Dear Yours Truly,
I decided to write you a letter
You tell me that you love me
But your actions give me not a clue
You tell me that you miss me
But this I can not see.
I thought we were to be together
Forever and eternity.
This is what you said.
This is what you told me.
From crying on the phone
To other deep discussions.
I told you my deepest secrets.
I guess this is the repercussions.
Did I move to fast for you?
Did I put you off guard?
Hmm…I didn't know sharing my feelings
Could ever be so wrong.
But you tell me it's ok.
You say you're here for me.
You say you want to hear
My dreams…my fantasies.
But yet you talk to me about Her.
And how she hurts you each day
About how her life is in shambles
That pain she has…that won't go away.
Surely I understand.
But I have my pains too.
Can't you see you are hurting me
Every night I cry for you.
But there's that word again
That "F" word that can sometimes
be so cruel.
Surely this feeling will pass
Is this what Vanessa meant
About "Saving the Best for Last"?
Maybe one day you'll see
The love I have for you.
Maybe I could be that "One"
To give you the love you're due.
Maybe one day I hope…you will be my man
But for now I will settle for that "F" word.
Signed Forever and always…
Your "Friend"
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