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~*~Michael Fredo Is P.H.A.T~*~

~!~Michael Stuff~!~

~*~MiChAel FAcTs~*~
~*~MiChAel PiCs~*~
~*~My MiChAel ExPeRieNcE~*~
~*~MiChAel BiO~*~
~*~LoOk ALiKeS~*~
~*~ABoUt Me~*~
~*~MiChAeL LiNkS/LiNk My SiTe~*~
~*~MiChAeL PoLLs~*~
~*~MiChAeL ArTicLeS~*~
~*~SoMe P.H.A.T StuFF~*~
~*~SuPPorT MiChAeL~*~
~*~AbOUt YoU~*~
~*~SeNd a MiChAel GrEEtiNg CaRd~*~
~*~MiChAel NEwS~*~
~*~MiChAel ENcoUNteRs/FaN STufF~*~
~*~mY AwArDs~*~
~*~YoUr ThoUgHTs On The New CD~*~
~*~ChAt TrAnScRiPt~*~
~*~My MiChAeL MeSsAgE BoArD~*~
~*~ChOoSe ThE CaPtIoN~*~ (this one is COOL yall)

~*~More Michael Stuff~*~

ThE "P.H.A.T PoSsE" (join NOW and meet MIKE!)
~*~TaKe tHe MiChAeL SUrVeY~*~

~*~UpDaTeS aNd NeW stUfF~*~ updated 2-8-2000

CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW!!! U can win free backstage passes, concert tickets, autographed stuff, and CD's!! Its REALLY cool!! And when u join and they ask who recommended it put mfredogrl....thats me!! THANX...CLICK IT CLICK IT!


This site will no longer be updated!! I have a lot of stuff goin on now-school, guys (hehe), the mall, friends, and my other site. I hope yall arent mad but if u absolutely can't live without me just go to my other site! its an *N SYNC humor site and its hilarious!! Crunkicles on a piece of wood check it out! byeeee yall

LOOOOK...I'm a Michael Fredo girl!!! Ya wanna be one?? just go here ~~~> Drinking Hawaiian Punch with Michael Fredo and u can be one of Michael's girls!!!! It's THAT easy! :P

GO VOTE FOR MIKE!!! HE CAN MAKE THE TOP 100 WITH YOUR HELP!! Go here The Radio Free Top 100 Music Poll and fill out the form and put Michael Fredo for all your votes! Also...go vote for his video to be on TRL.... Total Request Live

Thanx for Comin! I REALLY appreciate it! If u have any michael pics u wanna donate send them to me! I'll be sure to give u props on the pics or whetever u send! My e-mail address is at the bottom...You'll see it! Also e-mail me if u have any tips on making the page better! Oh and SIGN THE GUESTBOOK PLEASE!! thanx

~~~*~~~On the web since 9.2.99~~~*~~~

~*~I Support my OTHER men, *N SYNC! Check out Chris Kirkpatrick's clothes line~*~

~~~Go HERE~~~

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~~~*~~~DO NOT COPY OR STEAL MY STUFF! I WILL TRACK YOU DOWN AND BEAT U....ok....maybe not but PLEASE be creative and use your own stuff...not mine!! :)~~~*~~~

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