DD Banner

I love seeing pictures of the two of them together, but individual shots are great too. I also love sharing all the great images that I've found over time. They are all thumbnailed, so click on an image and it will bring up the full length version.

This is a collection from over several years, and unfortunately for many images, I have forgotten who I should be in gratitude to. So if you see an image that is yours, please let me know, and I'll be sure to give due credit, with a link to your site.

**These images are loaded onto another server that isn't always trustworthy, so if you see any broken links hit "refresh" and they'll pop up. Or just click on the broken link; it should still bring you to the full image.**

agent muldercool & sexy a younger day sexy against stone

gun in air with car dd chewing grass looking nice in leather pants

dd w/ sunglasses looking up playing with blue dd's back, in trenchcoat

b&w hugging himself cartoon mulder in a green sweater blue starred background

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Please feel free to me at jenu1bruin@centropolis.org

I welcome any comments and/or suggestions.

1999 by Jennifer J. Chen