Welcome To Shippy Fence Sitters Club!!!
Some Nice Ol' Links!
Angelfire ~ Awesome homepage stuff! Go head, make your own page!
My other web page! check it out if ya gots the time!
David Duchovny House Of Worship~ totally totally awesome page for all you Duchovniks!
Iced Tea Shipper Page~Sarah's page is just totally the perfect thing to get the shippy thoughts in your head a-movin'! It is totally awesome! kudos gallore to Sarah! This is a MUSTHAVE for all shippers, so check this out! (it's 20 times better than me & ginger's!!)
The XFiles Studio- awesome site, gotta go!
Gillian Anderson House Of Worship-- an awesome gillian site!
Entertainment Weekly--Gotta love them!
XFiles Movie Garden- Pics From The Movie
The XFiles: Fight The Future Picture Page
XFiles Sound Gallery-- One of the best!
This is my other, other page. Please go, I'm still trying to figure out how to put art files on, though... *grrr*
TVGuide- gotta love 'em cuz they love our show :)
All right, keep this place book marked because it is always under construction.
Okay, now I would like to take a minute of your time to introduce me and my colleague to you. I am Bobbie, and if you are a people person and want to find out more about me, click here... if you're really that curious... Now for my wonderfully brilliant colleague and partner-in-crime- Ginger The Magnificent. You can email her at cassie3487@aol.com. We started this club, The Shippy Fence Sitters Club, for all of you confused people who don't classify themselves as a shipper, yet noromo is too harsh a word. They want Mulder And Scully together, but not until the end (because, face it, once they get together, the show is pretty much...well, over). Do you feel that way? If so and you'd like to share your confused thoughts with others who are just as confused, email me at Nexisfan@aol.com So, come in, take a look around, sign the guestbook, and have fun!! You should know that Ginger and I have also started a mailing list for the SFSC! (join us!) If you'd like to be a part of our marvellous list, and of course we know you won't want to pass up an opportunity such as this, click here:
Now don't i sound like some Tv infomercial... well, here's some pics for you(above) Now before you go laughing off into the sunset on how unprofessional and bad my page is, keep in mind this is only my second (i made my first tonight) and it's still under construction! Thanks=)Hold on, i'm not done! Sign our guestbook, PLEASE! we love to hear from ya!
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Also, make sure to email me at the link below And tell me if anything on here doesn't work, you can't see it, or just to tell me ya like it! Thanky! =)
Email: nexisfan@aol.com