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Every so often, we will change this page and offer different types of activities. Check back often to see what is up. If you have an idea for something that you would like to see here, let us know.

Although anyone may submit the answers to these activities, it will probably be best for older students. There are (2) different activities listed below. Choose (one) and submit your answers to us in an EMAIL message with ACTIVITIES (1) or ACTIVITIES (2) in the subject line. Get your answers in by the 25 of September. The first two, with the most correct answers, will receive a prize and will be contacted by email for your address. Answers and winners will be announced on this page on September 30.
TIP: Copy and paste the quiz questions into a new email message and send it to your own email address. You can then print it out and look-up the answers or just think about them a while before submitting them.




  1. Which mother led a 125-mile march of child workers all the way from the mills of Pennsylvania to President Theodore Roosevelt's vacation home on Long Island?
  2. One of the most important Union spies and scouts during the Civil War was a Black woman who had escaped from slavery. Can you name her?
  3. Before the 1960s, farm workers in the U.S. were not paid even the minimum wage, and had no influential representatives to fight for their rights. What part did Dolores Huerta play in changing this situation?
  4. The line of beauty products she created for African-American people made her the first Black woman millionaire in the United States. Who was she, and when did she do this?
  5. She came to the U.S. when she was a teenager to study science and stayed to become "the world's foremost female experimental physicist." Her most famous experiment disproved what had been thought to be a fundamental scientific law. Who is this outstanding Asian-American scientist?
  6. She took her job as "First Lady" seriously, traveling the country and the world to gather information about the problems and concerns of workers, children, minorities, and the poor. She wrote a daily newspaper column and made frequent radio broadcasts. Who was this active wife of a president?
  7. When the Mexican Revolution of 1910 reached the Texas border, she and her friends organized La Cruz Blanca, The White Cross, to take care of the wounded. They nursed people from both sides of the fighting. She was also known as a journalist and community activist. Who was she and where did she live?



****************** Questions ****************

CAUTION!! This activity can be TRICKY! Give each question some SERIOUS thought.

Scoring guide: Just for fun! Answers will be posted the end of September.

20 Correct - Genius
17 Correct - Above Normal
15 Correct - Normal
8 Correct - Nincompoop
6 Correct - Moron
3 Correct - Idiot



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