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~*~Your Michael Experiences/Fan Stuff~*~

These are some Michael experiences you sent me!

This is from Cayla from the Michael Fredo fan club! thanx girl!!!

Well, I liked Mike for a long time since he first came out w/ This Time Around, and he's from my hometown, (Elmira, NY) so I thought it would be cool to set up a Fan Club for him since there was'nt any other sites I could find out there in cyberspace. hehe. Well, anyway, that's where it all started. I met Joe Fredo's gf online and we exchanged e-mails, and I also met Jenny, Michael's friend who is also from Elmira. well, they helped me out with the facts and everything on the site. Then I got an e-mail from ('GB') who said they loved the site and that they knew Michael very well and said that they would have him check out the Fan Club. Well, a few weeks later or so, I got an e-mail from Michael Fredo and he answered some of my questions about himself and talked about his concert in Baltimore and apartment and everything! I was shocked to get an e-mail from him, but I was so happy!

Anyway, my friends and I heard that he would be back in Elmira performing at the mall so that day we all piled into the car and went up to the mall. It was sooo crowded but we managed to see his great performance close!, and we also ran into Joe Fredo and talked to him for a little bit. Michael threw roses into the crowd and my b/f had one on the tip of his fingers but someone took it from him! Anyway, after the performance, a DJ or something announced that Michael would be at Record Town (a CD store) signing autographs, so it was like a big stampede!! everyone went running to Record town and got in line. By the time we got there, the line was sooo long!, and we decided to go see a movie. Very depressed, I gave my bf's sister a bunch of letters people wanted me to give Michael along with mine and I decorated the envelope with trolls (he loves to collect them) and I also gave her the camera to take pics for me since she and her friend managed to get in line. Well, she got his T-shirt and told Mike the letters were from Cayla and she got great pics of him! I was still upset I couldnt meet him, but we still were allowed to go in record town to 'pretend' we were looking at Cds when in reality, we were just pretending to so we could stand a few feet away from Michael whle he signed autographs without getting kicked out and take pictures. he kept taking his shirt off for people, and was that a great site! Well, we yelled his name but we couldnt get his attention for long, so we talked to Joe Fredo again and I got a pic with him.

Well, we went home depressed that we never got to meet Michael, but I was happy that my bf's sister gave him the letters. So when I got home, my sister came running outside yelling 'Cayla, Cayla!' and I'm like, 'What? What?' and then she said that the name 'Hilfiger' was on our caller I'D! Well, Michael was @ his mom's house, so I called back and a guy answered and I said 'umm, yeah, a Hilfiger was on my...' and then the guy goes, 'Is this Cayla?' or something like that, and I'm like, 'Yeah', and he said 'Cayla, whats up? This is Michael Fredo!' and I'm like 'Oh, I just got home from the mall but I did'nt get to meet you' 'I'm sorry' and Michael said 'I want to tell you that your web site is awesome! It's the most awesome thing! and 'I'm like, oh, thanks!' (meanwhile, my friend is screaming in the backround) and then he said that he was going to send me some cool Tommy stuff, and I told him it was alright cause I like making the Fan Club. Then he asked me if me and my friends would like to have Ice-Cream with him the next day if he did'nt go to the lake, so I'm like sure! and he asked what time I get out of school and everything. So the next day, Michael called back after school and sounded a bit confused! lol, he's so cute! he asked what was up and I told him I just got home and everything, and he was talking in the backround also saying how he had to go to the lake and everything, but still wanted to meet and then he asked if I still wanted to meet him, and I said yeah. So, then he said, wait, can I call you back in a sec? and I go sure! So he called back about 3 minutes later or so and explained how all his cousins were going to the lake also and asked if I could meet him at Earl's (an ice-cream place in Elmira) so we hung up and my bf rushed us over and we made it there before Michael and chilled for awhile. then a few minutes later a van pulled up, and there was Michael Fredo wearing adorable Tommy Clothes, with his mom, Betsy H. also! Michael came in and asked where I was and I said 'right here.' and he handed me a Tommy bag with a tote bag, Tommy sweatshirt, towel, and waterbottle. Then he told me how awesome the Fan Club/site was and everything and talked to all of us for awhile. It was funny, cause at one point he sat next to my bf's sister and she was so nervous she couldnt even look at him. She was looking at me and was so shy. It was cute! Then Michael asked what we all wanted for ice-cream and I was in too much awe to get anything, but my bf's friend jumped up, and goes something like 'I'll have a snowcone Mike!' lol, it was so funny. While Michael was ordering the snowcones my bf went up to him and whispered something. Well, Michael came back a few minutes later with an Ice-Cream Cake (It was my friend's B-day) and Michael sang happy birthday to her! It was so sweet! Then my bf's friend was making sculptures out of his snowcone and I was so embarrassed but then Mike got up and started doing what John was doing and poked the snowcone with his straw and everything! It was funny! So Michael got the boys snowcones, but none of us girls wanted anything. Well, my bf's sister snuck out and put on her Michael Fredo t-shirt and it was funny. Mike just looked at her in the cutest way, then he signed it for her!, then My friend, Maria asked Mike to sign her sister's CD single, so he did, and I thought to myself, 'What the hell!' so I asked him to sign the Tommy bag he gave me and he signed on it 'Cayla, you're the best! Love, Michael Fredo!' Then he showed us his cut on his arm when he hurt it in Baltimore and told us about how he might get a lap top so he could talk to us so we wrote down all our screen names for him and he put the piece of paper in his pocket. We chatted for awhile and he talked about his pets (aww) and everything, then it was time for him to go)= cause he had to go to the lake. (he's a great waterskier) Well, we all left with him and then we asked if we could take pics with him and he said Ok! so we went in front of Earl's Ice-Cream and took a pic with him. he then asked if we could take one for the web site/ Fan Club Then we went to the sideyard and posed for a pic like Michael wanted us to with our arms up in the air. Well, my arm was around Michael so I did'nt put mine up. I thought, I'll just leave my arm there!! lol! It was adorable! I'll post it up soon. So we got 4 pics of all of us with him, then it was time to go. We said our goodbyes.

Well, a few days later I received a package in the mail from Michael. In it was 7 T-shirts, pictures, a pic of his tour bus, and on the back Michael wrote 'This is my tour bus! we travel around in it- M. Fredo', and then there was 3 CD singles, Tommy keychains, a giant package of trading cards, autographed Britney Spears photo, biographies, folders, the 'INTRODUCING' CD, and on it he wrote 'Cayla! Here's the whole album See you soon! (Heart) Michael' and then he sent me a Tommy Card that said he enjoyed meeting me and my friends at Earl's and that it was a fun place to hang out, and for me to check out all this stuff he sent me! My friends and I all split all the stuff amongst ourselves! We all adore him! My mom wrote a letter to his mom saying what a wonderful son she has and I wrote a letter to Mike and gave it to Betsy. She called my mom and told her that she read Michael the letters over the phone and Mike said he had a lot of fun and that he will be in Asia in Oct.

This is Sara Robb's experience! thanx sweets!

OK... here is my Michael Day (because the whole day was cool not just the Michael part!) First of all I woke up at the front of the line at HMV on RObson waiting for Sky because I spent the night there with my friends. Lots of epople were in the line up and it followed up the road for about a few blocks. Me and my friend/band mate Frany decided to have our friends save our spots so we could go look for Britney Spears at some local hotels. Our search was unlucky. So we headed over to Chapters to heat up. In chapters we flipped through the pages of a TOTP magazine where we saw an article written our our group Dynamiss! That was totally cool! So we took the article and went back to the line up. Eventually Sky came and we got to meet them and stuff. Then I was off to GMPlace alone because I didn't want to go home and then come back again later. I sat outside of GMPlace in Vancouver waiting for Britney, Steps, Sky or Michael Fredo to come do their sound checks. I made friends with the people who began arriving and Lara and Natalie (to pretty cool peeps!) and myself were then approached by a man. He was a worker there because he had security passes and stuff and he asked us if we'd like to help out britney so having nothing better to do we agreed. He told us to meet him at a security entrance just after 5. In the meantime we decided to just do whatever... we walked around the building and found a security door that was left open :) SO, being the daredevil that I am I opened the door and was about to go in when an alarm sounded! my peeps had ran off so a left too! Then we heard screaming so we ran back to the main entrance to see who was arriving. It was Steps. They came out of their bus and went right on in without signing autographs or anything! but oh well... next I think was Sky who sneaked in through and entrance around the side. Then Britney came along and she got out of her bus and waved once and was about to go into the building, everyone was like "aw," but i was like "B!TCH!" at the top of my lungs!!! (i know its mean but hey!) Then i ducked cuz i got scared that a security was gonan pound me or something but everyone was like who said that and stuff so i fessed up... it was pretty neat... And i didn't even get in trouble. plus she heard me! hahaha ok ok ok... on to Michael! Then a Michael Fredo Tommy bus pulled in! everyone ran over to the bus (including me) to wait for him to come out. Michael wasn't coming out so since everyone else was too chicken to knock on the bus I did it. He still didn't come out. but one of his hot buds came out and said Mike was not there so I got ticked and left. just as I had crossed teh road who did i run into!!! MICHAEL!!!! yeah! he was standing all alone walking... SO I went up to him and i was like "I just knocked on your bus and nobody was there!" and he was like"well I'm here now" and I got a hug, kiss and autorgaph and more hugs* oh yeah! and we talked for awhile as more people came. Then he was going to go over to his bus so I went ahead of him and told everyone he was coming. Then he came over to his bus and handed out posters and things and signed everyones autographs. I got a big huge poster signed to moi and people were asking for his water and stuff and he was giving it out. we were also like patting his pockets guessing what was in them and I was joking about wripping out a lock of his hair while people were asking for more of his stuff. it was fun! Then some chick asked if she could smack his ass and he was like "what!?" so smack... I did it for her! hehehe! it was great! and he called his brother hun and he was just really cute and cool. nayhow then I left because I wa tired of all the people who were trying to push to see him and since i'd already met him i jsut left (ya i know! i wish i hadn't ok!) but when i left I got to meet Steps because they came back out. and then I got to go inside to help out britney. On my way i was almost run over by the man who played the guy with no legs in forest gump, it was cool! We had to show our tickets in order to get in the security door so i put my camera in my bag and pulled out my ticket (2nd row!) and went in. Britney was inside like standing beside us and we barely noticed it was her! she was short and stout but we gotta meet her and stuff so who cares. (except i had all my stuff in my bag so i didn't get autogaphs or pix of her) But then we rode the elevator to upstairs where we set up our stand to hand out britney stuff to the people who came in. but before they opened the doors to let peeps in we all got to watch skys sound check alone! just us! and it was so cool!!! then we handed out the britney things and were given a gift for helping out and the concert started. call me a baby but when michael came on first and i was still handing out those things i started to freak because i really liked him and i wanted to see him. i knew how to get to my seats quickest by going outside and walking down the stairs and going back in. so i went outside and ran to the downstairs door crying because i was missing him (don't make fun of me! I'm sensitive ok!) then they wouldn't let me in because my ticket had been wripped and i told them all my proof and everything but no one would let me in so i told some little old ticket wripping lady to F-off! i know it was uncalled for but i was pissed! then i went back to the secutiy entrance where some nice guy finally let me in because he recognized my top. I missed all of michaels show and half of steps... but then i saw sky and britney. After the show i went looking for Michael but he had already left :( but my night ended on an ok note because the guys we met on the sky train were really fun so i cheered up... ok that was my michael day! to me it was cool... and thanks for readin it! oh ya and inside i handed out a britney thing to the guy from air bud! hehehe just thought i'd mention that too... and i get to go back and work when BSB come and stuff... ok now I'm seriously done!

Have u met Mike and u wanna brag about it?

Your name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

Tell me about your experience with Mike!

Fan Stuff

This is a section devoted to stuff fans send in for me to put on the site! If u have anything please send it to me ( or

This poem was send it by annie!! Thanx (Where is that darn hand puppet when u need it? JOEY?!)

A Poem For Michael Fredo (hmm thats original...jk annie! Its GOOD!)

In Your soul so deep
my heart is what you keep
tho you do not know
of my love i don't show
and how i long to hear your sweet voice echo my name
imagining it just isn't the same
distant are my dreams from reality
dreams of only you and me
of my love you are not aware
yet for you i still care
your my secret love
and for you i would bring down the stars above
you are so tender and sweet
i cant wait for the day when alone we first meet
ill touch your hand and kiss your sweet face
hoping love will become our case
id hold you so close, right to my heart
wishing we will never part
what a sweet night it would be
time together, for eternity
this is what i dream of every night
and what i would do to make it just right
what id do to let you know how i feel
to show you my love is for real
i'd look softly into your eyes and say

Do u have a poem, fictional story, etc. about Mike?

Your name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

Write the story, poem, etc. HERE!

