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~*~All About Me-If u really care~*~

haha! this pic is funny! get it? the thing he's sitting on is NEVERMIND!

well...this is me (Lauren)...Miss America material dont ya think? haha JK! o and my mom put the flowers by me! she wanted it to be pretty! :P

ughh...i dont like this pic but its the only one i have scanned! my friend scanned it for me!

Hey there! My name is Lauren and I am from jackson,MS or as me and my friends call it...jacktown! I am 14 (my b-day is Feb.8 so if u wanna send me a card in an e-mail feel free! haha) and have 2 brothers, Matthew (22) and Taylor(17), 1 dog, Honey, and 2 cats, B.C and Spanky! In case u were wondering Spanky is the mama cat and B.C. (Bad Cat) is the baby cat! I play basketball and am a point guard on the junior high team! I'm a model, rich, and have too many friends to count.....haha GOTCHA! Ok, well i have been a fan of Michael since i heard the song "This Time Around." Even though i didnt know who it was (i thought it was a boyband at first! haha) i still liked the song! I got to see Michael and get his autograph and a picture with him! He was REALLY nice to take a pic with me! What a sweetie! If u wanna hear more about that go to My Michael Experience. I am also a fan of *N SYNC, Silverchair, TLC, Shania Twain, Tim Mcgraw, Faith Hill, Dixie Chicks, LFO (dude i just got the CD and it kix major butt! GO GET IT...but get Michael's single first...hehe), Jordan Knight and more! Ok well im sure thats all u really care to know about me! Hope u enjoy the site and COME BACK!

These are just a few things about me

Name: Lauren
Age: 14
Residence: Jacktown (Jackson),MS
Favorite Movies: Armageddon, She's All That, What's Eating Gilbert Grape
What's on your mouse pad: nothin, it's shaped like a cat and has a picture of a cat on it! I didn't pick it out!
Favorite board game: hmmm....shoots and ladders
Favorite magazines: Teen People and YM
Favorite smells: Happy, Dream (Gap), Banana Republic perfume
Worst feeling in the world: When a family member dies
Best feeling in the world: Thinking about the time i got to meet Michael!
Favorite Band: Is Michael Fredo a band?
What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? turn on the T.V then go back to sleep knowing that i still have 20 minutes left to sleep!
Pen or pencil: Pen
How many rings before you answer the phone: Well, i hate the phone so i ususally wait like 3 rings
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no
If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would it be: Michael Fredo, maybe one or 2 guys from *n sync
What is your zodiac sign: Aquarius
If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: on my ankle and it would be a rose or a heart
Righty, lefty or ambidextrous: righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: in computer class i do
What's your favorite number: 22
Favorite TV Show to watch: 7th heaven, TRL

Also...if u wanna IM me my america online instant messenger sn is Lsmitty22 and poofoo54LB and my yahoo sn is n_love_with_jljcj!