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The Box
by: Kelly

[Disclaimer:  Don't sue me, I'm just borrowing the boys for my story
and I promise I won't keep them, well maybe Ezra.  This is for pure
entertainment and writing practice, so chill.]


The three men raced their horses into the town, one rider voicing
his exhilaration as they neared the stables.  The chestnut
stallion and gray pulled ahead of the paint and came to a stop
just outside the huge stable doors causing a small tornado of
dust to billow up around the horse's hooves.   Both men grinned
back at the young man who pulled up moments later, humbled
annoyance showing on his boyish visage.

JD began to voice his displeasure at the outcome of the race, choking
on the swirling dust.  "Sorry JD, you know the rules, loser takes
care of the horses,"  Buck laughed as he dismounted his gray gelding,
proudly patting the horse's massive neck.

Ezra came up to the young Mr. Dunne, who remained on his horse,
and handed him his reins.  "Mr. Dunne my horse likes to partake
in a little sugar and a good brushing after a long hot ride."  An
amused glint sparkled in the gambler's jade-green eyes.  JD snatched
the reins and glared at the smart-mouthed southern.  Buck tried to hold
his amusement as he in turn handed JD his reins.

"We'll meet you in the nearby saloon, Mr. Dunne,"  Ezra added,
not keeping the humor out of his own voice as he brushed dust off
his red jacket.

"Don't take to long, JD you're buying the first round," Buck called

JD sneered as he dismounted.  "I'll get even with you two," he
shouted back at Ezra and Buck's retreating backs.

Ezra raised a hand without turning around.  "We look forward to
it, Mr. Dunne," he replied.  Buck slapped Ezra on the back as
he let out a laugh.

JD shook his head a small smile turning the corners of his mouth.
He led the three horses into the stables.

The three peace officers had decided to stop in River Falls
before returning to Four Corners.  They were returning after
delivering a couple prisoners for trial in Cedar Ridge and
unanimously came to the decision that they deserved a little
recreation and since they weren't due back until late tomorrow,
what would be the harm?

Ezra had felt good this trip, especially with the camaraderie he
now shared with Buck and JD, who he was feeling more and more
comfortable with.  It had been six months since fate had
seen fit to throw seven distinct individuals together, the only common
denominator between them being an over abundance of pride and
stubbornness.  It had taken Ezra longer than the rest to find his
place within the eclectic group of gunslingers and even now he still
found it hard to break from a life time of conning and lying.  He had
been taught to rely on number one, which made it hard to trust
others, but slowly a bond was formed between the seven men and Ezra
knew he could trust them with his life as they could trust him.  Buck
and him had grown especially close.  Buck had actually shown Ezra what
it was like to have a brother.

Buck and Ezra entered the lively saloon, Ezra immediately joining
a poker game as Buck headed towards a pretty blond bar maid
standing on the second floor balcony overlooking the crowd.  Ezra
noticed how the woman eyed Buck seductively and shook his head,
never understanding the attraction that women seemed to have for
the boorish cowboy.  Now, he wasn't lacking in the feminine persuasion
department and many a times both him and Buck found themselves in
competition over the opposite sex, but where Buck relied on his crude
wit and handsome physique.  Ezra used his southern charms and handsome

Buck had smoothly stepped up behind the petite young woman,
removing his hat and smoothing down his mustache.  The blond
didn't acknowledge the virile cowboy at first.  After a moment,
she turned slowly around leaning back against the railing a faint
smile coming to her face.  She looked the ruggedly handsome man
up and down not hiding her pleasure at what she saw, something
that Buck was very familiar and comfortable with.  Her long
blond hair ran down to the middle of her back and was pulled
back and held with a large red ribbon.  She wore a red and black
spaghetti strapped dress that revealed her ample cleavage.  A black
lacy shawl covered her slim, milky white shoulders.

"What can I do for you, cowboy?" Her voice was like a soft breeze with
a hint of rustling leaves and Buck started thinking of answers to
her question, most of which he couldn't verbalize in public.

Ezra glanced up from his seat to see the gregarious cowboy making
his usual demonstrative moves on the fairer sex and grinned.
His attention was brought back to the table as another player
folded leaving only himself and another nicely dressed gentleman,
who Ezra knew was cheating.  The only reason he didn't call him
on it as he laid down his full house aces high, was that he
cheated better.  Ezra raked in the pot under the glare of the
man's gray eyes.

Buck was so enthralled with the young blond woman that he failed
to notice a rather large, thick-necked looking man come up behind
him until he heard the gravelly voice.

"Hey, fellow that's my woman!"

Buck waved him away without turning around, keeping his attention
on the pretty young woman who laid a hand on his waist.  "There's
plenty of women, go find someone else."   Buck ran a finger down
the woman's soft cheek.

The slovenly man grabbed Buck by the shoulder and spun him
around.  Before Buck could voice or show his annoyance the
man's fist connected with his jaw sending the bewildered cowboy
somersaulting down the stairs.  Ezra heard the crash and looked
up to see Buck tumbling down the stairs.  "Awww hell," he
muttered and stood up only to have a revolver pointed in his face
by the gentleman who had just lost to him.  Ezra quickly grabbed
the man's arm twisting and slamming it down upon the table causing the
gentleman to wince.  Ezra then ejected his derringer into the
surprised man's face.

Ezra looked up momentarily to see how Buck was.  He had reached
the bottom and was rubbing his head as he sat up, Ezra could see
that his friend appeared to be in one piece.   From across the
room another man raised his gun unnoticed and fired striking Ezra
in the forearm. He yelped and grabbed his arm trying to stop the
bleeding as he went down on one knee.  Buck rushed to his side
just as the Sheriff appeared with two deputies, both with guns
drawn.  The Sheriff was a middle aged man with salt and pepper
hair.  He had a slight paunch and his face was pockmarked giving
him a puffy look, like someone who had found themselves in
confrontation with a swarm of bees.  Buck noticed how quiet the
saloon had become when the Sheriff entered.  He could heard
Ezra's quick gasps as he tried to gain control over the pain.
Buck grabbed a rag off one of the bar maids trays and tied
off Ezra's arm as the sheriff and his deputies approached them.
A smile on the Sheriff's face sent a shiver of dread down Buck's spine.

It was usually Ezra or Vin who could read people, but the Sheriff
was like an open book and even JD would have been able to see
that this man was dangerous.

"Okay you two, you're under arrest," he bellowed.

"What? We didn't do anything.  That belly draggin' son of a whore
up there threw me down the stairs and someone shot him," Buck
yelled helping Ezra to his feet.  The two deputies came over and
stripped the men of their weapons as Buck stood unbelieving.
What was going on here?  He had been to this town before about a
year ago, but this Sheriff and his deputies weren't here then.
Buck hoped that JD didn't suddenly appear or things could get
ugly in a hurry.

"What is the charge?" Ezra managed to ask through gritted teeth.

"Disturbing the peace," the Sheriff sneered a crooked smile on
his puffy face.

"You have got to be kidding," Ezra said. "Why don't you ask some
of these good people here what happened?"

The Sheriff glanced around the bar.  Buck and Ezra didn't fail to
notice how everyone turned from this man's glance.  The Sheriff
called out to a man dressed in a short dark coat and black pants.

"Harold! What happened?"

A slow smile formed on Harold's gaunt face and Ezra bowed his
head in defeat.

"That one," he pointed towards Buck.  "Was bothering a waitress
and the gambler pulled a gun on Mr. Hanson."  The Sheriff looked
over to Mr. Hanson who had resumed his seat at the poker table.
He also smiled and raised his beer to the Sheriff.

"Well, I'm satisfied," the Sheriff announced.
Ezra's head came up, his green eyes narrowed as he stepped
forward.  "This is a gross miscarriage of justice..."  Buck put a
hand on Ezra's shoulder to stop him from continuing, he had a bad
feeling about this.

The deputies prodded their guns into Ezra and Buck's back forcing
them out of the saloon.  As they left they failed to witness
the man who had thrown Buck down the stairs hand the young blond woman
several bills which she stuffed down the front of her dress then
ascended the stairs to the upper rooms.  The Sheriff nodded
towards Harold who leaned against the bar, smiled and returned to
his beer.

Tables were quickly righted and blood was moped up, everyone
resumed their normal activities like nothing had happened.
A few moments later JD entered, his brow furrowed as he saw no
sign of Buck or Ezra.  He had taken his time with the horses
giving them a little extra care since he felt they deserved it.
He didn't think Buck would leave without telling him where he was
going.  He thought maybe he had already made a conquest, but
Ezra would still be at the poker tables.  JD removed his bowler
and ran his hand through his long dark hair in confusion.  A
petite dark hair girl who was trying to appear older than she
probably was sidled up to the cute gunslinger sliding her arm
through his.  She smiled at his flustered expression.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"  She quietly asked running
her hand down JD's arm causing goose bumps to climb up his arm and
his face to flush.

"Ah, I'm looking for two friends of mine,"  he stammered,
pretending he was still searching the room for his friends, but
stealing glances of the petite girl.  JD saw the girl's face drop
and her eyes dart around the bar room.  She grabbed him by the
arm and dragged him out the swinging doors and down a nearby
alley way, looking over her shoulder the whole time.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He finally shouted pulling his arm free
of her grasp.

The girl put her hands on JD's chest, he could see the fear
in her large dark eyes.  "Listen, forget about your friends."

"What!  do you know where they are?" JD asked trying to keep the
growing panic out of his voice.

"Sheriff Durham took them in for disturbing the peace," she
explained to the young gunslinger.

JD relaxed and chuckled slightly, he couldn't believe it. He had
been gone for thirty minutes and they had managed to get in
trouble, it had to be a record.  He'd never let Buck live this
down.  "Well, I'll just go and bail 'em out," JD intoned with
amusement starting to walk away.

The young girl grabbed his arm stopping him.  "No, you don't
understand.  The charges are bogus.  It was a setup."  The girl
flashed frightened eyes down the alley afraid that someone would
come down at any minute and see her talking to the young

"What?" JD ran his hand through his long dark hair trying to figure
out what was going on.  He thought maybe Buck had put this girl up to
this, but the look in her eyes showed him she was really scared.

"The Sheriff arrests men to use out on his ranch and farm to
clear land and plant.  No one ever returns," she explains.

"Well Miss, your Sheriff picked the wrong men to arrest," JD said.
The Sheriff didn't know what kind of trouble he just bought

"If you go over there you'll end up just like your friends. The
Sheriff has to many men and he's to powerful."

JD stopped to think, he knew many of his rash acts had ended with
the Seven coming to his rescue and saving his butt.  He realized
if he was taken too there would be no one to tell the others.  JD
decided that he needed to get help if he was to save his friends
and with this thought he realized he had grown up quite a bit in
the past few months.  He now knew when to ask for help and to
stop trying to prove himself.

"I won't have to, I have friends who will stop him," JD stated
placing his bowler back on his head.  Before he turned to leave
he asked, "Why are you helping me?"

The young girl's hazel eyes came up and stared into JD's brown
ones.  She gave JD a kiss.  "Because you're cute and I hate what
the Sheriff is doing."   The smile left her face as she
remembered something.  "You better hurry, your friend, the fancy
dressed one was wounded.  The wounded never last long."

JD ran back to the stables and moments later came galloping out
heading back to Four Corners, he only hoped he wouldn't be to

Buck and Ezra were thrown into the only cell and were the only
prisoners.  Buck ripped up the sheet which laid on the single
cot.  Ezra sat down and leaned back against the wall as Buck took
off the blood soak cloth that he had put on in the bar and
checked the wound.  Luckily, the bullet had gone clean through.
He wrapped up the wound finding that the bleeding had finally
stopped.  Ezra hissed as Buck tighten the bandage.

"I don't suppose you know what's transpiring here, Mr.
Wilmington?"  Ezra asked with closed eyes.  The throbbing in his
arm easing slightly.

"Your guess is as good as mine."  Buck went up to the bars and
peered out, he could see the sheriff and his deputies in a
conversation in the outer room.  He didn't like the feel of this.
He must be spending too much time with Vin and Ezra they were
rubbing off on him he thought inwardly.

"It doesn't appear that this cell has seen much in the way of
prisoners," Ezra casually remarked noticing several cobwebs which had
formed in the corners of the cell and the thin layer of dust on
the slab floor which he absently scuffed.

The sheriff and his deputies broke from their conversation and
approached the cell door where Buck stood arms crossed over his
chest.  The Sheriff ignored Buck's obvious disgust.

"Gentlemen, I'm Sheriff Durham.  Now, your stay here could be
unpleasant or down right miserable.  You can do your time with
little trouble then get out."

Buck regarded the Sheriff with a sardonic grin.    "Sheriff..."
Buck began until Ezra jumped in interrupting what he feared Buck
was about to say.

"And how much time are we talking about?"  Ezra ventured to ask.
The Sheriff turned to his men.  "Oh, I haven't decided yet."

The Sheriff grabbed the keys from off the wall and unlocked the
cell door.  The two deputies, who looked almost like brothers with
the same dirty blond hair and slim build, held their guns on the
two men.  "Okay, lets go," Sheriff Durham ordered.

"Where are we going?" Ezra ventured to ask.

"Out to the work farm where all my prisoners go."  The Sheriff
eyed the gambler hoping he would get some decent work out of him.

"What!  We haven't even had a trial yet or talked to a lawyer,"
Ezra angrily replied not liking the idea of a work farm.

"Oh, we do things a bit differently here."  The Sheriff motioned
with his gun for the two men to step out.  One of the deputies
quickly slapped handcuffs on both men.  Ezra could see the black
prison wagon out front.

Buck was shoved in first then one of the deputies grabbed Ezra's
injured arm and squeezed disappointed when he didn't get a
reaction.  When the door slammed shut, Ezra released the
breath he was holding and clenched his jaw at the pain that ran
up his arm.  Buck checked the wound making sure it hadn't started
bleeding.  The wagon started, throwing the men back slightly.

"Ezra, I think we're in a world of trouble."  Buck sat with his
knees bent up to his chest.  Ezra held his arm trying to peer out
the four inch slit in the side of the wagon.

"We can only hope that Mr. Dunne discovers what has happened and
wisely goes for help."

It was only about half an hour when the wagon finally came to a
stop, which was none to soon.  The midday sun had turned the black
prison wagon into a sweltering oven.  The heat sapped the strength from
both men and as they were forced out had to grab hold of each
other for a moment for support.  They were in placed in front of a low,
wooden structure, which looked like an army barracks of some type.
Six other men of various ages were lined up in front of it.  Buck
and Ezra were shoved over to the end of the line.  They looked
down as one of the deputies came and put leg shackles on them
then removed their handcuffs and coats.

"Shit, that was my best jacket," Ezra complained.

Buck noticed how dejected the men in line looked and wondered how
long they'd been here.  None of them said a word and they kept
their eyes down as the Sheriff paraded past. He stopped in the
center of the eight shackled men slapping a riding crop against
his leg.  "Okay, we have some new recruits, you all better
enlighten them on the rules of survival here.  You do your work
and you live."  A buckboard wagon pulled up behind the Sheriff.

The eight shackled men were ushered onto the wagon which traveled
about two miles up a dirt trail which then opened up onto a rocky
field.  The sun was already heading for the horizon, but its
heat refused to release its hold on the day.

The eight men were forced out and handed shovels and hoes.  Five
men, three on horseback all armed, watched every move.  Buck and
Ezra followed the other prisoners methodical moves.  They stopped
and watched as the six other men began breaking up the hard soil
and unearthing rocks.   Some were directed over to some
uncompleted wooden fencing.  A shot at Buck and Ezra's feet
broke their reveries and they began to work.

A blond hair man who appeared older than he probably was sidled
up to Buck.  He continued to work and whispered out the side of
his mouth. "Listen, you work and you eat and you're not punished
and maybe you'll live long enough to escape."

"How long have you been here?" Buck asked using a shovel to dig
up a large rock which Ezra grabbed and pulled out.

"About three months I've been here the longest,  most either die
or they disappear when they can no longer work."  The nervous man
looked around quickly then added, "I'm Cole."  He nodded towards a
black man who dug a few feet away.  "That's my partner, Thomas."

"Well friend, I'm Buck this is Ezra and we don't plan on being
here that long, we have friends who will come for us."

"Sheriff Durham has six heavily armed men here and several more
in town who get him fresh workers.  He uses us as free labor for
his ranch."

"What did they get you for?" Ezra asked wiping his sleeve across his
sweat covered brow.

Cole hung his head and chuckled.  "For being nice to a bar maid."
Ezra glanced up at Buck who closed his eyes in disgust.  Someday
he'd learn to not always trust a female. "Thomas tried to stand
up for me and they got him too.  Everyone here has a some kind of
bogus charge.  No one sees a lawyer or even a judge."

A shot threw dirt up at the three men's feet.  "Get to work!"

Buck glared at the snarling guard until Ezra placed his hand on
his shoulder.  "Now is not the time Mr. Wilmington,"  Ezra

Cole drifted away as Buck and Ezra continued working.  Ezra
grimaced at the ache in his arm.  The prisoners were forced
to work for hours as the sun slowly slipped down towards the horizon.
Buck stopped to wipe the sweat from his brow, licking his dry
lips.  He looked to Ezra and noticed, for someone who avoided
menial labor he could work pretty hard with the right motivation.
Buck smiled inwardly thinking that a bullet was pretty persuasive for
anyone.  Ezra leaned upon his hoe his whole arm now throbbing in
at its use.

An elderly man faltered and fell to his knees a couple feet from
Buck who stepped over and took his arm helping him up.  The man
looked up at the helpful gunslinger and smiled until he sees the
guard over Buck's shoulder glaring at him.  Buck can feel the
guard's eyes upon his back.

"Are you okay?"  Buck asked ignoring the guard behind him. Ezra
tensed, fearful for his friend.  The old man patted Buck's
steadying hand.

"Thank you, son."  Buck released his hold and turned to face the
guard whose booted foot shot out striking him on the chin and
knocking him to the ground.  Ezra rushed to his side as fast as
his chained legs would allow.  Buck glared up at the guard
rubbing his chin.

"Stop loafing and get to work," the guard sneered nudging his
horse away.  Ezra gave Buck a hand up.

"You okay, Mr. Wilmington?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Buck said as he continued to glare at the
guard rubbing his sore chin.

Something catches Ezra's eye and he casually kneels down
appearing to pick up a rock he brushes dirt away to reveal
a two inch piece of barb wire.  He smiles as he palms it.

As night finally descends the men are ushered back into the wagon
and returned to the barracks.  They had been given very little
food or water throughout the long hot day and both Buck and Ezra
were feeling the effects.   They were marched into the long, low
building.  A single lantern illuminating twelve bunk beds which
lined the walls, most with nothing more than a thin mattress to
sleep on.  Buck and Ezra grabbed two nearby bottom bunks.  Ezra
winced and grabbed his arm as he laid his aching and tired body
down not even minding the dirty state of the mattress.

"Let me take a look at your arm, Ezra," Buck demanded.

Ezra sat up as Buck joined him on the bunk he helped Ezra ease
out of his shirt and sees that the wound had bled slightly.  "We
need to clean that somehow."

The rest of the prisoners had already retired to their bunks and
several soft snores resounded through the building.  Ezra removed
the piece of metal from his waist band and held it up.

"What's that?"  Buck could just barely make out the piece of wire
Ezra rolled between his fingers.

"Our salvation, Mr. Wilmington, our salvation."

"Why don't we just wait until the others come and rescue us."

"Because Mr. Wilmington, if our captors discover we are peace
officers out of Four Corners I wouldn't give good odds on our

Buck hadn't thought of that, then understood why Ezra had stopped
him in the cell from revealing who they were.  What the sheriff
was doing was illegal.   Buck knew that no one left here alive.
If it was discovered who they were it would leave the Sheriff no
choice but to dispose of them quickly.  Buck and Ezra sat up part
of the night discussing their plans.  They decided to wait to the
last minute to tell the others, since they didn't know who they
could trust.   Desperate and broken men did many things in
captivity in order to survive.


At the crack of dawn the men were rousted back into the wagon.
They were given a small drink of water and a piece of stale

Ezra's arm throbbed and he realized he had a slight fever,
but he kept silent, he didn't want to worry Buck.  He planned on
picking the locks on everyone's shackles during their mid morning
break.  Hopefully, they would be able to get the jump on the
guards.  It was a risky plan, but one they needed to take.

The men were again forced to clear the rocky field preparing it
for planting in the spring.  Ezra only noticed three guards
watching over them.  A whistle blew and the men dropped their
tools and moved over to the wagon where they were given a cup of
water and another slice of bread.

"Your menu has alot to be desired, sir," Ezra sneered at the
guard who was handing out the food.

The eight men sat in the only shade of several nearby trees.
About thirty yards away stood a dense woods with a slight drop
off to a stream.  Ezra and Buck felt if they could make it there
they would have a chance.  Ezra gave his bread to one of the
other prisoners who looked like he could use it more than him.
Buck shifted his body placing himself in front of Ezra who pulled
out the piece of wire.  It took only a second for the
multi-talented cardshark to unlock his shackles, which totally
amazed Buck.  He quickly proceeded to free Buck then the others.
The men were scared and beaten almost to the breaking point, but
when Ezra unlocked their shackles it brought renewed hope to
their faces.

"Okay everyone when I say run everyone scatter and head for the
trees,"  Buck explained.  Him and Ezra had planned on staying
together and only separating if there was no other choice.  Buck
knew Ezra was weak from blood loss and the poor diet they were
forced to live on.  Ezra still believed he could hide his
feelings behind his infamous poker face, but Buck had learned to
read that face from time to time.

The plan almost worked.  The guards came over to the men to
get them on their feet, they hadn't noticed that they no longer
were shackled due to the long grass.  Buck and Ezra easily took
out two of the guards, the others grabbed the third throwing him
against a tree and knocking him unconscious.  The eight men raced
across the field, but stopped as several gun shots tore dirt up
in front of them.  Three more guards appearing from behind the

The prisoner's hands were tied in front of them and they were
all ponied to the back of the wagon.  Ezra and Buck helped
several stay on their feet as they were forced to run behind the wagon
all the way back to the barracks.   Sheriff Durham approached.
He glared at the eight men who were forced to stand in line, gasping
and exhausted,  fighting to stay on their feet.

"Now, who picked the locks on the shackles?"  The Sheriff held
one of the opened shackles in his hands.

No one said a word.

"Okay have it your way, ten lashes for everyone and no dinner."

Ezra was about to step forward when a low voice from down the
line rose up.  "I did it!"  Ezra turned a stunned face to look at
Cole who had just admitted to the escape attempt.  Then he heard
another voice and this time his heart sank.

"I did it," Buck admitted.

Ezra bowed his head at Buck's foolhardy admission.  Then Ezra
heard others also admitting to his act.  Ezra couldn't believe
it, these men were trying to protect him.  Five men admitted to
the escape attempt.

Ezra was not about to let someone else take the blame or credit
for his foolhardy endeavor.  He removed the piece of metal from
his waist band and threw it at the Sheriff's feet who looked down
at it then gave Ezra a baneful smile.  He motioned for his guards
to take him.  Buck lunged out trying to stop them.  One of the
guards brought the butt of his rifle into Buck's stomach forcing
the air out of his lungs and bringing Buck to his knees.  He still
to stand and go after Ezra, but some of the other prisoners
grabbed him saving him from further abuse.

Ezra was led to a weathered post in the center of the compound.
His hands were then tied above his head.

"Since you all saw fit to protect this man, you all can be witness
to his punishment," Sheriff Durham stated, staring at Buck whose
fists were clenched in helpless rage.

A large guard appeared carrying a huge braided bull whip.  The
Sheriff came up to Ezra and took hold of his jaw forcing him
to look at him.  "You think you're pretty smart, pretty boy, eh?"

"Smarter than you, you sadistic son of a bitch."  Ezra couldn't
believe he had used such profanity, but he was scared.  A cold
sweat had broken out all over his body.  He closed his eyes and tried
to control the panic that threatened to overwhelm him.

The Sheriff smiled and grabbed Ezra's wounded arm squeezing until
the blood flowed freely.  Ezra bit back the scream refusing to give
this man any more sick pleasure.  Durham soon lost interest and turned
away waving his hand at the large guard who stepped forward.
"Proceed with the punishment."

Ezra heard the crack of the whip next to him and tensed in dread
of the pain to come.  His face rested on the rough post and he
closed his eyes.

The whip licked at his back tearing at the tender flesh.  Ezra's biceps
bulged as he tried to pull up and away.  The whip came again
across his shoulders, it only lasted a second, but the pain burned
into his brain.  Another lash came over his right shoulder, he could
feel the skin being ripped open.   Buck winced every time the whip
struck at Ezra's back, he wanted to scream out for him as Ezra had
refused to make a sound.

The prisoners were forced to stand in the early afternoon heat to watch
Ezra's tortured body twitch in unconscious pain as the last of
the lashes was administered.  Buck's cheeks were streaked with tears as

he looked upon Ezra's bloodied back.  His shirt in tatters soaked in
his blood.  Ezra's head rested on his left shoulder.  The ropes
cutting into his wrists as his body hung limp.

Tears clouded Buck's vision as he watched two deputies go over to
Ezra's limp body and cut him down.   His chin fell to his chest,
as they dragged him over to a small black box which sat a few
feet away.   Buck had not noticed the strange cube object until
now.  It was barely big enough for a man to sit up in.   Buck
stared in fear as Ezra was forced inside the small box.

"You're going to kill him!" Buck cried out.  Sheriff Durham came
up to Buck slapping the riding crop across his barreled chest
causing Buck to flinch.  Two guards aimed rifles at the mustached
cowboy keeping him back.

"That's the idea," he sneered.  "I can't allow a troublemaker to
stir things up I'm going to make an example of him."

Everyone was forced back into the barracks.  Buck went to one of
the small windows and stared out at the black box in the compound.
Cole came over and placed a hand on Buck's shoulder.

"Why did you all try and protect Ezra?"  Buck asked his eyes still
on the box.

"Because Buck, both of you gave us the first glimmer of hope that
any of us have had in months."

"How long can he last in there?"

Cole bowed his head and sadly replied,  "Most don't last more than
two days, and your friend was not in good shape."

Buck continued to look out the window staring at the black box
even as night fell.

Ezra jerked awake gasping for breath.  He didn't know where he was,
the pain of his tortured back and arm being of more concern.
His knees were bent up almost to his chest.  He was slouched down,
his shoulders resting against the hot metal.  He could feel the
box getting hotter, the air stifling.  He fingered the only two
holes in the top allowing what little air and light could force
its way in.   He hoped Buck was alright. Ezra tried to remain
conscious, but the suffocating heat and his weaken body was too much
he succumbed to blissful unconsciousness.

As night came the box cooled and Ezra regained consciousness striking
his head on the ceiling of his restrictive  prison.  The darkness was
almost as suffocating as the day's heat.  He felt alone and very
vulnerable.  He knew he had lost a lot of blood as his shoulders and
back stuck to the floor and wall of his small prison.  He tried to
keep his breathing even and maintain control.  His muscles were
with being in the same positions for so long.  With night Ezra couldn't

even have the slight comfort of the two holes which allowed some light
and air in.  It was like he was in a empty void, he couldn't hear a
sound, but his own labored breathing.

Faces appeared, seeming to float in front of him.  At first it was
jovial, mustached face, grinning at him, then JD and Chris, Ezra
slightly.  His fever climbed and tremors began to take control of his
He wrapped his arms around himself.   The faces distorted into the
disapproving countenance of his mother and cruel sneer of his uncle.
Ezra tried to shake away the visions, trying to hold on to his sanity.

He saw himself moving towards the edge of a cliff trying to stop
from going over.  He heard his uncle's laughter the same laugh he heard

as a child when his uncle beat him.  He looked down from the top of the

cliff into a foggy abyss, he continued to fight as his foot slipped
the edge.  Ezra screamed as he felt himself falling.

Buck bolted up in bed striking his head on the upper buck.  He
didn't know what woke him at first until he heard the scream and
his blood ran cold.

The next morning everyone was once again shackled and forced onto
the wagon.  Buck hadn't gone back to sleep he listened as Ezra screamed

and ranted for two hours before becoming silent.   All day  Buck toiled
under the relentless sun, ignoring his aching muscles and the hunger in

his belly.  His thoughts only of Ezra hoping the others came soon.


The five gunslingers rode into River Falls early that afternoon and
pulled up in front of the sheriff's office.  Chris Larabee
dismounted and tied  his horse to the railing followed by the
others.  JD stepped up to the dark-clad man.

"So what's the plan, Chris?"  JD asked anxiously.  He had rode
hard to reach Four Corners and the others and it showed on his
tired visage.  Dark circles underscored his dark eyes.

"You say the Sheriff is behind this?"


"Okay, we get him to show us where they are?"  Chris pushed back
his black hat giving JD and the others a knowing smile.  No one
messed with his men.

The five formidable men entered the Sheriff's office to find
Sheriff Durham sitting behind a large wooden desk with two deputies on
either side.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?"  He asked looking up.

"I'm Chris Larabee the unofficial law of Four Corners."

"Ah, yes I've heard of you and your assorted lawmen."  The Sheriff
looked at the five men leaning back in his chair.  "But I thought
there were seven of you?"

"There are, that's why we're here.  Two of my men seem to of
disappeared and we have reason to believe they were last seen

"Really?"  The Sheriff asked trying to sound incredulous, but
not really pulling it off.

"You don't have any problem if we take a look around?"  Chris
asked, his steel blue eyes locked onto the Sheriff's until he
dropped them away from the sedate gunslinger.

"Not at all, what do these lost souls look like, I'll have my men
keep a look out."

"One's a cocky cowboy type, the other's a gambler, dresses real

Vin noticed one of the Sheriff's men shift nervously, his hand
resting upon his gun.  Vin turned his body so his cradled mare's leg
now pointed directly at the man, who then slowly moved his hand away
from his gun.

Chris noticed the silent battle between Vin and the deputy.  He tipped
his hat and walked out followed by the others.  Vin and Josiah not
turning their backs on the Sheriff and his deputies.

The Sheriff slammed his fist on the desk and turned to his deputies.
"Get out to the farm and have the men brought in.  We might have to
get rid of all of them and lay low for awhile.  I'll meet you at the
compound."    The Sheriff didn't like this, he was going to lose time.
He'd probably have to hire help now to finish getting his land ready
planting season, that meant lost profits.  He came to this town ten
months ago and took the job of Sheriff.  A month later he was given
the opportunity to buy a ranch just outside town.  The idea of using
prisoners as free labor was a common practice, but Sheriff Durham
he'd never have enough prisoners at any one time to do all the work,
when he decided to arrest any newcomers on bogus charges.  He had hired

a gang of desperadoes to keep the town's people in line and help gather

workers.  Now it appeared his little enterprise was threatened.

Buck knew something was up when he saw Sheriff Durham's two
deputies come tearing across the field. It was still fairly
early the sun riding just above the distant horizon.  Everyone
was rushed into the wagon and they headed back to the compound.

When they reached the compound Buck stared at the black box
realizing it was becoming Ezra's coffin.  The men were forced
into line and looked up as Durham approached with six armed
men.  The hair on the back of  Buck's neck prickled.

No one noticed the five men up on the slight rise overlooking the

"What do you see, Vin?"  Chris asked crawling up next to the tracker.

"I see Buck and six other men, all shackled.  I count six
armed men with the Sheriff."  Vin paused a moment.  "No sign of
Ezra."  Vin saw the Sheriff and his six men move towards the
prisoners.  "Chris, I think we better do somethin' and fast."

Chris removed his revolver and checked the chambers the others
doing the same.  "Well let's make ourselves known."

The five mounted their horses and as one charged down the hill with
guns blazing.

Gun fire erupted all around bringing a smile to Buck's face and
surprise to Sheriff Durham's.  The Sheriff and his men turned to
see the five gunslingers charging down the hill.  He swore and drew
his pistol.

"Get down!"  Buck yelled at the prisoners.  Everyone dropped to the
ground covering their heads.

The Sheriff and his men returned fire then scattered, taking cover.

Buck crawled over to the black box ignoring the gun fire around him,
bullets striking the ground just inches from his head.

When he reached the box he stared at the padlock.  Chris had
watch in bewilderment and fear as Buck dragged himself across the
compound heading towards a black box.  Chris didn't know why, but he
kept him covered just the same, shooting one of the guards who was
taking aim at him.   Chris raced up to Buck jumping from his horse
shooting, keeping the guards pinned down behind the building.

"Chris! shoot the lock, Ezra's in here!"  Buck shouted.

Chris swore and turned his gun as Buck rolled to the other side.
The shot blew the lock open then Chris returned his attention to
the guards and protecting Buck.  Buck paused a moment afraid that
Ezra might already be dead.  He then removed the lock allowing
the side to fall open.  Ezra tumbled out his eyes closed.   Buck
collected up the limp form of his friend and slouched down behind the
box for protection.

The gun shots slowly faded as the guards realized they were beaten and
surrendered.  Chris and Vin forced three of the Sheriff's men over
towards Buck.  Three more laid where they fell, JD quickly checking
to be sure they were dead.  Josiah shoved the Sheriff into his three
remaining men.  Looking at Buck, Ezra and the other prisoners Josiah
never wanted to kill a man so badly in his life.

Nathan raced up to Buck and slid to the ground next to him.

"Ohmygod, what happened to him?" JD asked now standing over him.
Buck refused to relinquish his hold on the pallid gambler, his arms
covered with Ezra's blood.  Buck looked down into Ezra's slack face,
his hair hanging limping against his scalp.  Josiah had found the
keys to the shackles and removed Buck's leg irons then threw the
keys to one of the other prisoners.

"Buck, I need to look at him,"  Nathan talked quietly.  He didn't
think Buck was in to good of shape either.  He noticed his blood torn
ankles.   Ezra started to shake violently and Nathan could see his
arm and back were seriously infected and he was dangerously dehydrated,
his skin pale and dry.

"How long was he in the box, Buck?"

It was a moment before Buck replied the words seeming to not register.
"Since yesterday morning," he finally replied with a detachness that
worried both JD and Nathan.

Josiah came over to JD and Nathan to help, Chris and Vin kept
their guns trained on the four men before them.

Ezra's eyes snapped open and he started fighting and screaming.
Buck, Nathan and Josiah grabbed the thrashing man who was yelling
incoherently.  He was still seeing the demons that plagued his
fevered mind, refusing to release their hold on him.

"JD get my bag, quick!"  Nathan laid on top of Ezra's legs as
Buck held him tighter against his chest.

"Nathan what's wrong with him?" Chris yelled above Ezra's ranting.
He could see the fear in Ezra's wild green eyes and  was suddenly
very afraid for the conman.  He looked at the Sheriff wanting badly
to pull the trigger of his gun and the Sheriff saw this, bringing
fear to his own face.

"He's hallucinating,"  Nathan explained.  JD returned with Nat's bag
and took over for Nathan holding on to Ezra .

Nathan removed a bottle of ether and a cloth.  He placed a couple
drops on the cloth then moved to place it over Ezra's mouth and
nose.   Ezra's eyes rolled up into his head and he settled down.
Nathan searched for a pulse, finding a quick weak beat under his
fingers.  His breathing was shallow and labored and Nathan
could feel the heat rising off his tortured body.

Josiah noticed the strain and exhaustion on Buck's face and gently
pushed him out from behind Ezra and took his place.

Buck hung his head then slowly raise it to see Sheriff Durham among
the others. His rage took over.  Before anyone could stop him or knew
what was happening,  Buck lunged at the Sheriff the two men falling
to the ground, Buck's hands around his throat.  The Sheriff's eyes
wide in fear as he stared up at the deranged man who was intent on
killing him.  Buck felt hands on his shoulders, but shrugged them off
then the hands got stronger and began pulling  at the enraged
but his rage was stronger.  Vin and JD were unable to break his hold.
Chris could not move to help, his gun still trained on the three
Josiah passed Ezra's limp body to Nathan and quickly moved to Buck
bringing his face down next to his.

"Buck, let him go.  Ezra wouldn't want this," Josiah said keeping
his voice even and calm.  Behind his back he turned his gun around
taking hold of the barrel, prepared to strike his infuriated friend
if he didn't relinquish his hold.  Josiah didn't want Buck to have
to live with the thought of strangling a man with his bare hands.

Vin and JD stopped trying to pull Buck off the Sheriff hoping that
Josiah could calm him.  JD had never seen his high-spirited friend
so incensed.

Tears fell down Buck's cheek as his hands eased their death grip
on the Sheriff's throat.  Sheriff Durham rolled away coughing and
choking as he rubbed his freed throat gulping in much needed air.

JD and Vin helped Buck up continuing to hold him, feeling just how
unsteady he was.  Buck slumped in JD and Vin's grasp and they slowly
lowered him to the ground.  Josiah placed an arm across his shoulders.

"Thanks, Josiah," Buck quietly said.

Chris forced the Sheriff and guards into the building, shutting and
the door.  He returned to Nathan who was trying to clean Ezra's wounds.

Chris had to swallow the vile that came up suddenly in his throat as he

looked down at Ezra's ripped and torn back.  Nathan answered Chris'
question.   "He's severely dehydrated  and running a fever we need to
him to some shade."

Cole stepped forward.  "There's a stream and tree cover behind the
building."  The other released prisoners watched from a distance,
not wanting to intrude, they could see how these men took care of their

own, almost like family.

Josiah and Vin carefully lifted Ezra and carried him to the nearby
They laid him down on his stomach so Nathan could clean the wounds on
back.  He saw that some of the lashes were deep and would require
Ezra moaned softly but didn't regain consciousness.

"We have to get fluids into him," Nathan instructed.  Buck had managed
to walk over with JD's help.  He sat down leaning against the tree
as Nathan administered to Ezra.  After he had done all he could on
mutilated back he turned him over leaning him up against Josiah to keep
his back out of the dirt.

Nathan brought a cup of water to Ezra's chapped, dry lips.  He
was only semi-conscious, but his body's need for water was enough
to allow him to drink.  Nathan looked over at Buck whose brown eyes
glistened with impending tears.  Nathan laid a hand on the cowboy's
leg.  "Buck, he'll be okay," Nathan tried to assure.  Buck only gave
a half smile.

Chris paced the ground like a caged animal his fists clenching and
unclenching.  He stopped in front of Vin.  "Vin go to Cedar Ridge and
get the law, tell them what happened, we'll wait for you."

Vin took one more look at Ezra and turned away heading for his horse.

Chris realized some of them could of taken the Sheriff and his men to
Cedar Ridge, but Buck was in no condition to travel and would probably
leave Ezra's side anyway.   Ezra and needed Nathan and Josiah.  Chris
also had to admit he had no desire to leave Ezra's side.  He knew Vin
also reluctant, but knew it was better this way.

Chris knelt down beside Ezra, his face slack and pale it was hard to
ascertain if he was breathing.  Josiah ran a cool cloth over his face
he continued to support him.

"Nathan, will he be ready to travel soon?" Chris asked staring at the
handsome face looking for any sign of life.

Nathan placed his hand on Ezra's fevered brow looking at the pale
color.  "If we can get enough water into him and his fever doesn't
get any worse, maybe tomorrow.  I'll clean his back the best I can.  He
would be better off in town where I have more supplies to treat him."

Chris nodded his understanding.

Early the next day Vin returned and Chris turned over the Sheriff
and his men. The Sheriff never realized how lucky he was that Larabee
hadn't shot him outright.  Buck said he would return to Cedar Ridge
next week to testify.  Cole also said he would return, of which Buck
exceedingly grateful.  The other falsely accused prisoners slowly went
their way to continue the lives that were so grievously and brutally

The Seven rode out, Josiah sharing a saddle with Ezra who was now
wearing one of his shirts. He had remained unconscious throughout
the night with only occasional moans and rants.  Buck fought to stay
awake, but after a good meal and plenty of water he too succumbed to
his body's weaken state and need for rest.  They had to stop often
for Nathan could continue to give Ezra water.  He still kept having
delusions of being in the box and dying alone.

Buck rode up alongside seeing Ezra's tortured and fevered mind lay
claim to his body.  Ezra's knees would come up to his chest and
he would tremble, Josiah would hold him a little tighter until he
went limp.  Josiah looked over at Buck with sad eyes.

Chris came up alongside Buck seeing the torment he was going
through.  He knew the fun-loving gunslinger was blaming himself.

"It's not your fault, Buck," Chris said solemnly.

"I couldn't stop it, I could only watch as they whipped him."
Buck squeezed the saddle horn tighter as the vision of Ezra's body
being ripped apart replayed itself in his mind.

"There was nothing you could of done, if you'd of tried you would
have been killed, then where would Ezra be?  Do you think he would of
wanted to live with your death?"  Chris told the distraught gunslinger.
He knew that Buck and Ezra had grown close over the past few months,
which in itself was a major accomplishment.  Standish did not make it
easy for anyone to get close.  Chris promised himself to make more
of an effort to get to know the stalwart gambler.  Hopefully, he could
do it without both of them killing each other.

The Seven rode solemnly into town, Ezra's fever had risen and he
was refusing to take anymore water.  Josiah carried his limp body
up to Nathan's clinic.

"Buck I want you up there too, I need to check you over," Nathan

"I'm fine Nathan, take care of Ezra."  Chris came up alongside
placing a hand on the mustached cowboy's shoulder forcing him
to follow Nathan.

Josiah placed Ezra gently down on his side, on the bed, in Nathan's
makeshift clinic.  Nathan, Chris and Buck entered and looked at
the pale form that curled up into a loose ball.  Chris felt the
tremor go through Buck as he let out a fearful breath.  Chris
guided Buck over to a chair and forced him to sit which wasn't
hard.  Buck was numb, completely detached just staring down at his
friend hearing the screams in his head and unable to help.  JD
and Vin entered and quietly lined up against the far wall.
Josiah helped Nathan remove his shirt from Ezra, then they
carefully undid the bandages with Josiah holding Ezra up by the
shoulders.  Some of the lashes were deep and Nathan wanted to
stitch them up, they laid Ezra down on his stomach hearing him
mumble something.

Everyone watched as Nathan stitched up some of the worse of the
lashes, Josiah was able to hold the weakened gambler still.
Everyone heard the pleading in Ezra's voice when he begged not to
be left alone to die.  This broke their hearts, they knew this
was Ezra's biggest fear.  After Nathan stitched him up he tried
to get Ezra to drink some water without much success.  Buck and
Chris moved in to help.  Chris held Ezra's head forward and Buck
pinched his nose until his mouth opened.  Nathan quickly tipped the
cup allowing a small amount of water to flow into his mouth.
They did this several times until Nathan felt confident that he
had enough for now.  They laid him back down and Nathan brought
the coverlet up to his chin.

"Is he goin' to be alright?" Buck asked.

"Physically, I think so, the infections seem to be clearing up. I
just wish his fever would go down.  Someone's goin' to have to
watch over him, he might continue to have hallucinations and
might hurt himself."

"We'll all take turns," Chris replied.  "Except you Buck, you need
to get some rest."

"I'm fine, Chris," Buck said rather brusquely not leaving much room
for any discussion.  He sat himself down in the chair next to Ezra's
head he
reached over gently pushing the brown hair back off his brow.  Chris
looked over at Nathan who nodded slightly.  He knew Buck hadn't gotten
much sleep lately.  He had been plagued with nightmares, which didn't
surprise anyone.

"You can stay only if you'll let me check you out, Buck,"  Nathan
Buck nodded as Chris quietly exited the room.  Nathan re-wrapped Buck's

chafed ankles and put more balm on the lash across his chest.  He then
Buck some birch bark tea to help with his slight fever.  He slipped
in something to make him sleep.  Nathan waited for awhile until Buck
dozed off in the chair next to Ezra.  He then went out the door, not
surprised to find Chris and Josiah sitting just outside, waiting.  They
carried the sleep deprived man to his room.

Throughout the day everyone took turns watching over the suffering
Ezra's time in the box had thrown him back to a time when he was a
left with an Uncle who would occasionally throw him into a small, dark
root cellar and leave him for days.  Ezra choked back a scream which
brought him upright in bed.  His eyes searching wildly in the dimly lit

room. His breath coming out in quick gasps, he could feel his heart
wildly in his chest.  His eyes saw the dark form of someone stretched
in a chair, but his mind ignored him.  Then his eyes saw the pistol on
dresser, his mind didn't ignore this.

Buck, Chris, Josiah and Vin were relaxing down in the bar room
all the other patrons having left earlier.   A cool night breeze past
through, wiping out the memory of the heat of the past few days.
All of a sudden a slamming door and the sound of rushing feet got
their attention as they looked up towards the stairs.  Nathan
came running down  his lanky long legs taking the steps two at a
time.  "He's gone, Ezra's gone!"  He yelled.

"What!" Buck shouted standing up.  Then they heard the gunshots
out in the street.

"Ah, I think we just found him," Vin remarked as the five men
headed towards the doors.  They looked out to see Ezra in the
middle of the street with only his pants on waving a pistol.

"Cum out you son of a bitch, face me now!" Ezra yelled out to
someone only he could see.  His southern accent harsh and
unrefined.  He shot at a lantern which sat in a hotel window.

"How many bullets is that?" Chris asked.

"Four," Vin replied.  Chris saw JD across the street and motioned
for him to stay put.

"C'mon out uncle, are you afraid?  What's wrong I'm not helpless
for you anymore?"  Ezra laughed deliriously.  This sent a shiver
down everyone's spine and Chris realized that Ezra could be very
close to going over the edge.  Someone had to be there to catch
him.  Ezra shot out a sign.

"Five," Vin quietly counted.  Ezra walked down the street turned and
shot at a shadow down an alley way.

"Six."  Ezra's gun clicked empty and everyone slowly emerged from
their hiding places.  Ezra just stood in the center of the street
the gun held down at his side.  Buck saw his knees buckle and
rushed to his side catching him before he hit the ground.  Buck
eased him down to the ground holding his shoulders up to keep his
healing back out of the dirt.  Ezra's glassy green eyes looked up
at Buck.

"Please, don't put me back in there," Ezra pleaded, then his eyes
slowly closed.

"Never, my friend, never," Buck replied.

Ezra remained unconscious for two days, when he finally woke he
looked around to see five men sprawled out in various positions of
slumber throughout the room.  He smiled and moved slightly trying
to get more comfortable.  He then felt Nathan's hand on his forehead.

"How you feelin?"

Ezra tried to swallow, but found his mouth and throat to dry.
Nathan eased a hand under his head and brought it up towards a
glass of water which he greedily drank.

"Better," he whispered.  "What happened?"  His mind was fuzzy which
for some reason he was grateful for.

"Oh you just took a little vacation to hell and back," Buck replied
suddenly appearing at his bed side.  The rest of the men slowly woke
surrounded his bed.

"How long?" Ezra asked.

"You've been out of it for almost five days," Buck told him.  Ezra
unbelieving, throwing his arm across his eyes.  He remembered the
and that was all.  He knew he would start to remember in time so he
didn't force it, he wasn't sure he wanted to remember anyway.

"I hope I didn't no anything to embarrass myself."  He didn't see
the smiles on the others faces.

"Oh nothing much, just shot up the town wearing only your pants,"
Chris added.

Ezra's arm came down and he groaned.  "Next time gentlemen could
you see fit to tie me down."

Everyone quietly chuckled as they realized that the steadfast
gambler was going to be okay.

THE END  (Aug 1999)