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OMS page
Ron Adams

"Our Presence Automatically Liberates Others."
The Sanctuary Must Begin Within You!

Our vision is of ourselves, "Love in Magic Flight." We fly with the power of compassionate, unconditional love. Our wings breathe creation as they stretch outside the boundaries of time and space. Our power and flight are endless. Come fly with us. We seek an opening to share unconditional love and understanding with all, that people of the world see their relationship to everyone, and open the gateway to planetary consciousness. We approach this with the Oasis Mystery School's purpose in the Educational Paradigm Shift. We seek a breakthrough in understanding each other, regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation."


How do we create the space that we need to learn? How do we approach life with the Love and Joy , the potential which is our birthright? When we are constantly triggered and bombarded by the dramas of life, the challenges, the negativity, the problems, the fears and the lies : HOW DO WE AWAKEN THE ANCIENT FUTURE SELF?
One thing is for certain, in my inquiry into the Teacher's Project, that I will not learn anything that my soul is not ready to learn. As I ReVision this into an affirmation, I will learn what my soul is seeking and ready to learn at this time, in physical form. Sometimes we create dramas and crisis to overcome them, and to awaken our infinite self!
The Future Ancient shamans called it THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF FREE WILL. How can we find that surrender, grace and detachment, to allow this type of creativity to just emerge? Coming together in any relationship, friendship, is not about knowing each other and understanding each other. These goals fail in every relationship. It is the time alone, pondering ourselves and the other that we learn true creation of this space called intimacy.
It is in the empowerment with beginning things that we find the true key. Because in the birth of things, the dragon of knowledge, are the seeds of all potential and prophecy known. Energetically our higher senses "know", but I am not using the word know in the traditional way. I mean SELAH , deep ponderings, deep meditations.
When we ponder things deeply, when we go within to find that silence, that illumination, we then and only then admit that we don't understand the mystery. It is in stepping into that mystery that we open the gate to discovery again. When we fess up that we don't know, can't even know that which we don't know that we don't know, we enter the realm of enquirey, mystery, question. We enter a sacred realm of possibility, called the ReVision process. This is where we allow our soul to go with the flow, and reclaim our Rainbow Warrior spirit of discovery again.
What is this power of mystical discovery? It is dreaming and stalking. It is going out to the edge of the universe and back with the power of imagination. It focuses on intent, weaving energies, dancing and playing. It welcomes seduction and being found out.
In awakening the spirit of discovery again, we move into the space of mystery, we move quickly and deeply. We can only receive what we have the power to give! WE CAN ONLY RECEIVE WHAT WE HAVE THE POWER TO GIVE! Abundance is the Natural State of the Universe. The power to co-create with the great mystery is what life is all about. This is the art of the new classroom. Re-claim the sacred classroom again, Sojourn in the Oasis Mystery School . Connect with the energy of your own soul.


Oasis Mystery Sojourn
ReVisioning the Light
Oasis Mystery School
Earth Prophecies
Queer Psychic Forum
Pyramid Power
Order of the Mystic Sacred Blue Rose
