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Thanks for dropping by.
Click a star to go to my other pages...
- My
Added 22 November 2001
- Mike's Web award winners
Nice places to visit.
- Awards I have been honored to receive.
- My Photo Album Lobby
Come see my family and friends.
- My personal info page.
Just a little bit about me.
- Friends Links
Visit some of my friends sites!
- My Games page.
for those who like to play.
- So you're building or improving a web site.
Net tools - These sites might help.
Graphics Midis Wavs Backgrounds
and other free stuff.
Michael & Kerry's Web Site!
My son & daughter in law.
LIFE - What a gift!
FRIENDS - I can count on!
FAMILY - Always there for me!
LOVE - For all things!
PASSION - For everything I do!
COMPASSION - For all living things!
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Peace Love and Light to you and yours!!