddings in the Native American traditions. She is also working with hospitals as a consultant to integrate holistic and alternative healing modalities into their alopathic regimens. As well, through the guidance of Pleidian guides, she has created a series of 12th Dimension sprays that combine essential oils, flower essences and gemstone essences anchored to sacred numbers, mandalas special spirit guides. The use of these sprays help the healer to anchor Light in the higher frequencies and access other dimensions and alternate realities

Hi ~ Let me introduce myself

I am Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald Ph.D., Author, Photographer, Certified Independent Reiki Master Teacher Trainer & Metaphysical practitioner and I reside in the tropical, coastal city of Mackay, North Queensland, Australia with my husband, Greg Fitzgerald and my three cats.

I was born in state of Tasmania in 1953 [my father was a Polish refugee and a survivor from Auschwitz Death Camp liberation] , and in 1980 moved to Queensland. I have had a wide experience of life on many levels; my search for 'spiritual truth' started 40 year ago, at the age of 9 years, when I realized that not everyone was capable of having clear visions. I had taken it for granted that, all little girls had dreams about things that later happened. I have over 29 years experience in metaphysics and healing work. I have a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and a PhD in Philosophy of Holistic Counselling & Spiritual Healing and I am the author of three books and four card decks, and also writes for numerous magazines. I have been channelling 'Son of White Cloud' (a Native American) and others now for over 10 years.

Greg and I have traveled extensively over the past nine - (9) years teaching workshops and working quietly within the healing field in UK, Canada, USA and Australia. I attended and spoke at both the 1997 Monterey & 1998 Glastonbury CHN Healing Summits.
I have always known/felt that all knowledge is within us. When we are in touch with our inner selves, we automatically become in touch with our guides. I see my life as a journey of self-discovery, and have for many years pursed various methods of self-development in order to achieve an understanding of others and myself. I am also a clairvoyant, and have been reading Tarot for over 27 years both here in Australia and Overseas, I have tried to help many of my clients find their true path in life. Over many years I have acquired a following that literally spans the globe.

I am also a Professional & Spiritual Counsellor (I hold a Diploma of Professional Counselling from the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors (AIPC). I am also a Crystal Therapist and a member of the Australian Spiritual Healers Association Qld Inc (ASHA), Universal Association of Metaphysical Practitioner Inc. (NZ), Vibrational Medicine Society of Australasia, National Federation of Healers Inc (NFH) and the World Federation of Healing(WFH-UK). I am also a qualified Aromatherapist holding a Diploma with Honours in Aromatherapy and is a full member of the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) and I am also a qualified Seichim Master, and a practitioner of Gem and Shell Essences and a member of the Australian Photographic Society.

In 1988, I was, one of the innovators in Australia to market the concept of bright and inviting ‘New Age Gift’ stores, I set up in Mackay, the first of my 6 stores in the successful retail chain called ‘The Mystic Connection’. In April 2000 I sold the last of my stores, the original Mackay outlet, because in the past 7 years, I have felt drawn away from retailing and the business world, and now concentrate on teaching, writing, photography, healing and offering guidance to those who seek me out. I am also busy with teaching Photography & Darkroom Techniques as well as working in my metaphysical field. I have now set up my current business called Auz Vizions Photographics.

In August 2000 I co-ordinated the Healing Summit 2000 on South Molle Island for Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre and Creative Health Network.
My private websites are Inner Wisdom Centre for Spiritual Development and Inner Wisdom Promotions
I have been a volunteer healer with DHN and HealAPet for the past five years and a current member of the Madonna Ministry since 1997, I was consecrated as a Bishop into the Ministry in 1998 at Bournemouth in the UK. I was the fourth Bishop to enter the Ministry.

Love, Light, Laughter & Rainbows of Healing Butterflies
Ann ~ Director of the International Madonna Ministry Star Council Madonna Ministry Yahoo Groups Moderator Email

Bishop Ashleea Nielsen - USA

Ashleea Nielsen has extensive experience in connecting people to dolphins, whales and to each other. As the founder of the Dancing Dolphin Institute, she initiated the Dolphin Discovery program which for many years introduced people from all over the world to the marine life in the Hawaiian waters. Her work has been featured on radio and television.

BISHOP SASHIVA based near Glastonbury in England. my website

I have always been passionate about helping people and making the planet a better more ecological place to live. This led me to train as a social worker in 1973, and for many years I developed my therapeutic counselling and group work skills working in a variety of jobs, doing therapy with children and families. This culminated in working for the NSPCC for 7 years where I was able to develop a therapeutic counselling service for adults with abuse related issues. Along the way I gained skills in yoga, massage and Tai Chi, and realised that Healing had more to offer people that politics or therapy.
In 1990 I was fortunate to train as a healer with Jesa Macbeth. Jesa was a fantastic teacher who taught me a large part of what I know about healing, working with the goddess, and creating ceremony and ritual. And then one day I was working in the Healing field at the Glastonbury festival when I met Gandiva Lorcan and his symphonic Gong. The angels showed me some of the potentials of sound to deepen the healing process and to facilitate vibrational shifts, and the sounds: well, they are just heavenly, and still never fail to take me to the centre of Unity Consciousness. Soon I had bought my own Gong.
Then began a journey where I am beginning to have the humility and the sensitivity to realise and use the huge gifts that spirit channels to me and through me. A huge collection of Tibetan bowls arrived through the great blessings of Lama Gangchen, my beloved Tibetan Healing Master, which I can sell to people who need them. I also have made a healing CD of the Gong available through my website or the MM bookstore.

I began to realise that in getting a Gong I had taken on a mission. The Gong in the hands of a healer, sounds a wake up call and accelerates the healing process of those fortunate enough to hear it. It is great in ceremony, especially weddings and ordinations, and it acts as a huge amplifier for thought and intent. So I have had to become a shaman, working hard to dispel my ignorances, to cultivate inner peace and joy, and to be clear and have great integrity about my intent. My body is still trying to catch up with the sounds and my self healing path of becoming more grounded, has led me to train as an initiated Integral Yoga Teacher and to work with the supremely profound teachings of Swami Satchidananda who recently passed into Mahasamadhi three weeks after I was privileged to meet him.
My mission of cultivating, grounding and spreading inner peace, and bringing people together through sound, continues to take me on an astonishing journey where I meet some amazing people and visit some stunning places. I have also recently developed my healing skills by taking training in vortex healing, which is an amazing healing art that seems to be able to shift some really serious illnesses.
So as a very classical Gemini, I am multi-talented and offer many services and skills appropriate to the needs of those who cross my path or seek me out. Since being ordained in 1997 at the World Healing Summit in Monterey, and progressing through the Madonna Ministry my relationship with the Goddess energy has deepened and much of my work seems to be about developing better balance between the Divine Female and Male energies. I feel greatly blessed when I am able to act as a channel for Mary or one of the ascended Masters or Angels. If you feel drawn to contact or work with me I hope that I will be able to serve you.


Website maintained by Bishop Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Madonna Ministry International Star Council
© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Reproduction in any form is prohibited!
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