
What is it about you...
That makes me love you so?
It must be that dark skin
Those large full lips
That knows
How to kiss me
In all the right places.
Maybe it's those hands
That know how to
Caress me...
so tenderly
Those loving eyes
Look into the depths of my soul
That powerful voice
That can shake the ground
Yet can sooth the wildest of seas
Of my heart
Of my body

What is it about you?
That steals and traps my heart
So I cannot leave.
I am afraid to stay
For fear I may love
Too deeply.

What is it about you?
That I want you to be
My lover
My friend
My confidant to the end
My husband
My lifeline
My strong black man

What is it about you?
That makes me want to
Give myself to you
To devote to you
To love you

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