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Note:  Given the nature of the following comments, 
I do not endorse any singular viewpoint, including my 
own...  the following is entirely to be taken as a conversation
 amongst a variety of sources, and should be used only to
 provide insights into the methods described.

From: "zen werewolf"  

    >  Fairly sloppy magick for dealing with universal consensus forces.  You 
    > wind up taken by the whirlwind yourself--unless that's what you're 

It would be in character to say that I for one love the whirlwind, yet there 
is a time and place for it...  absorbtion of certain servitors which I have 
created would be irrevokable damage to myself and those whom the servitor 
guards, due to the nature of the thing...  other servitors I've spawned only 
for a day or so, with the intent of re-absorbtion... 

alas, the expirament succeeded marvelously with my vampiric servitor, so 
much so that I am a little shocked...  it has translated from feeding off of 
sporting events to any mass group of people, and has already aqcuired a 
personality structure based on my own personal taste in vampires...  a 
stately victorian toreador style vampire, patron of the arts and skilled in 
lust.  I wonder what I have created...  heheheh. 

reabsorb that?  are you fucking kidding?  I'll just leave it peacefully 
alone, and wish it best of luck out in the ideosphere. 

    > after you let it rip.  After it does its 
    > >thing, 
    > >> I 
    > >> > > > think Zenwolf mentioned something about reabsorbing it, and I 
    > >> > distinctly 
    > >> > > > remember him saying that the entity does not particularly care 
    > >> that 
    > >> > > > process - or has this been your experience? 
    > Good point about not liking the process.  Reabsorb?  Nah, license and 
    > command to depart.  The Nature of the Beast is changed by the Act, you 
    > not be able to reabsorb without severe damage at that point. 

yeah.  banish with laughter...  banish with the gnostic banishing ritual, 
banish with light & love, shit, banish with a fucking garlic clove if the 
tone is right...  don't eat the nasty brown aetheric energies...  they have 
a bad taste 

    > >> > Hence the warning about the need for a thorough understanding of 
    > >> > (know thyself) and one's own  split off parts (desires, obsessions 
    > >> why). 
    > Exactly.  And don't fool thy Self on this.  The results may be uh, 

it's such a pain in the ass when you create a servitor intending & telling 
everybody its going to do one thing, and then you suddenly discover you 
weren't able to get that 'other' thing out of your head, and suddenly the 
servitor is doing a third, semi-related thing and has the fuel of your 
repressed obsessions as a battery...  (damn that midnight lust for 

    >   Understanding why the pysche's 
    > >> > desire and intention came into being in the first place.  Control 
    > >> > servitor comes from control and understanding of one's self and 
    > >> > desires. 
    > >> > -JR 

quick thought...  what we call thought-forms others call tulpas. 
"Nixzilch Jahfreak"  End of Time
         Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:27:45 GMT

I did something similar last night. I had an already built servitor,
sleeping or reactive kind if thats how you understand them and I
decided to 
create a really simple servitor as another possible aid to the already 
working servitor. The already built servitor was designed to be 
multi-tasking in a sense that it was to use various things to react to
feed off of to accomplish one set goal. (much like Fotamecus)I later
that I could increase its abilities in a specific area if I were to
design a 
specialist servitor which after creating it I then put under the charge
as a 
dedicant of sorts to the previously built servitor reminding both that
worked under my will. This other servitor was a sleeper type as well
some of the information it uprooted was amazing on the night of its 
creation. I also added in an additional binding of sorts to keep the 
servitors tethered to a specific object including another additional
as an on off switch to whether or not I chose to awake them for
tasks. I believe that this will work better then having a servitor
its own followers as I would much more prefer to bind each one in turn 
rather then have my servitor pull the Demolition Man trick by utilizing

servitors not bound to me.

As for the The Chaos Sattelite I was planning on using a sigil of my
creation to channel energy into the Chaos Sattelite since this will 
pre-purify the quintessence. Since I have this all encompassing one, in
perception which is most likely alone, I plan on using this personal
as a way to charge the Chaos Sattelite since mine doesn't store energy
only channels it for a specific purpose although it taps into a great
of potential areas. I believe this will be more beneficial since I'll
able to channel from multiple areas into one sigil, which contains a
Star and a great deal of other symbols, and since its of my own
creation I 
will be more familiar with it. This is very much similar to the way our

computers communicate to the internet. It also removes any side effects
the user, er um Chaote.

One of my personal questions has to do with what we plan on doing with
Quintessence once its stored. With that much power transferred into one

Sigil with the key being the Chaos Star it would be the equivalent of
one us 
mages working indirectly with every other person on the planet. Since
has some VAST effects I was wondering if perhaps we should build in
safety clauses considering the sigil in itself contains a chaos star
thus if it gained an aware level of itself it could in part itself a
deal of freedom. Thus we would have the renegade god of the collective 
unconscious manifesting through Chaos Stars which could be concievably 
limiting to some. Centralized power has always been a potential threat.
my question is, do we infekt it with a virus to cause its own slow
decay or 
do we instead use it specifically for one massive purpose such as an
for the Dynamic God of Time Fotamecus? I have been pretty much in the
of exactly what this egregore is capable of doing but if its already 
independent I wonder what this viral meme could do if all of society
empowering it.

Nixzilch Jahfreak
"Are we one viral meme, many or both?"

From: "zen werewolf"  

okay, this here is moving along on the same philosophy I have...  I try to 
keep my servitors helpful, rather than harmful, just because I have this 
really hardened ingrained wicca-like basis for my ethical and moral 
make-up...  the whole rule of three/an it harm none, lest in thy own defense 
it be thing going...  but I follow this not because it is 'thee rules' but 
because by doing so my life has continously gotten better...  the more 
health I project, the more I 'walk on yellow' as w.s.burroughs would put it, 
the greater benefits I recieve...  plus it encourages growth in those I 
interact with...  I could make a servitor designed to "KILLKILLKILL" all 
those who might "get in my way" but do i need the antagonism, the rage, the 
psychological tyranny of the emotional states I would have to maintain while 
constructing the servitor, let alone the whole re-absorbtion issue...  fuck 
that.  I'd much rather go about accomplishing a similar end result through a 
different means, which would be a servitor guide who opened pathways to my 
desired goal. 

I still believe servitors can function as independant entities once they 
find an established source of energy outside of the mage.  (this ties into 
my belief that god-forms, angelic entities, certain animal spirits, etc. had 
a genesis ov servitor-hood) 


    One last thing- the normal, operating human mind will 
    create thought-patterns no matter what--  this appears 
    to be its function.  Minds create thought-patterns for 
    a living.  ;)   So I hope I didn’t scare anyone off re 
    magickal thought-patterns.  All I wanted to say was 
    watch carefully what you ‘eat mentally’—be smart about 
    which thought-constructs you choose so that they don’t 
    have a deleterious effect on you. Many magickal 
    thought-constructs, maybe even most, probably won’t be 
    harmful, but.…   How can I know what effect a 
    particular thought-form has on my body? Unsure.  I’m 
    thinking about it.  To be cont… 

    Shakticum- I mean JR-  (pick a name, any name…) 

From: "Elsairon" 

There has been a great history aong the Hindus of
> transforming your foods cellular make up before it enters the body. I
> that fruit Depok Chapra worte something of the matter about his weight
> by not changing his diet. He simply "prayed" on his food before hand.
> Actually he "attuned" his body to accept what it taking in and
> old imprints he had associated with the eating experience.

There were Kirilian photographs taken of food that was "modified" or
"blessed" before and after. The fields are definetly larger, different,
much more appealing.

> > Magickal thought-patterns become part of the mage,
> > assuming the mage has a normal human body made out of
> > energy.
> --
> Yes and no. What happens to say 10 years of constant anger and then a
> therapy provides some relief. Is the relief just piled onto the 10
> anger or does it replace some of the space the anger emotion once

The Human body is more than 90% totally remade in about 11 months
to the modern medical science magickal paradigm). So "most" of what
to us is encoded in a semi-permenant state, but is also able to change
as readily. For example, the normal habit for/deconstruckt takes about
consecutive days. It doesnot matter what was there before. The new
maintains itself (until ousted by another).
In my experience, there are habits which re-assert themselves if there
none others running, or you let go of some currently employed, etc.

Thought forms.
Most of the research done on thought affecting the chemical/hormaonal
aspekts of the bodymind are measured through time.

Sigils- To be effective, they only need exist for a few hours, minuties
if they are projected and then forgotten. basically little longterm
genemodification , perhaps some mood changes in the moment, not a
when you are exp. with swapping emottion/ moods, personalities, etc.

Servitors-the constant companionship of the servitor "heelmee" would be
welcome addition. These last longer, and return to mind often, etc. You
to check up on it to see if it is functioning, gone rogue, etc. Much
potential for imprinting changes in the self. Perhaps in a negative


from: "Zen werewolF" 

have constantly pondered the meaning of meaning...

why do we decide that certain ideas mean
what they seem to mean?

they flow into and out of the ideas
that they originate from

meanings shift subtly over time

today, we discussed beliefs,
the origins of, and the resultant actions
based within beliefs

and while I made a snide comment
about changing beliefs daily
the practical application of the idea
of meta-belief
in non-discriminate fashion
the outlay of the religious attitude

one possible athiest,
one chaoist,
and a room full of monothiests

prevented me
in a social sort of way
from directly challenging
the prevalent view
that belief was fundamental
to morality

From: "aimee mohammad"  

    "zenarchy"  wrote: 

    But since you asked... If you desired to have more 
    discipline or strength of will, how would you go about 
    developing these qualities in yourself? I think that 
    self-discipline is just as important (if not moreso) 
    for "chaos mages" (for lack of a better term) as it is 
    for more traditional paths of magick. Got any advice 
    for an undisciplined inchoate chaote? =.] 

Force yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable.  Force yourself to 
do something that makes you go rushing to shit every five minutes because 
your guts are roiling with fear.  Know that you *will* do this and nothing 
and no-one is going to stop you, not even yourself. 

Course it helps to have a goal in mind.  A reward at the end of it. 
Difficult to do it for the sake of doing it.  Think you should know exactly 
where you're going, why and for whom.  This might take a while. 

Know yourself.  This will definitely take some time :)  You *can* force 
yourself to be something you're not.  For a while.  Might have difficultly 
doing something because, deep down, you really don't want to do it.  And 
*shouldn't* be doing it. 

Could also do a ritual.  Kali is good for holding you to your promises. 
Could ask the universe for more strength of will and discipline.  In my 
experience, the energy from this will be liberated from other parts of 
yourself.  Could be from nasty self-defeating parts you'll be glad to see 
the back of, could be from something you're quite attached to (but were 
maybe better rid of anyway?).  Plan carefully.  Introspect.  What do you 
*really* want? 

My two cents worth. 


From: "Christopher Heimarck"  

Poem October 1 1999 Christopher Heimarck 

Listening to the Grateful Dead 1972 

Europe '72 

No sentence can carry meaning 

No sentence can hold meaning 

Time is the fastest speed in the universe 

Trying to get to the essence 

Most people are hypnotized, asleep 

the Goddess Maya 

Immediate Feedback from a dream 

"Meaning comes to me" 

Trying not to waste time 

The inside is the outside and the outside is the inside 

Words like arrows of love from Cupid's bow 

as Garcia grew larger 

his fans found his size more comforting 

"Eat papa eat.  A skinny Santa is no Santa at all." 

The web of Fate 


Men and Women 

Time in 2 directions 

Greta Garbo wearing a crown 

Going on a walk when it's cold 

Led Zeppelin 

"I carry the news that must get through." 

Propaganda Center 

Empty mechanisms 

Groucho Marx dancing 

The first, most insane Creator-- 


"I believe everything I read."  --Spinal Tap 

"Your city lies in dust"  --Siouxsie 

Roger Zelazny 

Best not to let the conscious mind know what is going on 

Each new child born is infinitely improbable-- 

the creation of the universe anew 

does the clown make her laugh? 

"He turned and came to himself and said I will go back to my father's 

A secret Christian? 

A home in a paradise 

He took his inheritance and spent it all in a far city 

Phillip K. Dick, Gnostic Christian 

The Buddha-land 

Waking up from a dream 

Infinite reincarnations 

You MUST attend school when you are young 

The appeal of Hinduism 

Bhagavad Gita 

"The best lack all conviction."  --Yeats 

Acceptance is a 2 way flow 

It is a good day when you find an ally 

Native American men, having come back as veterans of WW2, had the respect of 
the entire tribe. 

A new definition of war 

A new definition of computer games 

3-dimensional world 

People allow their mind to become colonized by memes 

Then they put on their new Nikes and try to catch a ride on the mother ship 
behind Hale-Bopp 

From: "Zac Walters"  


I have a pantheon of deities based on silverware.  The Spoon is Goodness, 
fore it whips things together and mixes things up. The Fork, on the other 
hand, is Entropy because all it can do is poke, stab, and tear things apart. 
Now the spork is mankind, I combination of the spoon and fork, just as man 
has creative and destructive tendacies.  The Knife is nuetral, it can either 
destroy things or shape and spread them.  The Bowl is the Spirit world, it 
is where everything is mixed together by the Spoon, with his helping 
deities, Blender, Wisk, and Eggbeater. The Spoon transports the material 
from the Bowl to the Plate, which is physical reality. Plate is the plane 
where we get what is mixed in the Bowl. Napkin is the protector. Napkin 
watches the gates the Abyss, our mouths, and makes sure that anything that 
escapes destruction is cleaned up and wiped out.  The whole dinner table is 

Well, how's that for a pantheon? 

Zac Walters                     

Karpe Kia 

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