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Just as a tribute to my friends and foes (if any), I'll just list down names of my friends - those whom I know personally, my pen-pals and online buddies... No matter where you people go or what you people do, keep in touch!


I'll start off with the GIRLS .

* GENG FOONG : Known her for ages, a childhood friend & now my room-mate!

* TOU LI : Ex-classmate. Cool and humourous. Always bullied and made fun of. =) Sorry Tou Li!

* FELICIA : Classmate for more than 5 years in high school and also primary school. A pest sometimes.. hehe

* IE CHIEH : Ex-classmate in primary school and a year in high school.

* SIEW YONG : Ex-classmate in primary school. A total clown...

* SUE-MAY : An Old friend of mine..known her for years..or rather ages.... :)

* MALATHI : Used to be in the same class in primary school right?

* VELENE : Schoolmate, never been in the same class though.

* NOORAINEE : I gotta apologise again for not replying yr letter...soon, I promise!

* WENDY TAN : Sorry to you too... will keep in touch soon, I promise!!

* SAMANTHA YONG : A friend from Interact.

* SUE : One of my collegemates. Got to know her on the first day of orientation. Pleasure knowing you, Sue ... (p/s: I changed yr name to "Sue" already, satisfied?)

* KIRAN : A short and cute girl.. sounds like me, eh? *psst Kiran: Same or taller?"

* SIEW HUI : A nice and lively friend. Haven't been keeping in touch though.

* CHING LI : My so-called twin sister.

* TZEE AEN : Used to be in the same college.

* CHOON POI : Classmate during primary school.

* RENUGA : Another Ex-classmate. Had lots of fun critising the teachers, eh???

* BERYL : My apartment mate. =) Having lots of fun together!!

* YEONG YIN : Apartment mate too. ;)

* BETTY : A Brunei girl.. my apartment mate. =)

* CHARLEEN : Used to be classmates in one of my classes at Sunway. Very 'lively' and fun person. Oiiii.. all the best in NZ & be good (ahem.. u should know what I mean)

and many many more...too many to list them all...



* RYAN (Ginola) : My loved one. =))

* ZHING VEHN : Friends for ages just like his twin.

* EU SHENG : An old friend too. Childhood friend. Where are you now? Haven't seen you for quite a while.

* NANTHA : An entertaining friend!

* JIN CHOON : My annoying cousin. Can be a pest at times... at most times actually...

* ERIC (Sky) : An old online friend. Best wishes to you! You have my support, ok?

* ENG SENG : Very mysterious. Also an old online friend, or rather "e-mail friend"???? :)

* KANNAN : A good dancer, trust me!

* PENG KWAN : A brainy fella indeed!

* FORESS : A friendly and funny and enthusiastic lad... Penang lang. ahha..

* SIONG : Yet another old online friend.

* HAN YEOU : A PD friend who turned out to be friendly and a nice online company.

* BLITZ : Ryan's friend. Helped me do some graphics. The banner on the main page and the link buttons were created by Blitz. Thanks!

* CHEE YAN : Like to lie to me, huh?

and many, many more... sorry if I missed out anyone's name. Too many to list... My apologies, ok?

You're being serenated by a beautiful track,


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