I am always looking for SUGGESTIONS. If you think you've got a good one, please either email me or sign my guestbook with your suggestion. I am looking for words of wisdom from an actual episode of The X-Files, either explicitly stated or explicitly implied. I would prefer it if you knew what episode your phrase came from, but I know that's not always possible. If I put your suggestion on my site, I will credit you however you like, next to the entry. Or if you know where any of the following phrases marked "unknown" came from, please let me know! Feel free to spread the wisdom around. As always, you are welcome to take anything from my site. I only ask that you provide a link back to JMXF on your page.

Return to Jenu1bruin's Memento X-Files

Please feel free to me at jenu1bruin@centropolis.org

I welcome any comments and/or suggestions.

1999 by Jennifer J. Chen