The David Letterman Show
Airdate: 6/24/94
As Charlotte in "Wolf"
DL: Welcome to the show and bless you for coming.
KN: Thank you. Thank you for having me.
DL: Hows your summer going so far?
KN: Summer so far? Im in the park. I have a 23-month old son.
DL: Well congratulations to you.
KN: Thank you. I scrape the sand off grapes.
DL: Because he drops the grapes and then youve got to clean them up
before he eats them. Doesnt that just exhaust you like to have a 2-year old kid?
Doesnt that just wear you down? Its constant activity, isnt it?
KN: Its constant activity. The thing they dont tell you is
how BORING it is.
(Audience laughs.)
DL: Really? (DL laughs.)
KN: I mean overall its extremely exciting. Its the only
important thing Ive ever had to do and everything but minute to minute it gives you
a brain hemorrhage its so boring. (All the parents in the audience laugh.) I mean
its just, its painful, those trucks
back and forth
I mean this
winter was murder. You couldnt get out. If you can get him out he can bore other
people. Inside its just me.
DL: Well lets go to another topic here because it may be that
youre just having a rough time here.
KN: No, I love him. Hes very, very nice but
diverted) Angel? Which is the cameraman named angel?
DL: Hes right here. (pointing to appropriate cameraman)
KN: You know your son Gabriel and my son are in the same music class
together? (camerman affirms) Yes, he has a son Gabe as well.
DL: Do you find your child
that activity boring?
KN: His son isnt nearly as boring.
Camerman: No, my son runs me out of energy.
KN: Yes, but youre never home! Youre not doing those trucks.
(demonstrates back and forth toy truck motion) Theyre not home all day! On Saturday
you stay home and do the trucks! (Audience laughs)
DL: OK Kate, now lets go on to something else because
DL: Anyway congratulations on the success of the film ("WOLF").
This must be very exciting for you. This is one of those werewolf deals, right?
KN: Yes.
DL: Jack Nicholson gets bitten by a wolf and then turns into a wolf.
KN: I dont know what Im supposed to say because Im not
supposed to give anything away.
DL: Really? What do you mean?
KN: Well I dont know.
DL: Well you spilled your guts about the kid. Whats the deal about
the movie?
KN: I know but they dont care, but theyve got so many
millions of dollars in the movie.
DL: Its doing very well.
KN: Its making money.
DL: Did you enjoy your time spent with Jack Nicholson?
KN: Yes I did.
DL: Hes an odd guy. Hes an original isnt he?
KN: Hes a good kisser. (Audience woo-woos.)
DL: Really?
KN: He is. I got to kiss him and I , you know most of the time you pay no
attention. Its your job, you kiss him and you go home.
DL: You hear that Paul? (KN giggles)
Paul: I understand it.
KN: You know the feeling.
Paul: Of course, its just professionalism.
DL: By the way Pauls Canadian you know.
KN: Hunter Bay, Ontario. I know that.
Paul: Thats me, and youre from where?
KN: London, Ontario.
DL: Oh, very close then.
Paul: Very close then.
KN: The Forest City.
Paul: The Forest City.
KN: Hi Dad!
Paul: Im from the lake (head).
KN: The lake up there. Whatever lake it is and
(Audience laughs.)
Ive got to talk about the movie. No
..its a very nice lake.
Paul: Lake Superior.
KN: Its a superior lake! So Jack
not a good
kisser, a SUPERLATIVE kisser. (Audience woo woos.)
DL: Wow!
KN: No, Im speaking of a, Im speaking, (very dramatic) when
you kiss Jack and
..I want the women to listen to this. When you kiss him, you
understand the meaning of stardom. Its like
DL: I dont know. It sounds to me Kate like maybe theres
trouble at home. (audience laughs)
KN: No, no , no. I mean Im bored and everything but
DL: Alright, alright, I tapped into something here.
KN: No, but its true! Its really true!
DL: Does your, now does your husband get jealous of the fact that as part
of your job, youre kissing Jack Nicholson?
KN: Hed be a fool to be jealous of that. I mean theres so
much, theres so much thats more difficult about being married to me than that.
(Audience laughs.)
DL: Thats way down on the list!
KN: Oh yeah, you dont have to complain about that. Theres
much easier things. No, I wouldnt, I wouldnt listen to that, no.
DL: And do you, are you spending your summer, do you have time off now?
You and the family travelling a bit?
KN: No, we dont travel. You dont travel for fun with a child
that small. (Audience laughs.)
DL: I see.
KN: This is terrible. Ive given up my life for this boy and
Im making it sound like I didnt want to.
DL: Well but you know its the greatest joy of human existence and
therefore also obviously the greatest responsibility.
KN: No it is a harder job than any other. Theres no job harder.
Thats why everybody wants to get out of doing it. (Audience laughs.)
DL: Right, right.
KN: Its true, but you know what I have to say. Almost 2 years of
being a mother and you know weve got to be nicer to mothers. Weve got to be
more respectful because its a most incredibly hard job.
DL: Yeah but youre doing alright. Youre making out with Jack
Nicholson. (Audience laughs.)
KN: Yeah, thats true.
DL: Kind of a little bonus for you.
KN: It is a bonus.
DL: Kate, hang on a second. Were going to go to a commercial and
well be right back here with Kate Nelligan ladies and gentlemen.
<Commercial Break>
DL: Kate, youre charming and delightful as always. My best to
your son. Congratulations again on the film and we hope to see you in the future. Have a
great summer by the way.