Shaking My Family Tree

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Hi folks! My sister loves frogs. She must have 1,500 of them, some are even alive. I thought she'd like the one above. Here's where I fill you in on all the exciting Meck Adventures. I'm going to put news about my family here.

Here is a picture of Diane at the Murphy Theater in Ohio with Davy Jones. We've seen Davy 21 times in the past year and a half. Davy knows us as "The Mecks" now. Mom and Dad even met him backstage at the Christmas Show in Hershey Park, December '99.

Here's a picture of my cousin Sheryl's kids, Debra, Dina, and David.
So grown up I can hardly believe it.

These are my cousins Joyce, Jenny, John III and John IV
They're the athletic ones in the family.

Here's my cousin Jeff's daughter Marisa
Isn't she adorable?

Here's my cousin Lisa's son, Danny.
So handsome in his Boy Scout uniform.

This is my Dad holding his grand niece, Sarah, Tommy's daughter
He cleans up pretty good, huh? I love her dress!

Here is my brother Howie and his two daughters Heather and Jessica
Heather is about 8 inches taller then me already! Hi Heather!
Jessica is working as a telemarketer now. Hi Jessica!

Dad, Diane and Mom
Cruising on the Regent Sun in the Caribbean

Here is my Uncle Bob, Aunt Barbara, and Dad
Taken at Bob and Betty's civil war theme wedding.

Maddie in her Halloween 99 Ballerina costume
Isn't she a dainty little flower?

We talked to Aunt Edna she's doing well in Virginia. Ken and Nancy are staying busy. Norma Jean and Rocky are still enjoying retirement and taking some mystery bus trips in West Virginia. Boots and Russell are taking good care of Brenda in Ohio. Dickie and Betty are keeping Mom and Dad busy playing Canasta. Barbara and Bill sound like they're doing fine too.

I've been in touch with Steven L. Meck who has been doing a lot of Meck Family Geneology work. Between him and Aunt Barbara and some of the cousins in Colorado I have now collected information on our family that goes back 7 generations to 1809 and the birth of my Great-Great-Great-Grandfather Samuel Meck. I am currently trying to prove a link from him back to three Meck gentlemen John Meck, Jr., Samuel Meck and Nathan Meck who all signed the Oath of Allegiance on Dec. 29, 1794 in support of the whiskey tax imposed by George Washington.

If my theory is proven then since John Meck, Jr. signed this oath then there must have been a John Meck, Sr. at one point and that would be 9 generations of Mecks. In any case, Mecks were in America during the Revolutionary War and also many fought in the Civil War. I discovered that the Mecks were Mormons and also active in the underground railroad helping slaves escape from the south.

Researching the family tree is really time consuming but very interesting. We never knew much of anything about my grandfather's family. Before I started my father didn't even know his grandfather or grandmother's first names. So to go back 7 generations was pretty amazing.

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