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By:  Mog


Author's Notes:  The inspiration for this was the writings of MLK, Jr. Simple statements but written in beautiful poetry.  (I by no means am thinking I am as good as 'da man) The character of Nathan amazes me.  The idea that someone could go through
so much pain and hardship as a slave and still be sane & generous humbles me. Much like the Holocaust victims.    'compos mentis' is latin for sane, or sanity.


The Spirit of Man.
When the body is broken
when does the spirit follow?
When does it stay?
To cling like a last leaf
on the cusp of autumn and winter.
When does it survive
and saturate the shell; to heal from within.
Swelling silent strength.
compos mentis
To maintain this, the mind's eye dulls the memory's hues;
But emotional recollection precludes such protection.
Injustice, ugliness, ignorance
If even one can be pulled from a man
Can not another?
When not like you
I am stronger than you.
I will not say better; I will say stronger
If I am stronger then I can pull you up to my side
It's up to you to stay.
I will live by example
I have had examples of not living nearly every day of my life
But since life has chosen me,
I will not back down
I will choose life.