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Don't Call Him That
By: Mog


AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Nothin' more than a bit of fluff.  Don't worry, my long hours in the car will be coming to an end in a couple of weeks so the poetry will taper off. ;-)
feedback welcom! (

Don't Call Him That
You can call him an old war dog
Can call him out for a fight
You can call on him to watch your back
When you've got trouble in your life.
You can call him Mister,
You can even call him son.
If you're a friend, then you can call on him
If you're ever on the run.
But if you've gotten used to livin'.
And breathin', you enjoy;
Some advice to you, I'll pass along
Don't call him a cowboy.
You can say that he's a drunkard
Or perhaps a hired gun.
But if there's any name you should avoid
'Cowboy' is the one.
Some have called him 'old pard'
He's known as leader to a few
But if you try to call him cowboy
Chances are, your time is through.
So unless you have a deathwish
Or you're a lean man who can track.
Don't use the name of 'cowboy'
Around that man in black.