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Rune Divination Information

Yes, this does take a while to clean up...  makes ya wish I was there in person w/ me notebook, don't it? return to the contented contents P.S. (about nauthiz = the cross bar is high on the mark, not centered, which allows it to be reversed) a textual list: fehu=wealth=fire energy=creativity (creative block) uruz=health=physical energy=initiation (Danger, Danger!) thurisaz=thorn=internal conflict=demon (external conflict) ansuz=communication=air energy=ma(g/j)i(c/k)alness (arrival of message) raido=trip=correct path=riding (stupid fucking idea or plan) kaunaz=art=fire energy=knowledge (ignoring inner pain) gebo=relationship=self-sacrifice=partnership wunjo=agape'=healing energy=happiness (happiness on hold) hagaliz=conception=forced cleansing=clearing nauthiz=requirements=restrictions=constraint (stop worrying) isa=stasis=present moment=delays jera=harvest=karmic cycle=patience eiwaz=axis=flowing change=courage peorth=cauldron=changes brewing=intuition (delay in information) algiz=yggdrassil(?sp?)=protective energy=success (focus on spiritual energy) sowilo=victory=fire energy=wholeness teiwaz=war mage=spiritual core=justice (no spiritual energy) berkana=goddess=healing energy=fertility (shucking chrysallis(?sp?)) ehwaz=marriage=balanced relationship=horse (temporary confucion) mannaz=mankind=harmonious balance=kissing (lacking intellect) lagu=wu wei=water energy=flow (swimming upstream) ing=egg=energy container=integration dagaz=dawn/twilight=transformative energy=breakthrough othalaz=grounding=ancestral destiny=home (need to find grounding) wyrd=that which cannot be known (alternatively can be a blank rune) best way to make yr own runes, go down to Hobby Lobby or whatever passes for a hobby store where you be, & purchase some e-z bake oven clay, like fimo or sculpty and make a whole bunch of equally shaped buttons, a few extra than necessary due to mankinds inherent nature of fucking things up at least once or twice during any op- eration. then bake the buttons. after you bake them put the runes on the buttons it will look better this way, trust me, I've done this myself. carve the runes into the buttons using a ball-point pen, by going back & forth over the rune until it looks neat. then get yrself a nice pouch for 'em. all rites reversed (K)99 reprint what thou wilt