A Statement Of Intent Throughout the history of civilization mankind has repeatedly encountered the unknown in myriad forms, & has named the unknown God, Devil, Dragon, Daimon, Numen, Sidhe, Wendigo, & Alien. Mankind, through the use of these names, has thereby reduced the great primal uncertainty of the unknown into a more easily dismissed form. When a disease runs rampant throughout a culture, is it not more fulfilling, more profitable, to blame the epidemic on a deity who is enraged rather than assign the event to random natural occurrence? For a deity can be placated, through prayer, through sacrifice, & thereby the epidemic may be warded off, but random & uncertain events cannot be controlled nor appeased. Is it any wonder, then, that mankind has continuously reinvented supernatural agencies throughout all of recorded history? If we had no gods to blame or to petition, if we had no numen to rely upon for inspiration, if we had no aliens, no sidhe, no wendigo, we would be a much poorer culture as a whole. Our occult world defines us, as a race. Those things, those entities that creep & crawl throughout our minds eye when we take in the sacred smoke, or imbibe the shaman’s brew, are equally as real & as important as the elections of state officials. There is no hallucination that does not make itself felt in the prime material plane of existence, no sigil that does not cause a convolution in the fabric of our reality. To merely ignore the influence of some ten thousand years of history in the study of the occult is to be a fool, for our world, occult & otherwise, is based on the past which brought it about. However, it is also foolish to adhere strictly to the rites & traditions of the past, without taking into account modern advances in psychology, neurolinguistics, memetics, physics, mathematics, & poetry. Thus, the new metaphysic of the coming epoch must involve not only a grounding in the knowledge of the self in relation to the spiritual plane, but also an understanding of the underlying essences of existence.This being a statement of intent, is heretofore known as the foundation, the prima facie from which future information will emanate, & as such is, in & of itself a living viral organizim of the memetic varitey.-opinions of the Zen werewolF in no way reflect the opinions of anyone else, except those who are right-
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