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On the Nature of Beauty

Beauty is purification & intensity gives determination

grip grasp stereo blasting
thoughts burning torchlike
touch lightly and wince
glance entranced ah

all this as her voice
low and soft, almost as soft as
she speaks almost as soft as
her voice is as soft as mine
as shy as I am, she is

all this as her sadness
leaks out across pavement
telling me of her husband
her divorce papers
her marriage at seventeen

I want to hold her hand
she sits in her car
miles between us
our first meeting

she drives away
I could watch her leave
for hours and never fully understand
all the emotions that race through me

stereo blast rampant
she glances back at me
skinny puppy blaring
noises, thumping, back beats
and confusion 


pain dull thud again & again left tortured wrists hurt brain aches heart stains starts ticking time aches