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Divar Torah's!

--- a` la premiere page :)

Lis silteplaie quezque uns de mes divrey torah. Cest Tres Insspirane. Ce Site est pour eous mes freres juves que jaime:)
Il ya a peu pres 40 discours pur elever ea neshama(ame).

Aimons chaque Juif!

Etre vrai

Chabbat Kodesh!

Tikoun ‘Hatzot!



mets un moe sur le kever diun tzaddik maintenant!

You have come this far my dear friend, why not read a few of the pages above:):-)(:-)

Trying to open the minds of our Nation. SHALOM IN KLAL YISRAEL!
*******A Tzaddik, yet opponent of the Baal Shem was once sitting alone in his study when suddenly hearing a knock at the door. "Come in", he called. A beggar entered with his knapsack on his back. Shalom Aleichem, he greeted the beggar. "What is a Jew's name & where do you come from"? "I am ashes & dust," he replied & that is my name. And who are you? he asked the Tzaddik. "I, too am ashes & dust." The beggar stated," If we are both mere ashes & dust, why must there be controversy between us????? His now past tense opponent understood that this was none other than The Baal Shem Tov.(sipurei besht)

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