I didn`t mean to fall in love with you
But it was that pose
That only God knows
Curled my toes
Like leaves lit by flame.
Who else can I blame for the shame
Of ignoring these dormant feelings
Of poetic infatuation?

That beige carpet in the background
Creates the foreground
Where you and I would die
Making love to the sound
Of each others moans and groans.....
Set the tones
For all other poets to connect as we have........

Many years more to go and grow
Closer to one another
Like vines in the Amazon.
You are my Xena & I am your Hercules
Lets work with these
Feelings and feignings and
Put them in action
Like my name was Jackson.
I thought heaven was forbidden
Until I saw that pose
Of copper brown and those sweet round
Tears held by white fabric.

Hold me like your CD.
Play me like you love me.
Repeat me like you need me.
Rug burns turn into a thing of enticement...
As my fingers contribute to your excitement
. I would love to be that chair beneath you....
You could sit on me and swivel till I quiver.

I would love to bend you over
Like the clothes
Behind your back and attack
The silence with your screams
Of delight as you reach for the light.
You turn it off while I turn you on
To this fact...only a poet can please a poet
And you know it.
Close the blinds while my pleasure finds
Its` beginning inside your undeniable
Fantasies of me.

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