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So you want to know more about me? Well there is not much to tell. I love music and I love to eat. So those are my main two past times. Currently I am trying to get back in to school to finish my degree. I am changing my major from Rehabilitation Therapy to Sociology and Anthropology. I guess you are wondering what in the world am I going to do with that? Well...absolutely nothing. I am then going to get my masters in Library Information Sciences. And for you smarties out there...yes I do want to be a professional librarian. It's very rewarding and I love working with the kids.

My brother and my God sonDarius are the loves of my life. I will do any and everything for them. I am a very sentimental person so don't let my physical appearance fool you. I have a very soft heart. Sometimes too soft. But I will kick any one's behind that tries to screw me over.

I belive that life is what you make of it. It can be hard. Believe me..I know this all too well. But I believe that things happen for a purpose. These minor "set backs" are a test for me. With each set back, my strength, and my faith is being tested. After venting my frustrations for a little while, and meditation, I must move on. Dwelling on lifes problems won't get you anywhere.

At the moment, I am exclusively dating one man and I'm happy. So no..I am not looking for a man or any "friends" to occupy my time. Right now I am very much enjoying what he and I have right now. It's very relaxing and invigorating to know that there is someone that I can talk to about any and everything without a biased opinion. No rushing, and no pressure. He knows who he is and I just want to thank him for being so patient and understanding.

If there is anything else you would like to know about me..feel free to email me, or look me up on AIM.

About Me

Name:LaKetta S. Rollins
Age: 24
Height: 5'7
Weight: 150
p.o.b.: Dayton, Ohio

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