CHECK IT OUT !!--------------------->>>>>>>>>
This page was created for a place to post gestures made by me or my VP friends. If you have a particular request, look me up in VP and if I'm having a good day, I just might help ya!! Or if ya don't want to take your chances....E-mail me by clicking on my av below and I'll get back to you!

The following gestures were created by me: Misshalfstepmisshalfstep

DOWNLOAD HEREGesture says:...............
WAIT - Download"Wait Wait Wait, I'm Confused"
AssKickin' - Download"I'll do the ass kickin' around here"
BeatYou - Download"You ask me one more question and I'm beating the shit out of you"
BigGirl - Download"I'm a big girl in case you haven't noticed!"
CRASH - Download"The Operating System has crashed!"
Grrrowl - DownloadBig dog with a big growl !!
A wish - Download"At times like this, I wish I had a penis"
EvilLaugh - DownloadLaughter by the crypt keeper
UglyBitch - Download"You're not just a dumb bitch, you're an UGLY dumb bitch"
Whores!! - Download"We got whores in the room, we need back up now!"
Exactly -Download"I wanna know EXACTLY what you thought you were doing"
You're Sweet! - Download"Hey baby, you're sweet!
POOF - Download"I'm Outa Here..POOF"
ToooDrunk(1) - Download"If you've even been too drunk to fish.....
ToooDrunk(2) - Download"You might be a redneck"
BANG BANG - Download"Gunfire....BANG BANG BANG"
FeathersNumbered - Download"Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"
This Mean WAR - Download"Of course you know.. THIS means WAR"
Strange? - Download"That's strange, all of a sudden I don't quite feel like myself"
5 minutes - Download"If I'm not back in 5 minutes...just wait longer!"
Freak me OUT - Download"Stop it man, you're freakin' me OUT!"
Do NOT go - Download"Do NOT go in there" (Jim Carey)
AnyKey - Download"To Start, press any key...where's the any key??"
HELLLP - Download"Hellllppp, somebody save me, helllppp!!"
Drivin' - Download"No more for me thanks...I'm drivin'"
Give Kiss - Download"Give your mother a kiss....or I'll kick your teeth in !!"
Drink Heavily - Download"My advice to you is to start drinking....heavily."
Don't Mess - Download"He don't know me very he???"

Lazy Daze Painting
Lovemate's First Try
Sun's Gestures

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