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The 21th Annual Convention
National Taiwan University Medical College
North America Alumni Association


August 3 (Friday) August 4 (Saturday) August 5 (Sunday)
12:00 - 14:00
2001 Convention Committee Meeting

14:00 - 17:00
NTUMCAA-NA Board Meeting

14:00 - 18:00
Golf Tournament

18:30 - 21:30
Pharmacy get together

07:00 - 08:00

08:00 - 12:00
Scientific Programs (I a,b,c,d,e)

12:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 17:00
Scientific Programs (II a,b,c,d,e)

18:00 - 23:00
Banquet Dinner & Entertainment
13:00 - 15:00

07:30 - 08:30

08:30 - 12:30
Scientific Programs III

12:30 - 14:00

09:00 - 16:30
Scientific Programs (If, IIf)

15:00 -
Post Convention Tour

I a and II a: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM / School of Medicine

8:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00, August 4 (Saturday)

Áú©ú¤¸ Min Yen Han, MD Woman and Coronary Artery Disease
¸­¿w¦æ Edward Yeh, MD C-Reactive Protein: Linking Information to Heart Attack
·¨©ú­Û Ming Lon Young, MD New treatment for Cardiac Arrhythmia in Children
³\­«¸q Chung Y. Hsu, MD Genetic Basis of Neurological Disorders
²ø©ú­õ Ming T. Tsuang, MD Genetics of Schizophrenia: Application to Treatment and Prevention
²ø¼w­Z De Maw Chuang, PhD Recent Advances in the Understanding of Molecular Actions of Mood Stabilizers
¨H¤¯¹F Jenta Shen, MD OB and Gyn of 21 Century
³¯«H¸q Sidney Chen, MD Current Concepts of Gynecologic Cancer
³¢¯Õ«n Kenneth Kuo, MD Evidence Based and Outcome Oriented Clinical Practice
¥îµO¥É Kenneth Wu, MD Research and Development on Medical Genetics; The Unraveling of the Secret of Genome
³¯ùÚ±R Yuan Tsong Chen, MD Inborn Error of Metabolism and Gene Therapy
Á饿©ú Cheng Ming Chuong, MD Tissue Engineering
ªL¤Ö¥ú Sally Lee, PhD Cloning, Past, Present and Future
§õ§B¬Ó Bo Huang Lee, MD To be Announced

I b and II b: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM / School of Pharmacy

8:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00, August 4 (Saturday)

Pharmaceutical Industry ³\·Ó´f¥D«ù (Ivax Corp.)
"Production, Strategy, Research & Development", ³\¤¤±j (Impex Laboratories Inc.), §dªÚµØ (Abbott Laboratories Inc.), »¯¦t¤Ñ (Watson Laboratories Inc.)
"Science and Regulatory Overview of Bioavailbility and Bioequivalence", ³¯¬ü¬Â (FDA)
Teaching & Research; Past & Future ªô¤å¶©¥D«ù (Univ. of Illinois)
"A Reflection and Perspective on the Academic Teaching and Research", ªô¤å¶© (Univ. of Illinois)
"Career in the Past Three Decades", §õ±Ò¤¯ (FDA)
"A Tunnel Vision of Drug Receptor Interactions', ¸­¬F§U (Northwestern University)
The Future of Practicing Pharmacists §õªaÆO¥D«ù
"Inpatient Pharmacist", §õªaÆO (Glendale Hospital)
"Consulting Pharmacist", §õ¾åÃ` (Glendale Hospital)
"Ambulatory Pharmacist", ¤ýºÑÁø
"Community Pharmacist", ±iÄR¨È (Kaiser Permanente)
Bioinformatics-The Creation of Pharmacogenomics and Toxicogenomics, §d®Ê (XenoBiotic Laboratories Inc.)

I e and II e: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM / College of Public Health

August 4 (Saturday)

08:00 - 10:00 Health Policy and Health Service Management ©PÁp±l ¥D«ù
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¶À¤ë®Û §Úªºªø©°Âå°|¸gÅç
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10:30 - 12:00 Environmental Health & Occupation Health §ºÂE³¹¥D«ù
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10:30 - 12:00 Mental Health Á¨حë¥D«ù
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3:30 - 5:00 Epidemiology & Disease Control ³¯«Ø¤¯¥D«ù
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I f and II f: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM / School of Dentistry

August 5 (Sunday)

09:00 AM - 10:15 AM
"Coinical Applications of Nd: Yag Laser", Dr. Wan-Hong Lan

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
"Periodontal Disease & Oral Health in America", Dr. Casey Chen

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
"Recent Development of Dental Public Health in Taiwan", Dr. Ming-Kuang Guo

3:30 PM - 04:45 PM
"The Keys to the Long Term Success of Osseointegrated Implant in Partially Edentulus  Cases", Dr. Ting-Ling Chang


8:30 - 12:30, August 5 (Sunday)

Medical Care and Medical Education in Taiwan
§õ·½¼w Yuan The Lee, MD ¥x¤jÂåÀøÅé¨t
¤ý²M­s Ching Jen Wang, MD ªø©°ÂåÀøÅé¨t
ªL«TÀs Chin Lon Lin, MD ·OÀÙÂåÀøÅé¨t ¢w Community Oriented, Patient Centered Medical Care System in Taiwan
·¨±Ó²± Min-Shen Yang, MD ´ººÖªù¥~ªº¤ÑªÅ ¢w ±Ó²±ÂåÀøÅé¨tªº¹L¥h»P¥¼¨Ó
¶À©ú©M Ming Ho Huang, MD ¨q¶ÇÂåÀøÅé¨t ¢w ¤½¿ì¥ÁÀçÂå°|¤§¹L¥h»P¥¼¨Ó
·¨¥°¤¯ Fred H. Yang, MD Reinventing the Health Care in Greater China - Ming Shen Health Care System
«J³Ó­Z Sheng Mou Hou, MD ¥xÆWÂå¥Í¨t±Ð¨|¤§¤µ©õ
ªLÀR¦Ë Chin Chu Lin, MD ±q°Ñ¥[¥x¤jÆWÂå¾Ç¨tµûŲ½Í¥xÆWÂå¾Ç±Ð¨|¤§§ï­²
·¨«ä¼Ð Sze-Piao Yang, MD ¥xÆW·s¥Í¥N¤¤Âå±Ð¨|¤§Ä@´º
Peggy Lin Medicine on the Web
´ö¤¦Áø Diane Tang-Liu Food & Drug Interaction
³\®aªN Ka Ki Hui, MD ¤¤¦èÂå¾Ç¤§¬ã¨s¤ÎÁ{§ÉÀ³¥Î
ªL¤Ö¥ú Sally Lee Living a Healthy and Happy Life


Last Updated: June 16, 2001