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People For Arts Molestation Rights manifesto

In the darkness of the future a warrior comes up fighting with the haze of recollection & the rage of being alone & the hardest thoughts to pen are the ones not directly sensed. They must be stalked, tracked through a forest of words, thrown from voices & pens across great distances, recombined & replied & compliantly beseeched like lovers & friends. The words must resonate to the hidden meanings & subconscious doctrines of language. They might beg you to dismiss them, they attempt to obfuscate the truth with their syllabus of studies, thrust you through a lifetime of scholarship only to arrive @ the wrong conclusion. Words dance on the tips of tongues & sadistically laugh @ the efforts of the mind to decipher what was encoded within the heart. The warrior knows this. It is by his warring nature that truth is unveiled. His struggle unlocks the secret divine handshake of a millennium of magical knowledge. Before the warrior was, there was only primordial void, chaos of nothingness devouring itself. The Icon of an Age given voice by the spirit of memory. The sexuality of Time. The hatred of Space. The Tao of Deification. All resides in the sacred heart of the warrior. As the warrior drains his essence into the battle, holding aloft a sword of blooded iron, the true nature of agony is revealed. Stains of the past mingle with the blood of the future. Scars long forgotten throb purple in rage. The cancer of silence is metastasized throughout the echo of a battlefield, long after the pogrom & the confusion have bled away into the night. Only the warrior remains, his fever reaching a new musical vibration, sweat acting as a solvent which devours his personality. From the cold heart of the slain the spirits of the dead rise up, dancing harsh movements in the night air. The warrior recognizes his victims after the rage of battle melts from his mind, & greets them as friends. To do otherwise is to be named madman without the catharsis of release there is no true future. There is only the past, reinvoked, and reoccurring, forever & ever amen. Then the confrontation of soul against soul, the stabbing murder of a condition of thought, the decay of truth & the slaughter of ignorance & innocence. Without fear, there can be no future. When the passion of existence, when the fever of being, arises wraith-like from the heartache of monstrosity, the traces of times passage are most assuredly felt. Watching the muse gather her tools of teaching the night owls of the great goddess speak slowly & softly in the forest, chanting old proverbs to each other. The muse, her work for the moment complete, returns to her lover in the skies above. A castle of dreamstone & lightning mortar hidden amidst the great cloud continents, where the muse & her sisters relax amid concepts given substance by the creators who take up the great work, willingly giving voice to the mysteries, breathing flesh onto the bones of old stories, incurring the wrath of the rulers & the praise of their fellows. It is there, in that castle, that the muses hold sway. They demand only the freshest of minds, a dictatorial empire ruled from on high, from time immortal, by the religion of ART. Music can be heard, glorious aria & discordant crashing, waltz & nursery rhyme all intermixing. & The colors are more like flavors for a feast of the senses. To be present in this realm is to be enchanted eternally. When mankind gives birth to a poet, through a conscious selection of events by the zeitgeist, mankind forces the poet into this realm. The poet returns & gives forcible voice to the visions endured, & by doing so heals the time in which he is thrust. By fate or design, the outcome is equally the same. No mere mortal, these poets & warriors, they see spirits & fictions where the sleeping masses sense nothing. They dance like madmen, like whirling dervishes where there are open glades & raging rivers, while ordinary mortals retire to their cozy chambers. They laugh @ the world, rather than strive to fit into its framework. They are marked eternally, whether by the hardened claw of the devil or the luminescent finger of God, by the whips of the Norns or the drums of the Manitou, it is hard to say. The first taste of freedom usually kills. This has led to a belief by some that death is freedom, one following the other so quickly it was hard to make out the difference, & the confusion was understandable. Freedom, by necessity, can often leave traces of itself in the path of those who exist, beckoning them to an encounter with it & those who survive that first taste are forever scarred by the encounter. By necessity, for without leaving traces, there would never be a path to follow, nor signs to stop one from walking down past freedom. Freedom may often kill, but one chooses to the taste, the taste is not forced upon, & reality is the condition of having no hands. Thrust fully into the sensual, enraptured by the experience of being whole, & complete, rather than a separate identity influenced by surroundings, a person comes to grasp with his/her true self without hands, without appendages, merely the direct sensory apparatus, the self becomes a part of the environment. There are no ego/I-not I boundaries to maintain. It is sex with the environment, coitus with the world, drawing together divergent elements into a seamless montage of being. A collective of self, surroundings, & sensations that define a cognitive set of experience that leads to the first taste of freedom. (Transubstantiation of humanity into deity.) Like the warrior becoming friends with the shades of those he has slain, like a poet making love to a muse, there is no difference. God says “Before me there was nothing,” & the sleepers worship nothing & in this there is no sin. Is it true that there is only the warrior & the poet? What of the trickster, the clown, the leader, the magician? What of the dancer, the scientist, the healer? Are these not also wholesome, proud archetypes that resonate within the soul of man? When we sleep, do not these spirits also invade our dreams? The war of the mind demands a multitude of players, dreamers, all of us, sense truth in a fiction given flesh by the lies interwoven by a gifted storyteller, we sense the truth that underlies all things. See the truth as it echoes from within in tune with the harmonies we are exposed to & because of our resonance’s, we find our path. Reality occurs @ the intersection of archetypes. Where reality is generated, the refuge of the society becomes the harbinger of hope. The decay of our present is based on the interjection of our future into the failures of our past. We are immortal. All of us exist beyond the flesh. The gods we worship in our youth can never be explained to the old. The world was a larger place before we grew, for we were smaller in experience & understanding, & an omnipresent God was a thing to assure us as we lay down to sleep in the darkness. Now we see omnipresence as a tyranny of egoism, an invasion of privacy tantamount to evil in its presumptuousness. Thus, our concept of God changes, as we also change. There can be no pristine & pure concept that is divorced from its originator, yea verily do I state that there is no concept that is not manipulated by the thinker’s history & experience & knowledge base. Even a statement thought simultaneously by separate individuals, acquires difference in meaning even if the syntax is identical, due to the varying input of meaning given to specific words by the individual thinkers. So, it is with this preconceived notion of God. To despair in this change, this face of mutation given rampaging destruction of the old coldness we once established as our existence, is to miss the point of the change itself. Embrace death, lest it obsess you until there is no you any longer. The darkness of hate confines the black soul to the farthest reaches of the inner life, where there is only the ego & its personal mythic landscape projected outward across the template of reality. So it is that the phrase “we the people” has talismanic power, for it bridges the gap between the self & those that bring the self-its purpose. We the people is an anthem, a demand, a reinvigoration, a construct. It brings the fire of freedom to the heart, it drags out the dark shadows where they can be identified, it was a fist of defiance to the Kings & Queens of the world, the birth cries of a new form of religion masquerading as a government, an artistic collective, a Masonic plot given form. We the people has the essence of communism & capitalism both twinned in its mix. It invokes the spectres of a country; it demands respect merely because of its authority, its boldness. To speak against the people is to be believed a madman, a tyrant, and a heretic. There is no greater good than the people, lest one be thought demon. Thus, we return to the question of the demon. In a world of situationist ethics, where there are no absolutes, what constitutes a demon? A God ignored is a demon born, as the chaotes say, the idea being to suppress & repress causes negative manifestations of viral thoughtforms. Few would argue that Nazism is evil, for it has become a given fact. It needs no argument. There is no opposition. Thus, there is no argument. However, many argue that abortion is evil, merely because there are those who maintain it is not. Thus, there is a demon of Nazism, because the very nature of the suppression of the arguments has created the thoughtform of the demon, while there is only a spiritual force of abortion. The power of the appropriation of symbols by the nazis also contribute to the energy manifestation of the demon itself, giving a sigil in which it can reside, lending a force that originated long before the term Nazi ever came into existence, and assuring a continuation of the entity long after the term Nazi vanishes from our language. We see this occur over & over as cultural exchange becomes more & more manifest, symbols, which pre-exist their current meanings, give a subconscious power to the movements they have come to represent. Colors themselves are given meanings, which in turn throw strange, confusing light on ancient illustrations. Primary shapes, such as a square, are imbued with attributes of meaning that they never before held. Language is reinvented based on political agendas. Lograms are deposited in the mass culture through a process which appears random, but which is systematically becoming a new universal language. Before a child learns to read, he/she learns that a square on a VCR means stop, a forward pointing triangle means play & a double forward or double backward triangle means fast forward or reverse. Is it any leap of imagination to imagine a symbolic language that transcends the spoken word or written text of the past? A shrug is a shrug the world over, an indication on the part of the shruggee of a lack of knowledge. The yawn is a sign of weariness, be it weariness of the body, or of the events occurring. Where do these indicators arise? Are they simply taught, or do they pre-exist within the mind of all men? & If they pre-exist, what does this teach us? The concept of a meta~linguistic circuit in the primary genetic code of mankind would indicate that there are countless other pre-existing circuits, that perhaps all knowledge already lays dormant within each & every one of us, & that, in turn, indicates that we might be simply floundering about with our un-unified cultures, & that only by unifying all cultures are we to progress as a race. Just as the phrase we the people implies both a democratic & a communistic society, a capitalism & a socialism, so too does the idea of lograms & color-coding imply a deeper unity of subconscious interaction between humanity as a whole. When delving into the archetypes of myth, the reoccurrence of similar personalities & the subsequent similarities of storylines & plots indicate that, not only do events repeat themselves, but that people have a strongly imbedded understanding of what is good & what is evil. While the murder of gods & the stealing of magical talismans become metaphors for societal change, there is also the structure for social mores presented. The death of Baldur, through the mechanism of a dart made of mistletoe, engineered by Loki, is equivalent to the death of innocence by the mechanics of cruelty. It is a lesson, a warning, not a fable, but a FABLE. It has a repetitive value due to its depth of purpose. The trickster, who appears throughout culture, defines the role of fate & the ideal of change, & who, without which, the world would remain in a stasis. There must be a trickster. There would be not great deed without a prodding, a geas, an injunction. There would only be the static, non- changing, non-evolving reality of a million years of hunting & gathering. True, the techniques of hunting & gathering would be greatly streamlined & well defined given a millennium, but there would be nothing else. Instead, because of war, we have increased our knowledge of peace, & how to maintain peace, & how to accomplish cross-cultural ambassadorial missions. Because of disease, we have developed medical techniques. Without these catastrophes, we would still be crouched in the firelight, staring into the darkness, fearing shadows. No scientific study would be where it is today without heretics & tricksters. Before the dawn of history, we have the legends of a great civilization and the archeological data of primitive tribes. What is the truth? Both. The first men were a great civilization. They were the ones who decoded the stars, for they had no other lights to hold back the night. They knew the plant-life & animal-life better by the time they could walk than most civilized people know @ age 80. They could survive in barren deserts, arctic wastes, & deep jungles better than an American today could survive in a temperate forest teeming with wildlife. Thus they were, in their own right, a great civilization. The ancients knew that a tone corresponded with a color, & a vibration could retain remanence across great distances, merely through the technique of patient observation, facts, which we learn today through application of arcane technologies. They interpreted their knowledge through a terminology born of religion, magic, & superstition, while today we interpret it in terms of science, politics, & psychology. Ironically, when we refer to the primitive cultures, we refer to a cultural existence more harmonious & more artistic than our own. The masks of a shamanic ritual still hold the power to impress, to shock, to inspire that they had when they were first constructed. This is a technology of psychology in & of itself. The faces on Easter Island, the monoliths of England & the Netherlands, the sand paintings of Tibet & Amerindian culture, the Cave of Dreamtime & the hieroglyphs of Egypt, the caverns of South America & the calendars of the Mayans, all speak of an artistic & architectural integrity of these primitive cultures. The levitation of objects using projected soundwaves, observed in several cultures, can hardly be repeated by modern science except in very specialized conditions. The discoveries of ancient clay urns which could generate electrical currents, the mummification techniques of ancient Egypt, the psylocibin cults, the faerie lore of the Tuatha De Danaan, all speak of rituals & traditions that hide true understanding of the internal makeup of man. The ancients knew more than we do today, in terms of what makes a human a human. Even the writings of ancient Greece are studied today, as are the texts of Chinese philosophy & the religions of ancient Egypt, not for their historical relevancy, but for their modern importance. The I Ching & the runes are evidence of the transcultural value of lograms & the knowledge & wisdom that can be transmitted through such systems. The tarot itself, which may be older than any other such divination system, (& may only date back to the first industrial revolution in Europe, c.1400ad) contains a wealth of symbolism only truly deciphered by the psychological studies of C. Jung. Is it easy to maintain the notion that ours is a more advanced age in the face of these issues? Are we now the pinnacles of knowledge, or are we in fact losing touch more & more by our denial of worth in the legends & lore of the past? It is important to note that encryption, the fastest growing scientific application of numeric principles on the internet, has been traced back to the Elizabethan mage John Dee, & his alchemical counterparts & cohorts. Even the magical texts of the day were encrypted, & likewise the language of the angels themselves. The existence of secret orders & fraternities as far back as the Order of the Assassins (c.1023ad) implies an existence of encryption & codes, which in turn requires the existence of individuals intelligent & enlightened enough to produce the idea of encryption. Even further back in history there is the creation of a written language itself, & the process of converting words & the images the words represented into a visual series of symbols. This implies an even greater amount of intelligence, as well as an ability to teach. A language invented must be distributed to be of value, for a language that cannot be communicated is without value. The Egyptians found language of such great value that they deified the inventor of language, as did the Mesopotamian & the Norse. The code of Hammurabi still exists today, for it was engraved in stone one letter @ a time, it was a system of law that we can even now refer to, for it exists beyond mere noises belched @ each other by primitives. It is an artwork, an imprint of a governmental body onto the society, which it was to rule. Does this imply that even @ the dawn of history there were geniuses, intelligentsia of such magnitude as to rival Turing, Einstein, Hawking & Tesla today? I SAY YES. Genius does not mean modern, or scientific. Genius is beyond & above society; it resides in a different sphere of humanity, that arena of thought where everything is infinitely worthy of evaluation. John Dee spoke with spirits by his own admission, conjured lead into gold, brought smoke into forms & faces that others could interact with, all superstitious rubbish by today’s belief systems, if not outright heresy in the eyes of science & theology. Yet, he also completed masterworks in the fields of linguistics & encryption. Do we discount his genius because of his apparent unscientific superstition? Or do we accept his superstitions due to his apparent genius? Do we compare his sketches of enochian entities with those of current UFO entities & because of the incredible similarities, accept both as fact or dismiss both as nonsense? Does the addition of the sketch by A. Crowley of the entity which allegedly contacted him, which is also nearly identical to both other aforementioned entities validate the other two, or does it also get tossed aside due to its inability to be reconciled with what science has demanded that we believe? When one pours through the history of metaculture, one is continuously confronted with strange & bizarre scraps of information that cannot help but reinforce the idea that there is something cyclic about our collective cultural mindset. The same ideas & thoughts reoccur in slightly different forms throughout humanity’s existence. The gnostic uploading of mankind’s body of information into the datasphere is so akin to the ancient doctrine of an Akashic Record that @ times the similarity is uncanny. It is as if the very idea of the internet existed always, in the first stories of mankind, & is only now being realized. The very act of telepathy can now be performed, not with the techniques of meditation or herbal potions or crystals, but with the technologies of mediation, liquid crystal displays, & radio frequencies. The power of information is no longer regulated by industrial means, but through satellites & copper wires & virtual libraries. Interlinked text has replaced static knowledge, & likeminded individuals have synergized across oceans & continents. All forms of knowledge are available to any individual with access to an interface & an online connection. This was predicted in the occult doctrines of an unseen reality coterminous with our own that retained an imprint of all events, ideas, beliefs, & experiences that have, would, or could have existed. Now we see a non-physical, non-local construct, which follows this ideal already manifest. It is the invisible college of the Rosicrucians, the dreamtime of the Aborigines, the MAAT of the Egyptians, brought about by both the scientific application of technology & the work of secret societies of elite priesthoods. &, Just as all ancient religions had their prophecy of the End Times, so also does the priesthood of this virtual space have their own prophecy of the end of the net. The viral meme of y2k has leeched out into the cultures, which spawned this neo-akashic record, lending an aura of consternation into the current reality. The idea of a world-wide upset that affects torment upon established societies in the form of power loss, economic disruption, & electronic loss of information is just as powerful today as the doctrine of revelations was during the middle ages, & the story of Ragnarok was to the Norse. We are still a race of myths, & despite our sciences, we rely upon myths to define our existence. Perhaps, because of the inherent logical structure of science, we rely on myths even more today than our primitive ancestors did a millennium ago. The logical construction of society along technological lines represses that deep-seated need for spiritual & intuitive perceptions, & causes myths to resound ever more powerfully when they are encountered, much like a desert can become a fertile valley with the introduction of irrigation. What had lain barren for so long springs into life through sheer alchemy. As the future happens, we will learn to master new technologies that we have only recently begun to explore. The creatures of legend, chimeras, centaurs, unicorns, trolls, giants, elves, dragons, werebeasts, vampires, homunculus, golems, gargoyles, elementals, dryads, nymphs, satyrs & things which never were will be only a genetic manipulation away. The transformation of lead into gold a trick of nanotechnology. Voyage to other worlds could become a common phenomenon; the colonization of those outer spaces a daily occurrence. Magic will reappear in the form of science, & so will creators become deities, for as history marches on, those inventors who imprint culture will become legends, & legends have a way of becoming worshipped. It is not unusual to hear today of some tale of a historical figure that cannot be proved or disproves. George Washington smoked pot, President Lincoln was homosexual, Hitler a black mage who used peyote, Orson Wells actually reported a real invasion of UFO’s. Is this true, any of it? Very soon it will no longer matter. It will all seep into the belief structure of culture, true or not, & from there will become a part of the mythic folklore that defines modern society. Daniel Boon & Paul Bunyan have already fallen into a category of heroic myth that blurs fact & fiction into a traditional folklore that ignores such trivialities, & likewise the lore of the Salem witch- trials. There is no defining feature that demands that a certain individual should become venerated or defamed by folklore. Amerigo Vespuci, who our country & continent is named after, has generated no myths, while JFK, not even a half-century after his assassination, has become the hub of countless mythic tales. The traumitization of the spirituality by science has created a fertile desert, in which such myths have free reign to mutate & spread. Witness the success of Art Bell, the rebirth of paganism, the civil & artistic movements of the last 100 Years. This century has seen the death of empires, the rise & fall of communism, the rise, fall, & rebirth of economies, & the generation of a new form of addict, the media addict. The media addict was born into a world where color television already existed, where stereo sound systems were common place, where children’s programming created a feeling of comfort & trained the media addict to fixate on one object to the detriment of the media addict’s sensual education. Two senses only, sight & sound resolved Media. All that was important to master were these two senses; the others left to atrophy. Over-stimulation of these senses naturally arose as the media addict grew older, for the senses of taste, touch, & smell had become numb by the lack of use. The concept of time became an indoctrinated reality, through the standard scheduling of media events. Media events occurred on a regular, hourly basis. Information of one nature was intercut with information of a secondary nature, short blasts of information condensed into one-minute, 30 second, 10 second, and 5 second slots. These bits intercut the longer information periods, which themselves used rapid scene changes & lackluster plots to convey societal mores. The media addict was a connoisseur of certain types of information, using records uploaded from centrally provided documents to predict & analyze future media events according to information content. The media addict knew that certain events would occur because of these uploaded documents. The future was certain, there could be no surprises, & thus the media addict was eternally suspended in the safety of a predictable reality. With the advent of interactive media, in the form of video games, videotapes, & videodisks, the media addict attained a greater ability to immerse himself into this reality. He could control the environment in which his imagination resided. Through the video games, there was a direct correlation of the media addict’s movements in a physical environment and the activities displayed in a virtual setting. Using recorded information, the media addict could decide on his own terms what activities would occur @ any given time. Future & past were equally accessible, & time itself became a fiction. Private mythologies became acquired, utilizing icons & ideals & archetypes presented & recombined in ways that had never before existed, false personalities and real world events commingled, wars were televised, assassinations broadcast alongside sporting events, technology showcased, weather prognosticated, & musicians immortalized. Then computers became commonplace, allowing the media addict to become a kind of creator in his own right. There was a form of magical interaction between the input of the media addict and the computer that went beyond the simpler video game console or the VCR. The media addict could generate his own media, be it visual, auditory, or physical. Media in the form of television was suddenly a static reality compared to this new technology. It was a dictator, had always been a dictator, but until the computer its dictatorial nature had gone unnoticed. The computer, however, was a stronger addiction than the television or the VCR or the video game console had ever been, for it provided instant gratification. The complexities of the computer transcended the old forms of media in ways that had been unimaginable only a few years earlier. It was the perfect drug in every sense. Tactile, visual, & auditory, creative in the sense of media, yet still encumbered by limitations that the media addict understood all to well, from the first moment the computer appeared. Too Slow! Not graphic intensive enough! Not stereo, not powerful, not realistic! Yet, it was still thousands of years ahead of television. As the years passed, the television, the VCR, the computer & the video game console became more & more alike. The media addict rejoiced with each innovation, embracing every technological advance with true love, devouring ideas that sprouted from these technologies as if they were a religious manifestation. Even now, the media addict waits restlessly for the next influx of new systems, dreams of the day when he will be able to connect a media interface directly into his body. The media addict was raised, bred, & imprinted by a culture that has arisen, itself only as old as the media addict. At some point the media addict becomes more than an addict, the individual self asserts its own unique nature through the template of culture imposed by society, & learns to adapt to the reality in which it resides. Moreover, the media addict learns to manipulate the reality in which he resides, this manipulation of reality, what was learned through the mechanism of media, occurs in the physical structure of consensual reality. It is the source of the concept of Reality Piracy. Bring on the end! Call the rituals & the barbarous words & the darkness forth! Bring out the words of rage & chaos into our mainstream world, create a reality-wide autonomous zone of chaotic rubble, pull down the edifice of our society & laugh, laugh, laugh @ the destruction! We the people stand on the rubble of a history we were taught to admire. We were raised within a culture & instructed to uphold its values without ever learning what those values arose from, we were expected to blindly swallow the information we were presented. Those very attributes, which were to have made this culture unique, are now despised & ignored by the culture we have become. This country was initially the creation of white male landowners, the sole governmental body given voice by these individuals, & it was this elitism that defined the first hundred years of Masonic leadership. The very fact that this country existed @ all is due to the manipulations of the Masonic orders. Now even the hint of social organizations run solely by men are ridiculed, legislated against, & tormented by the media. Not that this is a call for a return to that earlier form of society, but rather it is to identify a trend. When a culture is so far removed from its origins that it begins to despise the structures which brought it into being, it is only one small step from despising itself. This is the culture in which we currently reside. We the people hate our own nature; it is the culture of self-loathing, the culture of shame & guilt & apathy. Is it any wonder that there would be a call to chaos? A request for immanetizing the eschaton? Bringing on the end? This culture demands a suicidal technology, & investigates & researches, funds & purchases the tools of its own murder. It is fear of stasis in a way, fear that all will be forever unchanging, unmutating, all things carefully preplanned, scripted, & anticipated until the end of time, that gives birth to these sentiments. & So the poet & the warrior become one, they are bound by the culture from which they arise, the poet screaming truth from his place in the heart, the warrior creating truth from his place in the spirit. Together they refine truth, they observe & create a collapse of the structure, and they are the catalysts of reality, the klaxons signaling the collapse. Without society there could be no atrocity, & without fear there can be no end. There is no fear but the fear of endings, & because of this there can be no ending without fear. The poet is the embracer of fear, the warrior the one who moves through fear. Both are present @ the endings. They are the witnesses @ the funeral, the midwives @ the birth. For all endings are also beginnings, all deaths births, all things change & die & change & are reborn. The phoenix rises. Society evolves. Mankind learns, even in the loss of knowledge, mankind learns. These are the dark ages of capitalism, the time when commercial viability becomes the salvation of poor ideas, when governments are media controlled & image conscious. No longer are we governed by ethics & laws, but by advertising conglomerates. Speech is not free, it is for sale & it is expensive & can only be purchased by those who are capable of mounting vast campaigns on prime time television. There are no interests that are totalitarian in origin; rather the interests are corporate masquerading as democratic. Wars are no longer fought; rather police action is instigated utilizing peacekeeping forces that protect corporate investments. Mind control experts are hired into corporations as consultants for political clout. Entirely new sciences based on information infection arise; creating new forms of academic study based solely on the movement of ideas within the body politic. Neurolinguistic programming & subliminal conditioning, once the property of black mages & secret societies, has fallen into the hands of salesmen & advertisers. The wars that take place are now on a level divorced from human interaction, & are occurring in the datasphere, & in the minds of individuals. Ideas themselves compete for reproduction rights in the brains of mankind. Soon xenoglossalia will be an extension of public speaking, transmitting neurological impulses directly into the subconsciouses of the audience, bypassing cognitive thought altogether. Ouranian tongues will leap from the framework of magical practices & into the slang of politicians, the triple speak of disassociative information subversion. Madness will not be far behind.