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Who am I? Why am I here?

I am an Office Manager for a software developer. I live in a suburb half-way between Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC.

I have one dog, Maddie, a Boston Terrier. We also have a turtle that we got on a trip to Jamaica 12 years ago, his name is Fred and a fire-belly frog that is over 11 years old. I like to go fishing when the weather cooperates. I like to travel and have taken many trips and cruises. I watch a lot of TV and like to read celebrity autobiographies and enjoy the Days of our Lives spoilers on the Internet. I am putting these pages together in my spare time because I don't want the world to pass me by. I am trying to do this so I can keep up my skills and know what everyone around me is talking about.

I am very excited about the Teen Idol Tour with Bobby Sherman, Davy Jones/Micky Dolenz and Peter Noone. I have absolutely loved Bobby Sherman every single day for the past 33 years. He sounds better than ever. His voice is fuller and richer and more powerful than when I saw him at a concert in 1971. He still looks fabulous too. Davy Jones is so energetic it is unreal. Peter Noone is a great performer, his impersonation of Mick Jagger is hilarious. Peter even emailed me personally and asked to use some of my photos on his webpage gallery. This tour is a real treat and the fans I've met are the greatest.

I am a Trekie/Treker from way back. I like all the Star Trek shows (ST:TOS, ST:TNG, ST:DS9, ST:VOY) and all the movies. "ST: Insurrection" was really good, I loved all the humor and character interaction. I can't wait for the next installment. I collect autographs, paperweights and flower frogs. You can now see some of my Bobby Sherman autograph collection by clicking on the link below.

I love TV and Movie Trivia, especially "StarTrek", "M*A*S*H*" and "The Odd Couple". They were great shows!

I like bidding on the ebay Internet auction site and really enjoy hunting for memorabilia and autographs there. But I must warn you, I have seen some forged autographs being offered, so please know your signatures before you bid.

There's lots more to know about me but it's personal!

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Madison My Boston Terrier
My Bobby Sherman Scrapbook
My Peter Noone Scrapbook
My Davy Jones Scrapbook
View My Autograph Collection

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