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Shout Outs
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This is my ace Ana...aka the Red hot Chili Pepper. She's holding it down for La Coruna, Spain. Like any of you know where that is. *Lol* But like I said..she's representin. This is my chica. She's crazy..but that's why I love her so much. She has to be one of the sweetest non-biased people that I know.
This is Jabari. Representin Chi-town. I have so much to say but not enough space to say it. Jabari is my friend and my heart. If you ever need my help, you know I am here. You are such a wonderful, sweet, and loving person. I wish you nothing but the best in all your endeavors. I know you'll be successful with whatever it is you decide to do. Much love.

This is my girl Kellye.(She's on the right)We have been working together for about 5 months. Currently attending the Wright State University in Dayton (yeah baby)

This is my friend, my confidant, and my heart Dre'. One of the best friends that I have. Residing in the City of Brotherly Love...for those of you that do not know... Philly is where he is from. Two years ago we met on WBS network. Although WBS is no longer up and running, who would have known that after two years that we would finally meet and become so close. Ladies...he's a cutie right? Yeah...I know. I think he would also like for me to let all the fellas reading this know that he does NOT go that route! Dre' you have been there for me during so much and I love you so much for that. Thanks a million. 999+1 always mmmwaa! :)

My girl Londea Representing the Ohio State University. Originally from Dayton, she now resides in Columbus. Londea has been my friend for a number of years now. And even though we hardly get to speak anymore because of our hectic schedules...but she is still my girl forever.

This is Rick. Rick, you have a very special place in my heart always. Thanks for the advice and the countless nights we stayed up late talking about my "issues" *Laughs* I am so proud of your achievements. Congrats on the graduation. All that hard work has paid off finally!

My boy Martin from Maryland. We go way back to the wbs days. Marty mar..where ya been?

This is Robert aka Ripper200. This is another one of my very close net buddies. Oh he has been there for me so much. He is so sweet. Originally from Jamaica now residing in New York. Ripper thanks to you...I'm finally on my way to getting what I want. Thanks a bunches hun!! mmmwaaaa!!!!

This is Al. My sweetie and friend for life. You are so dear to me. Don't you ever change. Good luck to you and Kim. You both deserve the best. I know I get an invite to the wedding right?

This sexy thing here is Zaya Blaq. Representin the city of Brotherly Love..Philly. Zaya I wish you nothing but the best. In time you will get everything that you deserve and need.

This is Rakim. Representin Chi-Town. This brotha is crazy! But that's what makes him so special. Always keeping it real so how can I be mad at him? Plus he has that gorgeous smile. :) are my sanity when I am bored or when I feel I am going crazy about (you know what) *smile* You call me a nerd are going to be in for a beat down! Good look with Vero. Maybe we can all hook up in Chi one day :) *hugs*

This is Ryan...aka Eroticbard. Ryan resides in Ontario, Canada. I get my poetic inspiration from Ryan. Soon you will be able to see some of his work on my page. But until can click is picture to see his page. Ryan is a poetic genius. Look for his cd coming in the future. Good luck EB...(kisses)

This here is Mac...(well that's what I call him) Representing The Bronx..but currently living in the DC/Maryland area. There are so many things I have to say about you Mac. But there isn't enough room on this page. You have been at many times my lifeline. Getting me through the day. Listening to me. I appreciate you so much. I know you have been through some things..but you have pulled out and came out on top. For this..I admire your strength...your faith..and your courage. You know I will always be there for you. Much love always!

This is Will..aka the Original Brainchild. And that he is. Another example of our Africn American men on the road to success. Representing California but currently residing in Ohio (yeah baby!!) Attending the one and only Wilberforce University. (Graduating this month!!) Will get in contact with a owe me some chicken parmesean remember? *Miss ya bunches*

This is Will aka Ahbizmal. I met Will on wbs and through Ana. Will is a very nice and sweet individual. Good look with the restaurant because you are going to need it Will. You know why? Because you have competition now!! *laughs*

My boy Sheedie from Cali. Sheed I hardly see you anymore...where you at man?? :( boo hoo...

My girl Isha bomb representin FAMU. Chicas loca por vida!!! Isha...we got to hook up this summer when Ana gets here. Can you imagine the three of us together? Oh out now!

This is my boy azcymzz. Anthony is representin Central Unv. in Xenia/Dayton, Ohio.(Yeah baby)! Originally from Arizona... I've known Anthony for what seems like forever. Anthony is one of the coolest, craziest people I know. But don't let his crazy demeanor fool you. He has his *ish together. You can find him on Black Planet under the name Azcymzz.

Extra shout outs to ...Pooh bear aka whitesandz. Click for Dayton, Ohio Forecast

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