At times, while surfing through X-Files websites I'll come across articles that I like and want to post at JMXF to share with you all. Sometimes, though, I have trouble identifying what I've found. That was the original purpose of this page; people have been so helpful with other sections of the site that I decided to start this help section for myself. But it can actually be much more inclusive--if you have any questions for your Phellow Philes (like identifying lines or what episode a certain scene came from), email me and I'll post it here! I can't tell you how helpful people have been. Or if you can identify any of the following, I would be much obliged if you would let me know. For anything that's posted on the site, I'll credit you how you like! If you're answering a question from a Phellow Phile, I'll let them know who they should be in gratitude to, or you can remain anonymous if you want!
Nothing at this time; you guys are just too good! *g*