previous - go to surnames
Terrell, Mari (1620 - )
b. 2 APR 1620 in ,Reading,Berkshire,England
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
spouse: Mew, ?
Terrell, Marie (1622 - )
b. 1621/1622 in ,Reading,Berkshire,England
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
Terrell, Mary (~1667 - )
b. ABT 1667 in ,New Kent,VA
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
Terrell, Mary (~1713 - )
b. ABT 1713
father: Terrell, William(~1656 - 1744)
mother: Waters, Susanna
spouse: Mills, Matthew
- m. ABT 1734
Terrell, Matthew (1804 - 1830)
b. 28 MAR 1804
d. 15 FEB 1830
father: Terrell, Matthew Peatross(1762 - <1813)
mother: Moorman, Sally
Terrell, Matthew Peatross (1762 - <1813)
b. 8 NOV 1762 in St.Margaret Par.,Caroline,VA
d. BEF 1813
father: Terrell, Thomas(1736 - 1804)
mother: Peatross, Rebecca
spouse: Moorman, Sally
- m. 11 MAY 1788
----------child: Terrell, Mahala (1790 - )
----------child: Terrell, Rachel (1793 - )
----------child: Terrell, Thomas H. (1798 - )
----------child: Terrell, Clark (1799 - )
----------child: Terrell, Joanne (1802 - )
----------child: Terrell, Matthew (1804 - 1830)
Terrell, Rachel (1793 - )
b. 2 NOV 1793
father: Terrell, Matthew Peatross(1762 - <1813)
mother: Moorman, Sally
Terrell, Rebecca (1780 - )
b. 22 DEC 1780 in St.Margaret Par.,Caroline,VA
father: Terrell, Thomas(1736 - 1804)
mother: Peatross, Rebecca
spouse: Terrell, Lemuel
- m. 15 APR 1804
Terrell, Rhoda (1770 - 1804)
b. 8 APR 1770 in St.Margaret Par.,Caroline,VA
d. 8 MAR 1804
father: Terrell, Thomas(1736 - 1804)
mother: Peatross, Rebecca
Terrell, Richmond (1624 - 1683)
b. 17 OCT 1624 in ,Reading,Berkshire,England
d. 1677/1683 in ,New Kent,VA
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
spouse: Waters, Elizabeth (~1631 - )
- m. ABT 1649 in ,New Kent,VA
----------child: Terrell, Richmond (1650 - 1743)
----------child: Terrell, William (~1656 - 1744)
----------child: Terrell, Robert (~1662 - )
----------child: Terrell, Timothy (~1665 - )
Terrell, Richmond (1650 - 1743)
b. 1650 in ,,VA
d. 1743 in ,Louisa,VA
father: Terrell, Richmond(1624 - 1683)
mother: Waters, Elizabeth(~1631 - )
spouse: Waters, Susannah
Terrell, Richmond (<1658 - )
b. BEF 1658 in ,New Kent,VA
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
Terrell, Robert (~1594 - 1643)
b. ABT 1594 in ,Reading,Berkshire,England
d. 12 JUN 1643 in St. Giles,Reading,Berkshire,England
father: Terrell, William(~1568 - )
mother: Richmond, Margaret(~1568 - )
spouse: Baldwin, Jane (1599 - 1662)
- m. 29 JUN 1617 in St. Giles,Reading,Berkshire,England
----------child: Terrell, John (1618 - 1661)
----------child: Terrell, Robert (1619 - 1677)
----------child: Terrell, Mari (1620 - )
----------child: Terrell, Marie (1622 - )
----------child: Terrell, Margaret (1623 - )
----------child: Terrell, Richmond (1624 - 1683)
----------child: Terrell, Joan (1626 - 1626)
----------child: Terrell, Charles (? - 1629)
----------child: Terrell, William
----------child: Terrell, Thomas (1630 - 1630)
----------child: Terrell, Timothy (1631 - )
----------child: Terrell, Richmond (<1658 - )
----------child: Terrell, Mary (~1667 - )
Terrell, Robert (1619 - 1677)
b. 14 NOV 1619 in ,Reading,Berkshire,England
d. 26 OCT 1677 in ,London,,England
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
Terrell, Robert (~1662 - )
b. ABT 1662
father: Terrell, Richmond(1624 - 1683)
mother: Waters, Elizabeth(~1631 - )
spouse: , Mary
Terrell, Susannah (~1711 - )
b. ABT 1711
father: Terrell, William(~1656 - 1744)
mother: Waters, Susanna
spouse: Wingfield, Thomas
Terrell, Thomas (1630 - 1630)
b. 1630 in St. Giles Parish,Reading,Berkshire,England
d. 5 DEC 1630
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
Terrell, Thomas (1736 - 1804)
b. 20 AUG 1736
d. 9 NOV 1804 in St.Margaret Par.,Caroline,VA
father: Terrell, Henry(~1695 - 1760)
mother: Chiles, Ann
spouse: Peatross, Rebecca
- m. ABT 1760 in ,Caroline,VA
----------child: Terrell, Matthew Peatross (1762 - <1813)
----------child: Terrell, Amy (1770 - 1785)
----------child: Terrell, Rhoda (1770 - 1804)
----------child: Terrell, Thomas (1772 - )
----------child: Terrell, Timothy (1774 - )
----------child: Terrell, Joannah (1776 - <1804)
----------child: Terrell, Joseph (1777 - )
----------child: Terrell, Rebecca (1780 - )
Terrell, Thomas (1772 - )
b. 17 FEB 1772 in St.Margaret Par.,Caroline,VA
father: Terrell, Thomas(1736 - 1804)
mother: Peatross, Rebecca
Terrell, Thomas H. (1798 - )
b. 15 FEB 1798
father: Terrell, Matthew Peatross(1762 - <1813)
mother: Moorman, Sally
Terrell, Timothy (1631 - )
b. 24 JAN 1631 in St. Giles Parish,Reading,Berkshire,England
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
spouse: Collard, Dorothy
- m. 23 AUG 1658 in ,Bainstone,Essex,England
Terrell, Timothy (~1665 - )
b. ABT 1665 in ,New Kent,VA
father: Terrell, Richmond(1624 - 1683)
mother: Waters, Elizabeth(~1631 - )
spouse: Foster, Elizabeth
- m. MAR 1686 in ,New Kent,VA
Terrell, Timothy (~1705 - 1763)
b. ABT 1705 in ,,VA
d. FEB 1763 in ,Orange,NC
father: Terrell, William(~1656 - 1744)
mother: Waters, Susanna
spouse: Martin, Mary
- m. 1725/1731
Terrell, Timothy (1774 - )
b. 23 MAR 1774 in St.Margaret Par.,Caroline,VA
father: Terrell, Thomas(1736 - 1804)
mother: Peatross, Rebecca
Terrell, William (~1568 - )
b. ABT 1568 in ,,,England
spouse: Richmond, Margaret (~1568 - )
- m. ABT 1587 in ,,,England
----------child: Terrell, Robert (~1594 - 1643)
Terrell, William
b. in ,Reading,Berkshire,England
father: Terrell, Robert(~1594 - 1643)
mother: Baldwin, Jane(1599 - 1662)
spouse: , Martha
Terrell, William (~1656 - 1744)
b. ABT 1656 in ,New Kent,VA
d. 1743/1744 in ,,VA
father: Terrell, Richmond(1624 - 1683)
mother: Waters, Elizabeth(~1631 - )
spouse: Waters, Susanna
- m. ABT 1677 in ,,VA
----------child: Terrell, William (~1685 - 1755)
----------child: Terrell, David (~1686 - 1759)
----------child: Terrell, Anne "Betty" (~1692 - 1734)
----------child: Terrell, Joel (1695 - 1758)
----------child: Terrell, Henry (~1695 - 1760)
----------child: Terrell, Timothy (~1705 - 1763)
----------child: Terrell, John (~1707 - 1785)
----------child: Terrell, James (~1707 - 1772)
----------child: Terrell, Susannah (~1711 - )
----------child: Terrell, Mary (~1713 - )
Terrell, William (~1685 - 1755)
b. ABT 1685 in ,New Kent,VA
d. 1755 in ,Caroline,VA
father: Terrell, William(~1656 - 1744)
mother: Waters, Susanna
Terry, Joseph
spouse: Crawford, Judith (1705 - 1772)
Thaden, Leslie Jerome
spouse: Bright, Nancy Elizabeth (1936 - )
- m. 1 AUG 1957 in Columbia,Richland,SC
Thomas, Anna (1875 - )
b. 1875 in ,,MS
father: Thomas, James Wesley(1850 - 1885)
mother: Hobson, Martha Ann(1852 - 1936)
Thomas, Franklin (1879 - )
b. 1878/1879 in ,Clark,AR
father: Thomas, James Wesley(1850 - 1885)
mother: Hobson, Martha Ann(1852 - 1936)
Thomas, George Wesley (1881 - 1969)
b. 18 MAR 1881 in ,Clark,AR
d. 15 MAR 1969 in ,Tippah,MS
father: Thomas, James Wesley(1850 - 1885)
mother: Hobson, Martha Ann(1852 - 1936)
spouse: McAlister, Callie (1882 - 1976)
- m. 16 FEB 1905 in ,Tippah,MS
----------child: Thomas, Mary (1905 - )
----------child: Thomas, Mabel (1907 - 1969)
----------child: McAlister, Robert (1911 - 1914)
----------child: Thomas, Russell (1917 - 1995)
----------child: Thomas, Virginia (1924 - )
Thomas, James A.
spouse: Fryar, Nancy (1832 - 1865)
- m. 19 OCT 1859 in ,Tippah,MS
Thomas, James Wesley (1850 - 1885)
b. 1850 in ,,SC
d. 1885 in ,Clark,AR
spouse: Hobson, Martha Ann (1852 - 1936)
----------child: Thomas, Anna (1875 - )
----------child: Thomas, Franklin (1879 - )
----------child: Thomas, George Wesley (1881 - 1969)
----------child: Thomas, Sanford
----------child: Thomas, Joseph Lemons (? - 1951)
----------child: Thomas, Sally
Thomas, John Wiley (1862 - 1924)
b. 16 JAN 1862 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 11 MAY 1924 in ,Tippah,MS
father: Thomas, William A.
mother: Brown, Adeline
spouse: McAlister, Lizzie (1868 - 1946)
- m. 13 MAR 1890 in ,,MS
----------child: Thomas, Vessie (1905 - )
Thomas, Joseph Lemons (? - 1951)
b. in ,Clark,AR
d. 1951 in ,Union,MS
father: Thomas, James Wesley(1850 - 1885)
mother: Hobson, Martha Ann(1852 - 1936)
Thomas, Lousia "Lucy" Jane
spouse: Whitmire, Alson Lafayette (1854 - 1935)
- m. 6 DEC 1882
----------child: Whitmire, Eileen Thelma (1897 - 1968)
Thomas, Mabel (1907 - 1969)
b. 26 MAR 1907 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 4 NOV 1969 in ,Tippah,MS
father: Thomas, George Wesley(1881 - 1969)
mother: McAlister, Callie(1882 - 1976)
Thomas, Mary (1905 - )
b. 30 DEC 1905 in ,Tippah,MS
father: Thomas, George Wesley(1881 - 1969)
mother: McAlister, Callie(1882 - 1976)
Thomas, Russell (1917 - 1995)
b. 31 OCT 1917 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 16 FEB 1995
father: Thomas, George Wesley(1881 - 1969)
mother: McAlister, Callie(1882 - 1976)
Thomas, Sally
father: Thomas, James Wesley(1850 - 1885)
mother: Hobson, Martha Ann(1852 - 1936)
Thomas, Sanford
father: Thomas, James Wesley(1850 - 1885)
mother: Hobson, Martha Ann(1852 - 1936)
Thomas, Vessie (1905 - )
b. 2 JUL 1905 in ,,MS
father: Thomas, John Wiley(1862 - 1924)
mother: McAlister, Lizzie(1868 - 1946)
spouse: Logan, Barney
----------child: Logan, Robert Barnie
----------child: Logan, Johnnie V.
----------child: Logan, Ben
----------child: Logan, Unia Ann
----------child: Logan, Thomas Tate
Thomas, Virginia (1924 - )
b. 20 FEB 1924 in ,Tippah,MS
father: Thomas, George Wesley(1881 - 1969)
mother: McAlister, Callie(1882 - 1976)
Thomas, William A.
spouse: Brown, Adeline
----------child: Thomas, John Wiley (1862 - 1924)
Thompson, Elizabeth
spouse: Riley, Nelson
Thompson, Leo Willard
b. in Edmondton,,KY
spouse: Smith, Francis Jean
----------child: Franks, Debra Jean (1956 - )
Thornhill, Emory Jordan
spouse: Bryant, Laura Vaught
----------child: Thornhill, Eula Houston (1900 - 1979)
Thornhill, Eula Houston (1900 - 1979)
b. 16 JUL 1900 in ,Jackson,AL
d. 22 MAR 1979 in ,Jackson,AL
father: Thornhill, Emory Jordan
mother: Bryant, Laura Vaught
spouse: McCoy, John Theodore (1893 - 1942)
- m. 2 MAR 1924 in Stevenson,Jackson,AL
----------child: McCoy, Hilda Josephine (1925 - )
----------child: McCoy, Dorothy Mae (1927 - )
----------child: McCoy, Jimmie Darious (1928 - )
----------child: McCoy, Stella Louise (1935 - )
----------child: McCoy, John Emory (1937 - )
Thornton, Elizabeth (1837 - 1908)
b. 1 OCT 1837 in ,Lawrence,AL
d. 22 APR 1908 in ,Howell,MO
spouse: Walker, Helton Rutherford (1828 - 1901)
- m. 26 JAN 1854
----------child: Walker, Bedy Etta (1866 - 1941)
Thrasher, Tommie
spouse: Lassiter, William
----------child: Lassiter, Susan
Thurmond, Ed
spouse: Booker, Mary Jane (1859 - 1937)
Tidwell, Booker S. (~1832 - )
b. ABT 1832 in ,,AL
spouse: Hatley, Mary "Polly" (~1832 - )
- m. 9 DEC 1852 in ,,AL
Tiger, Elizabeth (~1788 - )
b. ABT 1788
spouse: Sutton, Peter (~1789 - 1876)
----------child: Sutton, Catherine (~1823 - )
----------child: Sutton, Jeremiah (~1825 - 1856)
Tigert, Frances Jane (~1851 - 1923)
b. ABT 1851 in ,Tippah,MS
d. 1923 in Soda Springs,,ID
father: Tigert, Thomas B.
mother: , Elizabeth
spouse: Fryar, Isaac (1843 - 1910)
- m. 6 MAY 1868 in ,Tippah,MS
----------child: Fryar, Alice M. (1869 - 1937)
----------child: Fryar, Charles (1871 - 1933)
----------child: Fryar, Alfred Gilbert (1872 - )
----------child: Fryar, Emma Elizabeth (1874 - 1952)
----------child: Fryar, Sallie Anne (1876 - 1877)
----------child: Fryar, Margaret Pearl (1878 - 1904)
----------child: Fryar, George Reed (1881 - )
----------child: Fryar, Allen Porter (1883 - 1932)
----------child: Fryar, James B. (1884 - 1884)
----------child: Fryar, Mattie Adaline (1886 - 1889)
----------child: Fryar, William Lee (1889 - )
----------child: Fryar, Frank Jay (1891 - 1945)
Tigert, Thomas B.
spouse: , Elizabeth
----------child: Tigert, Frances Jane (~1851 - 1923)
Tilden, Joseph (1612 - 1612)
b. 12 JAN 1611/1612 in ,Kent,England
d. 15 MAR 1611/1612 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
Tilden, Joseph (1615 - )
b. 29 APR 1615 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Twisden, Alice\Elizabeth
- m. 20 NOV 1649 in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS
Tilden, Judith (1620 - )
b. 22 OCT 1620 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Preble, Abraham
- m. in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS
Tilden, Lydia (1624 - b1624)
b. 30 MAY 1624 in ,Kent,England
d. 15 SEP 1624 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
Tilden, Lydia (1625 - )
b. 28 SEP 1625 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Garrett, Richard
- m. in ,,MASS
Tilden, Mary (1610 - )
b. 20 MAY 1610 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Lapham, Thomas
- m. 13 MAR 1636/1637 in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS
Tilden, Stephen (1617 - 1619)
b. 31 MAR 1617 in ,Kent,England
d. 19 JAN 1618/1619 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
Tilden, Stephen (1629 - )
b. 11 OCT 1629 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Little, Hannah
- m. 25 JAN 1661/1662 in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS
Tilden, Thomas (1607 - 1619)
b. 23 OCT 1607 in ,Kent,England
d. 19 JAN 1618/1619 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
Tilden, Thomas (1619 - )
b. 19 JAN 1618/1619 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Bourne, Elizabeth
- m. in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS
Tilden, Winifred (1622 - 1627)
b. 20 OCT 1622 in ,Kent,England
d. 14 SEP 1627 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
Tittle, Floranda
spouse: Clayton, Burton Bryan (1908 - 1968)
- m. 1 JUN 1929 in Booneville,Prentiss,MS
Todd, Elizabeth
spouse: Horsley, Joseph (1786 - <1864)
- m. 1828 in ,,GA
Tolbert, William
spouse: Hatley, Susan S. (~1873 - )
- m. 31 MAR 1889 in ,St. Clair,AL
Tomlinson, Sallye (1914 - 1992)
b. 13 DEC 1914 in ,,MS
d. 14 FEB 1992
spouse: Clayton, Joel Roscoe (1920 - )
- m. 29 DEC 1939
Townsend, Claranelle "Nell" (1906 - 1983)
b. 29 MAR 1906 in Tampa,Hillsborough,FL
d. 15 DEC 1983 in Okeechobee,Okeechobee,FL
spouse: Yeilding, William Leon (1902 - 1972)
- m. 5 JUN 1929 in Birmingham,Jefferson,AL
----------child: Yeilding, William Shephard (1930 - )
----------child: Yeilding, Bennett (1940 - )
Tramel, Grace Pauline
spouse: Hyatt, John Verna (1901 - )
----------child: Hyatt, Naomi
----------child: Hyatt, John Verna
----------child: Hyatt, Willow Jean
----------child: Hyatt, Margaret
----------child: Hyatt, Daughter
Trammel, ?
spouse: Whitmire, Elizabeth (~1814 - )
- m. BEF 1838
Trantham, Wade
spouse: Clayton, Alma (1891 - 1964)
Trembley, Elizabeth
spouse: Runyon, Joseph (1710 - <1759)
- m. in ,,NJ
----------child: Runyon, Lewis (~1766 - )
Trembley, Hannah
spouse: Cox, Philip
----------child: Cox, Hannah (1745 - 1792)
spouse: Cox, Philip
----------child: Cox, Susannah (1747 - 1831)
Trembly, Susannah
spouse: Tenecyck, Tunis
----------child: Tenecyck, Phebe
Trent, Elizabeth (~1784 - 1865)
b. ABT 1784 in ,,VA/NC
d. 12 OCT 1865 in ,Lawrence,AL
spouse: Nichols, William (1767 - 1838)
- m. 4 OCT 1800 in ,Montgomery,NC
----------child: Nichols, Elijah (~1804 - >1860)
----------child: Nichols, Edmond (~1805 - 1897)
----------child: Nichols, Emanuel King (~1815 - 1877)
----------child: Nichols, Elizabeth (~1817 - )
----------child: Nichols, Margaret (~1818 - )
----------child: Nichols, George Washington (~1819 - )
----------child: Nichols, James R. (1824 - 1902)
----------child: Nichols, William (1826 - 1895)
spouse: Barrett, Robert (1775 - 1850)
- m. 24 JUN 1841 in ,Lawrence,AL
Trevette, J. W.
spouse: Crump, Anna Lu (1889 - )
Tribble, Thomas C.
spouse: Fendley, Elizabeth (1820 - )
- m. 19 AUG 1841
Trimmer, Elmira (~1839 - )
b. ABT 1839
father: Trimmer, Isaiah
mother: Swackhammer, Mary W.
spouse: Sutton, Lambert (1838 - 1904)
- m. 1 MAR 1861 in German Valley,Morris,NJ
----------child: Sutton, Isaiah T. (1861 - )
----------child: Sutton, Mary E. (1863 - )
----------child: Sutton, Anna (1868 - )
----------child: Sutton, Jane (~1871 - )
----------child: Sutton, Lorna (~1876 - )
----------child: Sutton, Louisa (1877 - )
Trimmer, Isaiah
spouse: Swackhammer, Mary W.
----------child: Trimmer, Elmira (~1839 - )
Trotter, Rebecca
spouse: Drake, John
----------child: Drake, Benjamin (~1683 - 1763)
Trout, ?
spouse: Buchanan, Harriet
Tucker, Henry
spouse: Crews, Sarah (~1796 - )
- m. 9 MAR 1817 in ,Person,NC
Tucker, John
spouse: Wade, Eliza Ann C. (1845 - 1875)
- m. 30 JUN 1869 in ,Jefferson,AL
Tucker, Mary F. (1841 - 1908)
b. 1841
d. 26 DEC 1908 in Whitehaven,Shelby,TN
spouse: Goudy, John F. (~1838 - )
- m. 10 JAN 1861 in ,Tippah,MS
----------child: Goudy, Will
----------child: Goudy, Cliff
----------child: Goudy, Rob
----------child: Goudy, Pat
----------child: Goudy, Dora
----------child: Goudy, ?
Tucker, William C.
spouse: Dowdy, Hannah Malinda (1850 - )
- m. 4 JUN 1876 in ,Marshall,AL
Tull, Byron
spouse: Fendley, Annie Mae (1906 - 1979)
- m. 16 JUN 1958
Tureman, Mary
spouse: Lewis, Joel (~1730 - 1813)
Turner, Ann
spouse: Sutton, John (1718 - 1769)
Turner, Julia Ann (1867 - 1943)
b. 20 AUG 1867 in ,,IL
d. 22 FEB 1943 in Indian Terr.,,OK
spouse: Keys, Riley (1859 - 1914)
----------child: Keys, Riley Vann (1898 - 1966)
Tuttle, Sarah (1725 - )
b. 1725
spouse: Conger, John (~1726 - 1767)
----------child: Conger, Stephen W. (1749 - 1808)
Twisden, Alice\Elizabeth
spouse: Tilden, Joseph (1615 - )
- m. 20 NOV 1649 in Scituate,Plymouth,MASS
Tylden, Abigail (1582 - 1582)
b. 26 FEB 1581/1582 in ,Kent,England
d. 5 AUG 1582 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
Tylden, Agnes (>1438 - )
b. AFT 1438 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, John(~1415 - 1463)
mother: , Johan(? - 1476)
Tylden, Agnes (>1546 - )
b. AFT 1546 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
spouse: Pierse, Peter
- m. 14 FEB 1568/1569 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
Tylden, Alice (>1438 - )
b. AFT 1438 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, John(~1415 - 1463)
mother: , Johan(? - 1476)
Tylden, Alyce (1559 - b1560)
b. 6 APR 1559 in ,Kent,England
d. 30 SEP 1560 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
Tylden, Catherine (1554 - )
b. 30 SEP 1554 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
Tylden, Freegift (1604 - >1660)
b. 29 MAY 1604 in ,Kent,England
d. AFT 1660 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Evenden, Ellen
Tylden, Hopestill (1588 - 1661)
b. 1 MAY 1588 in ,Kent,England
d. 1661 in Sandwich,Sussex,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
spouse: , Deborah
- m. in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
Tylden, Johane
b. in ,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, Robert(~1440 - 1479)
mother: , Alice
Tylden, Johanna (~1383 - >1463)
b. ABT 1383
d. AFT 1463
spouse: Tylden, Thomas (~1378 - >1450)
----------child: Tylden, John (~1415 - 1463)
Tylden, John (~1415 - 1463)
b. ABT 1415 in Crosehole,Benenden Parish,Kent,England
d. 1463 in ,,,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1378 - >1450)
mother: Tylden, Johanna(~1383 - >1463)
spouse: , Johan (? - 1476)
- m. in ,,,England
----------child: Tylden, Alice (>1438 - )
----------child: Tylden, Agnes (>1438 - )
----------child: Tylden, Robert (~1440 - 1479)
----------child: Tylden, John (<1445 - )
----------child: Tylden, Thomas (>1454 - 1479)
Tylden, John (<1445 - )
b. BEF 1445 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, John(~1415 - 1463)
mother: , Johan(? - 1476)
Tylden, John (1475 - )
b. 1475 in ,,,England
father: Tylden, Robert(~1440 - 1479)
mother: , Alice
- m. in ,,,England
----------child: Tylden, Themosyne
----------child: Tylden, Richard (1520 - 1566)
Tylden, John
b. in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
spouse: Casslen, Patience
- m. 23 JAN 1569/1570 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
Tylden, Joseph (1585 - 1611)
b. 28 NOV 1585 in Tenterden,Kent,England
d. 15 MAR 1611 in London,,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
Tylden, Julian (>1546 - )
b. AFT 1546 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
spouse: Fynche, Thomas
- m. 21 JUN 1568 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
Tylden, Mary (1556 - )
b. 8 JUN 1556 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
Tylden, Mary (1561 - >1566)
b. 15 MAY 1561 in ,Kent,England
d. AFT 1565/1566
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
Tylden, Richard (1520 - 1566)
b. 1510/1520 in Benenden Parish,Kent,England
d. JAN 1565/1566 in Benenden Parish,Kent,England
father: Tylden, John(1475 - )
spouse: Glover, Elizabeth (~1515 - 1585)
- m. 1540 in Benenden Parish,Kent,England
----------child: Tylden, Thomas (~1544 - 1617)
----------child: Tylden, Agnes (>1546 - )
----------child: Tylden, Julian (>1546 - )
----------child: Tylden, Thomasan (>1546 - )
----------child: Tylden, John
----------child: Tylden, Catherine (1554 - )
----------child: Tylden, Mary (1556 - )
----------child: Tylden, Alyce (1559 - b1560)
----------child: Tylden, Mary (1561 - >1566)
Tylden, Robert (~1440 - 1479)
b. ABT 1440 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
d. 15 JUL 1479 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, John(~1415 - 1463)
mother: , Johan(? - 1476)
spouse: , Alice
- m. 1470 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
----------child: Tylden, John (1475 - )
----------child: Tylden, Johane
Tylden, Sarah (1579 - )
b. 30 AUG 1579 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
spouse: Stanshame, John
- m. 20 NOV 1600 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
Tylden, Themosyne
father: Tylden, John(1475 - )
Tylden, Theophilus (1590 - )
b. 11 OCT 1590 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
Tylden, Thomas (~1378 - >1450)
b. ABT 1378 in Marden,,,England
d. AFT 1450 in ,,,England
father: de_Tyldenne, Thomas(~1350 - ~1420)
mother: Unknown, ?
spouse: Tylden, Johanna (~1383 - >1463)
----------child: Tylden, John (~1415 - 1463)
Tylden, Thomas (>1454 - 1479)
b. AFT 1454 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
d. 1479 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, John(~1415 - 1463)
mother: , Johan(? - 1476)
Tylden, Thomas (~1544 - 1617)
b. ABT 1544 in Benenden Parish,Kent,,England
d. 6 JUN 1617 in Wye Parish,Kent,,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
spouse: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce (~1546 - 1593)
- m. 10 MAR 1576 in ,Kent,England
----------child: Tylden, Sarah (1579 - )
----------child: Tylden, Abigail (1582 - 1582)
----------child: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel (1583 - 1641)
----------child: Tylden, Joseph (1585 - 1611)
----------child: Tylden, Hopestill (1588 - 1661)
----------child: Tylden, Theophilus (1590 - )
----------child: Tylden, Thomas (1593 - )
spouse: Evenden, Ellen
- m. 13 NOV 1593 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
----------child: Tylden, Freegift (1604 - >1660)
Tylden, Thomas (1593 - )
b. 1 MAY 1593 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
spouse: Bate, Mary
- m. 13 MAY 1619 in Tenterden,Kent,England
Tylden, Thomas (1593 - )
b. 1593 in ,Kent,England
Tylden, Thomasan (>1546 - )
b. AFT 1546 in ,Kent,England
father: Tylden, Richard(1520 - 1566)
mother: Glover, Elizabeth(~1515 - 1585)
spouse: Lovell, Raygnolds
- m. 17 JUN 1577 in Cranbrook,Kent,England
Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel (1583 - 1641)
b. 1583 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,,England
d. MAY 1641 in Scituate,Plymouth Colony,MA
father: Tylden, Thomas(~1544 - 1617)
mother: Biggs\Bigge, Alyce(~1546 - 1593)
spouse: Huckstep, Lydia (1587 - 1672)
- m. 1607 in Tenterden Parish,Kent,England
----------child: Tilden, Thomas (1607 - 1619)
----------child: Tilden, Mary (1610 - )
----------child: Tilden, Joseph (1612 - 1612)
----------child: Tylden\Tilden, Sarah (~1613 - 1677)
----------child: Tilden, Joseph (1615 - )
----------child: Tilden, Stephen (1617 - 1619)
----------child: Tilden, Thomas (1619 - )
----------child: Tilden, Judith (1620 - )
----------child: Tilden, Winifred (1622 - 1627)
----------child: Tilden, Lydia (1624 - b1624)
----------child: Tilden, Lydia (1625 - )
----------child: Tilden, Stephen (1629 - )
Tylden\Tilden, Sarah (~1613 - 1677)
b. ABT 13 JUN 1613 in Tenderten Par.,Kent,England
d. 20 MAR 1677 in ,Perquiman,NC
father: Tylden\Tilden, Nathaniel(1583 - 1641)
mother: Huckstep, Lydia(1587 - 1672)
spouse: Sutton, George (1613 - 1669)
- m. 13 MAR 1636 in Scituate,Plymouth Colony,MA
----------child: Sutton, Joseph (1637 - 1695)
----------child: Sutton, Daniel (1639 - 1711)
----------child: Sutton, William (1641 - 1718)
----------child: Sutton, Nathaniel (1643 - 1682)
----------child: Sutton, Lydia (1646 - )
----------child: Sutton, Sarah (1648 - )
----------child: Sutton, Sarah (1650 - )
----------child: Sutton, Elizabeth (1653 - 1700)
Tyner, Andrew
spouse: Keys, Martha J.
Tyner, Jackson
spouse: Keys, Letitia
Ulp, David
spouse: Farley, Hannah
Unknown, ?
spouse: de_Tyldenne, Thomas (~1350 - ~1420)
- m. ABT 1377
----------child: Tylden, Thomas (~1378 - >1450)
Unknown, ?
spouse: Hatche, William (1598 - 1651)
- m. in ,,,England
----------child: Hatche, Walter (1623 - )
Unknown, ?
spouse: Winstead, Samuel (1701 - 1774)
- m. ABT 1722 in ,Northcumberland,VA
----------child: Winstead, Samuel (1723 - 1806)
----------child: Winstead, Joseph (1730 - )
----------child: Winstead, John James (~1730 - )
Unknown, ?
spouse: Winstead, Samuel (1701 - 1774)
- m. ABT 1730 in ,Northcumberland,VA
----------child: Winstead, George (1733 - )
----------child: Winstead, Susannah (1736 - )
----------child: Winstead, Peter (1739 - )
----------child: Winstead, Jeremiah (1752 - )
----------child: Winstead, Richard (1754 - )
Unknown, ?
spouse: Sutton, Jasper (1726 - >1781)
- m. in ,,VA
----------child: Sutton, Richard (~1741 - )
----------child: Sutton, Mary
Unknown, ? (~1774 - )
b. ABT 1774
spouse: Whitmire, Michael (1765 - 1819)
- m. ABT 1786 in ,,SC
----------child: Whitmire, Elizabeth (~1788 - >1872)
----------child: Whitmire, Rebecca (1788 - 1872)
----------child: Whitmire, Catherine (~1792 - ~1869)
----------child: Whitmire, Jeremiah (~1795 - >1864)
----------child: Whitmire, Michael (1798 - 1871)
----------child: Whitmire, Martin (1801 - 1885)
Unknown, ? (~1794 - )
b. ABT 1794
spouse: Fendley, Henry (1794 - 1878)
- m. ABT 1814
----------child: Fendley, ? (1815 - )
----------child: Fendley, ? (~1815 - )
----------child: Fendley, ? (~1820 - )
----------child: Fendley, ? (~1820 - )
----------child: Fendley, ? (~1825 - )
----------child: Fendley, ? (~1825 - )
Unknown, ?
spouse: Fryar, John William (1878 - 1926)
Unknown, ?
spouse: Fuller, Son
----------child: Fuller, Byron
Utley, Blolm Jeanette (1912 - )
b. 13 JUN 1912 in Alexandra,,GA
spouse: Fendley, William Benjamin (1910 - 1961)
- m. 2 SEP 1932
----------child: Fendley, Clark Scott (1910 - )
----------child: Fendley, William Benjamin (1933 - )
----------child: Fendley, Nancy Jean (1941 - )
----------child: Fendley, Donna Marie (1949 - )
Vail, ?
spouse: Onderdonk, Mary
Valentine, Margaret (? - 1810)
d. 1800/1810 in ,York,SC
spouse: Horsley, James (1725 - )
----------child: Horsley, Richard (1754 - )
----------child: Horsley, Valentine (1758 - 1843)
----------child: Horsley, James (? - 1820)
----------child: Horsley, Elizabeth
----------child: Horsley, Mary
----------child: Horsley, Rachel
----------child: Horsley, William N. (~1775 - )
Van_Clive, Laura
spouse: Onderdonk, Charles
Van_Court, Anne (1730 - 1805)
b. 27 AUG 1730
d. 19 AUG 1805
father: Van_Court, Elias
mother: Cooper, Anne
spouse: Runyon, Benjamin (1729 - 1785)
- m. in ,,NJ
----------child: Runyon, Sarah (1732 - )
----------child: Runyon, Enoch (1755 - 1822)
----------child: Runyon, Anne (1757 - )
----------child: Runyon, Asa (1758 - )
----------child: Runyon, Richard (1760 - )
----------child: Runyon, Rachel
----------child: Runyon, Rosanna
----------child: Runyon, Elizabeth
----------child: Runyon, Providence
----------child: Runyon, Daniel
----------child: Runyon, Ester
----------child: Runyon, Peter
----------child: Runyon, Jane (1768 - )
Van_Court, Elias
spouse: Cooper, Anne
----------child: Van_Court, Jane
----------child: Van_Court, Anne (1730 - 1805)
Van_Court, Jane
father: Van_Court, Elias
mother: Cooper, Anne
spouse: Runyon, Richard (1719 - 1771)
- m. 1745 in ,,NJ
----------child: Runyon, Sarah (1746 - 1820)
----------child: Runyon, Anna (1747 - 1773)
----------child: Runyon, Elias (1749 - 1793)
----------child: Runyon, Elizabeth (1750 - )
----------child: Runyon, Jean (1752 - 1772)
----------child: Runyon, John
----------child: Runyon, Rosannah (1754 - )
Van_Der_Haven, Jannetje
spouse: Sleght, Abraham
----------child: Sleigh, Hendrick
Van_Dieren, Barbara
spouse: Farley, Meindert
----------child: Farley, Joshua (1769 - 1850)
Van_Hook, Betsy
spouse: Winstead, Charles (1786 - )
- m. 7 APR 1807 in ,Person,NC
Van_Hook, David
spouse: Bumpass, Lucy
Van_Vechten, Benjamin
spouse: Runyon, Sarah (1695 - 1747)
next - go to surnames