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More tidbits of conversation...  info, etc:

    Date:         Sat, 9 Oct 1999 
  Subject:         [eco-magic] Exposure - response spell

                                                                                               Add Addresses 

Here's some notes on that exposure spell I mentioned earlier,

It consists as an opening as appropriate,

Some enochian verse,

And then a double sigil, such as

 may the lies deceits delusions and rationalisations of ....... be
may the biosphere be saved in spite of them!

This is to programme reality with a blueprint for sequences
of events in which the realisation occurs that the situation is not
in safe hands, and effective action is taken.

It should be made into a mantra.

As for the opening, I do this differently according to what I want to

For spiky workings I open with four satanic pentagrams with an
rune in each one which I visualise and vibrate to open
the magical space.

For fluffier workings, I use the dragon rune.

These things are up to personal preference.

As for the Enochian part,
Here it is in English, it will translate directly into Enochian.

In keeping with the principal of 'nothing for nothing'
I've put it here in English so that people who want to use it
can make the small sacrifice of the effort of translating it
into whatever style of Enochian they are using.
It will translate directly, but don't be afraid to alter it to

The sun is used for various reasons, partly as a symbol for shedding
light on the matter in a big way,
and partly as a symbol for the qualities of clarity, aggression,
and energy.
It sets things up so that the rising of the sun ensures results.

 'unspeakable diversity' is a phrase from the Enochian keys, it is
used here particularly to honour biodiversity, and also multi culture,
and the pandaemonaeon (post modernism).

The phrase 'Horns of Justice' represents honourable expressions of
the 'will to power'.

The will to power can be seen as consisting of two horns,
one represents the will of power elites to dominate, the other
represents the will of 'common' people to rise up and free
themselves, or make a world where their kids won't be abused,
etc. etc.

By combining the concept of the horns of the will to power with
the concept of Justice, the prose intends to get issues dealt with
by both sides of the class divide, and everyone in between.

Here follows the prose in English.

By this song of honour the sun is as a sword of truth and justice,
And the dragon is a mighty guard for the sons and daughters and the
earth with her unspeakable diversity.
By this song of honour the sun shall rise and weed out the comfort of
iniquity with darkness of those not of honour to the earth;
The dragon shall rise as the horns of justice,
and the undefiled knowledge may be magnified with the gathering of

After this is enchanted in the ritual, the double sigil is chanted
into gnosis.

After this I usually either close or (if fluffy) vibrate and visualise
dragon rune a few times, and then go on to another one.

The working is designed so that it can be directed against any problem
is maintained by ignorance, delusion and apathy,
and which is hostile to whatever the eco mage is up to as an eco mage.

This could be aimed against a power hungry faction, or well established
offenders, or against ideologies or memes.

As for me, my next target shall be misogyny or anti-feminist
sentiments in the movement in the south of England.

Any comments, criticisms whatever?

Best wishes,


Keith DeWitt :

If you would like to get into some progressive science, try these
links. or you can pick up Joseph Caters' book and find out why
Einstein doesn't work here anymore:

Apparatus and methods of Gravity Guidance and Propulsion of
Geosynchronous Satellites, other satellites and space vehicles
using net kinetic energy PUSH of Gravity of the electromagnetic
spectrum particles which continually irradiate the earth from
space, based on the Oppositely Charged Twin Monopole (OCTM) Theory
of Matter. Specifically Fully Stabilized Geosynchronous Satellites
can be made with the same lift-off weight as Spin Stabilized
Geosynchronous Satellites by using GG&P Methods and Rules of mass
distribution in the satellite.

Nikola Tesla invented high voltage AC (the 120 volts you use
Tesla invented the generators to make AC and the motors to use it.
Tesla created the technology that the U.S. military used in the
Philadelphia Experiment.
Tesla showed that gravity does not pull us to earth, but rather is
a force gradient present everywhere, even in space. The earth acts
as a shield from the push of the energy forces that would be under
us. Newtonian physics was refined: 2 objects do not attract to the
inverse square of their distances: they mutually shield from
gravitational "push"
Tesla wanted everyone to have FREE ELECTRICITY, so he invented a
FREE ENERGY machine to convert the high potential energy gradient
(present everywhere) to electricity. Unfortunately, his notes
disappeared when he died. Research based on his has produced
different forms of a FREE ENERGY convertor . Tesla's convertor
gave much more power than current re-creations.
Steve - this is what I was referring to with the destruction of
the Spaceship Columbia:
Tesla also did research on very low frequency electromagnetic
waves. 10 Hz can change Alpha rhythms to Beta in a human brain. He
used low frequencies to change weather, create storms and
earthquakes. His research was to avoid negative usage. Currently,
disruptive frequencies are being broadcast around the world. Much
of Wilhelm Reich's research on Orgone Energy parallels Tesla's.

ICQ - 44486512

> --- angel69  wrote:
> > Theres a new webpage for dragon now,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > For questions about the dragon rune and lot's of
> > other stuff
> > (from London Dragon's perspective)
> > check it out.
> > 
> > I was interested to see that the fluffy policy has
> > branched out into
> > a 'destroy the destroyers' intent in one of the
> > London dragon rituals.
> > 
> > I'm thinking of doing a general wasshailing
> > (blessing) for dragon 
> > and the website, and also something to 
> > charge the rune with qualities might as well be
> > given to it if it's 
> > turning spikey.
> > Things like discepline, integrity, accuracy, making
> > sure not to
> > side against the 'lesser evil', etc.
> > not that it does not have these qualities allready.
> > 
> > Anyone care to join me?
> > 
> > Anyway, check out the website, that's my advice.
> > 
> > Best wishes,
> > 
> > Angel
> > 
> > 
> >

Zen werewolF:

> well, after viewing the site, I'm a bit curious about
> my own dragon bind-rune...
> it has a minor (well, major) variation, and as such I
> wonder if I've changed the primary intent....
> here's what I got:
> \ | /
> \\|//
> \\|//
>  \|/
>  /|\
>  \|/
>  /|\
> / | \
> I incorporated Inguaz (the diamond) because I find it
> lends power & acts as a spiritual battery of energy,
> and also by doing so it placed Othalaz at the bottom
> to produce a focus on the enviroment...  
> (remember, I worked this out given a verbal
> description of the bind-rune, not a visual
> description)
> should I revert this back?  let it stand?  Am I
> fucking w/ shit I need not be?
> hmmmm
> just curious.

     : Dragon stuff

                                                                                               Add Addresses 

Well if it works, it works :)

Looks like evolution to me.

I was thinking yesterday that it might be a good idea to have
more big symbol / egregores, that way if one of them corrupts
or gets tainted (as with the swastica) then there will be others.

After having a quick look at the new rune,
I noticed that there is also,

And a form of Hagalaz (snowflake pattern)

Lot's more to play with.

If you feel the need to ask if a rune is right or wrong, 
then I presume that the done thing is to ask Freyja and / or Odhin.

From my perspective it doesn't 'feel' like there's anything 
wrong with it, but then again, I don't 'feel' like there's anything 
wrong with Azathoth 

Keep up the good work, that's what I say.

Best wishes,


michael nau  Save Address Block Sender
 To: Save Addresses 
 Subject: [kaos-l] Re: psychedelic experiences
 Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:23:23 -0700 (PDT)

                        Reply All 

I agree with yr basic premises, but from my
experience, the only thing that ever really kills of a
corp. for good are major liability lawsuits, buyouts,
and bankruptcy.  Since money and advertising are the
media that a corp. works it's own magic in, wouldn't
these be the realms counterspells would need, more or
less, to work through?  Not totally sure, myself.  The
Adbusters and Culture Jammers work over billboards,
coopting and subverting these images, for laughs
mostly.  Guy Debord and the SI did the same thing on a
wider social canvas.  So did the Baader-Meinhoff gang.
Corporations and Coporate Thought rule the American
Psychosphere, and the same thing is happening in the
UK.  Has anyone noticed that the French are acting
very American, happier now, with a cellphone in every
pocket, than in past years?  It is getting creepy out
there in UKUSA/WesternEurope.  Italy and Spain seem to
be the last Socialist dreamers in Old Europe.
Capitalism evolves into Corporatism.  How can you kill
a god?  I think one of the best spells we have at our
disposal is to turn off the TV and support alternative
OS like LINUX (written on a PacBell).  Our magic is
powerful when linked with others to fight corporations
directly, but at the individual level, turning off the
tele---> AS ABOVE, SO BELOW--- viola!

--- zen werewolf  wrote:
> okay, here's where I go off:
> I'm seeing in the corporate world a series of
> egregores, egregores being a
> step above servitors and a wee bit below godforms,
> the essential spiritual
> force of an organization.  (this isn't paranoia, its
> for magickal purposes)
> (heheheh)  so anyway, you got the United States, &
> what's the spirit of the
> US?  it's Uncle Fucking Sam.  if you were to conjure
> or evoke Uncle Sam, and
> talk or command (or fucking bind, even) U. Sam into
> doing something, or
> carrying a meme of some sort, it would spread into
> the culture of the USA.
> pretty simple.
> next institution, & this is the corporate thingy I
> mentioned earlier, is
> something like Disney, w/ an egregore of Mickey
> Mouse.  there's a bitch of a
> big egregore if'n there ever was one.  Mass media &
> the ideosphere are
> filled with these egregores, not like in the old
> days when the only psychic
> critters were fire elementals and lightning &
> whatnot...  maybe Baphomet in
> the middle ages, or the egregores of shit like the
> fictional catholic saints
> (st. Christopher...  et al)  or other committee
> produced spiritual
> entities...
> so the ideosphere is filled with this shit, & the
> reflection of the
> ideosphere (the new Akashic Records, as it were) is
> the internet..
> humanities uploaded super-subconscious, the online
> collective consciousness,
> you get the idea.  This online web acts as the
> encyclopedia of everything,
> by now almost any given sphere of human study is
> online, as is all the
> religious, spiritual, philosophical, and
> metaphysical crap that adhers to us
> mortal fuckers.
> The more energy focused into one of these egregores,
> the more it grows, both
> in financial rewards and in psychic maneuverability.
>  (fucking pepsi cans
> are supplanting the tao symbol!!!!!!!!!)  so, given
> this bit, perhaps you
> see where I'm headed.
> Media control and magic have much in common.  THe
> creation of an image, and
> the sustained feeding of that image, as occurs on
> tv, is much like the
> creation of a servitor, (or, in these examples, an
> egregore.  Is it like a
> Loa?  shit, don't ask me...  I know nothing about
> Loa's, 'cept what I read
> about in those William Gibson books, & w. Gibson
> doesn't strike me as a
> master vodoun or whatever they calleth themselves.
> anywho, any institution (or corporate body) is, in
> the eyes of the law, an
> immortal person.  They are a legal entity.  pop the
> animist paradigm down on
> that, & the legal entity now has a spiritual
> nature...  a collective mind
> made up of the organization's key members, with a
> body of influence
> equivelant to the number of lesser members in the
> group.  That make sense?
> follow me...  To improve or destroy a given
> organization, the magical area
> of effect and the nature of the entity must be
> established, & a name would
> help.  use that as a basis for begining the creation
> of the ritual.  I
> believe Hakim Bey spoke about casting spells on
> institutions in T.A.Z.,
> somewhere in the appendix.
> oh, one other thing, wiping out a company or
> governmental body doesn't carry
> any of the karma associated with wiping out a human
> being, for those of you
> who give a fuck about karma.
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: michael nau 
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [kaos-l] Re: psychedelic experiences
> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:29:11 -0700 (PDT)
> In this post, when you say: "people's actions", do
> you
> mean the people who make up the body of the
> institutions you mention, or do you mean the people
> effected by those institutions.  You make a very
> interesting point here, and I wonder which "people"
> you are refering to. What if these institutions also
> have an unconscious or repressed drive that serves
> to
> presuppose their reactions? Didn't Reagan's and his
> constituency's homophobia cause him to ignore AIDS?
>   I tend to think that those institutions are
> analagous
> to the conscious mind, or maybe the super ego (to
> get
> Freudian), and the "people", meaning me and you
> bruva,
> are closer to the "unconconscious".
> --- helixxx 
> wrote:
>  > Problem is that these experiences can be used to
>  > determine very
>  > traditionalistic values as well. Not the kind of
>  > social change you would
>  > like in the US . One of the reasons people broke
>  > away from The Golden Dawn
>  > (and no offence meant) is that they wanted a free
>  > thinking  sort of magick;
>  > or at least more open.
>  > I'm cynical but I'm aware of how systems work. I
>  > believe that , like magick,
>  > the political and social strata have their own
>  > 'unconscious' which  either
>  > determines them more, or can bring thier
> downfall. I
>  > mean here by
>  > unconscious that which is not determined by
> media,
>  > laws, social policy but
>  > which is implicit in people's actions.


         "angel69"   | Block address
         Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:20:25 +0100
         [eco-magic] 'Destroy the Destroyers'

                                                                                               Add Addresses 


I suppose this is going to sound a bit like the 'fluffy / spiky' issue
of a few years back.

Firstly though,
Since the working which included 'destroy the destroyers'
was used to protect Lyminge forest, I thought I should mention
one little anecdote.

One of the people to get evicted from there by the protesters
claims that I beat him up whilst I was drunk the sumer before last.
Personally I think he was lieing or exagerating as an excuse to
fund his drug abuse by selling some books I'd lent him, but I do
remember being boystrous.
Perhaps the trident of Shiva made a fearsome chi strike at the
same time 

He was amongst some people who had formed a power block,
and were trying to take everything over by tactics such as:
driving commited people to nervous breakdowns,
telling a lot of lies, particularly targeting information centres
and people on imprinting hallucinogens, and vampirism for camoflauge.

At least one of them has been known to use vampirism to
turn unwilling victims into shields against magical attacks on him.

Don't ask me how I know, but I responded by invoking
the god of magical links, and enchanting for all curses against
him to find their mark.

If there was a general magical attack aimed against people
who are out to destroy the eco-current, then it may well
hit these people, and quite right too.

My opinion about destructive magic is that sooner or later
it becomes necessary for self defence, but it increases the
need for precision, responsability, looking around the corner,
integrity etc.

I shouldn't have to stress these things here, but succesfull
violent cultures have honour, and discepline as well as traditions
of nasty tricks for doing people over.
Otherwise they would collapse into bullying, and all their potential
would be lost in the resulting 'brain drain'

One of the things that pissed me off about Brighton was the
number of people who expected me to be dishonourable with
violence and destructive magic.
I got pestered by a lot of people who just assumed that they could
make me bully people on their behalf.

That's another concern; the tendancy of magic to atract assholes
increases when people can see fuel for a power trip.

I've been doing a lot of work in the last few years to make my
magic more discerning about what kinds of people it's helpfull to.

It turns out that generating positive prejudice attracts manipulative
and donating energy attracts oportunist vampires, so I've
been working more towards awareness raising magic amongst other things,
making my magic more slective in who it helps or hurts.

As for fluffy / spikey workings, I've always done fluffy ecomagic with
Dragon rune, and used other things for spikey things.

The idea of blessing the dragon rune with the powers of Geburah rather
appeals to me, however.
Perhaps a journey up the tree of life with apropriate workings at
each sephiroth might be a project for me in the not too distant future.

As for other qualities which I think should accompany the
addition of destructive means, I'll send a post about ways in
which I intend to invoke them and charge the rune with them.

Best wishes,

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Midgardr" 
Subject: [chaoskaos] Servitor Creation
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 13:30:04 PDT


Since I've decided that sigils are worthy, I'd like to try my hand at a
servitor.  I have a clear idea of what I want the entity to do, though I'm
unclear as to how to create one.  There are many, yet conflicting ideas.
I'm in favor of "simplicity",(no elongated rituals please), so if anyone has
a good technique or method, please share it with me, and the rest I will
leave to my own improvisation.  You can e-mail me off the list unless of
course others are interested.

In Kaos,

here's a simple one I designed meownself:


that's the little guy's name.

I wanted a money finder, a general all around finder of things, and, being broke when I first made the servitor, money was the primary necessity...  it started out as One Finder, a finder for any given thing, but Doferin was a silly name, sounded like a headache medicine, and I realized I could keep the original sphere of "finding" and have it specialize in money, so there ya go:

Then I found a physical icon for Ydoferminy...  a small toy dragon (purple, the exact shade of purple that I see when I visualize sigils, and the same shade as my doc marten's shoelaces)  since Ydoferminy needed to be able to wander about finding things, wings were important, & the dragon, of course, has wings.

I took the name Ydoferminy, and turned it into a sigil (converted letters into runes, turned runes into a bind rune, wrote the bind rune really large, and placed it into a jar)  then I waited for a storm.

A really nice storm, with lots of lightning, like a Frankenstien movie.

I took the jar, with the bind rune & various easily loseable objects inside it (like paper clips, socks, pencils, small beads, pennies, etc) and I smoked half a cigarette and mixed the smoke in with all the stuff, then sealed it off.  Then I took the dragon and the jar out into the storm, visualized pulling energy out of the storm and into the jar in a frankenstienian sort of "IT LIVES" kinda way.

Then, I laughed heartily at myself and the fact that I was standing in the rain and playing with a plastic toy.

now, when I need something, I chant Ydoferminy under my breath until I feel him close by...  then I ask him to find something for me.

works really well.  (oh, after the first month, I got rid of the jar...  the jar was an egg, kinda, and I only used it to hatch him.)

This is an example, of course, not really an outline of action, but hopefully it shows the adaptability of servitor creation.  granted, the more intensely you focus and the more intense the energy you put into creation, the bigger and badder the servitor will be.

zen werewolf

 Project ideas #2

                                                                                               Add Addresses 

An item with a high environmental impact such as a car is
picked, and a sigil is made for the item to have better labeling
so that the environmental impact of it's manufacture, 
use and disposal is somehow quantified and displayed like 
the health warning that goes with tobacco.

The sigil is charged by some powerful means, and then another
form of commodity is picked, etc.

best wishes,



 Another idea

                                                                                               Add Addresses 

I've heared rumours about people glueing bricks to the windows
of targets such as McDonalds, or shops that sell Mahogany,
stuff like that.

Aparrently if a good strong glue is used, or 'glass glue' I also 
heared, then they need to replace the whole window.

Just a thought, if a sigil were drawn on a piece of glass,
which was then glued to the window, it would be visable to
the public untill the window were changed.
Best Wishes,


twisted blue and violent grey  Save Address Block Sender
 Subject: Re: [chaoskaos] What is Chaos Magick?
I posed this question to my resident Priest of Chaos
and he came up with an interesting -- if not somewhat
complicated -- definition.

When humans have certain alignments within the
universe, it allies them with greater forces of that
same alignment.  Just as truly devoted Christians and
Buddhists often seem to have an air of protectiveness
around them,  those with truly chaotic alignments also
have earned protection from the chaotic forces in the
universe.  This allows them some leverage and the
occasional ability to focus their alignment, and their
universal energies, in order to manipulate the
universe in any way that could be considered as

I also come with some literary back-up for this claim.
 It comes from the book “PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas
in Chaos Magick” by Peter J. Carroll, “Personally, we
prefer to consider science as the study and
engineering of highly probable coincidences, such as
the tendency of apples to fall downwards when dropped
from trees.  We prefer to consider magick as the study
and engineering of less probable coincidences, such as
the tendency of trees to drop apples when we ask them

Essentially, I think, Chaos Magick is not only
accepting the theoretical possibilities in the
universe, but betting on them to win.

Of course, that’s just our opinion...


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assorted linkage

dragon bind-rune pages
ritual musick?
ritual magick links (enochian & more)