I am sitting here with nothing much to do except to wait for dinner to arrive and time to pass. Robbie wants me to go over to his place for a while tonight around 10:00pm, and then I assume we are going to do the usual, which is get trashed. It will be a nice relief. Tomorrow should be interesting; JJ and I are intending on going to the Renaissance festival tomorrow. I assume we will just make a day of it, and since I know that we will be tired when we get home I am sure we will both wish to nap for a while. I have full intention of shaving his legs though. If my brother gets the pills tonight we are probably going to roll and go to the RHPS. I can’t wait! Today I came home and had a message on my machine from Rob, it was so nice to hear his voice again. I was beginning to feel like he wasn’t even real. After talking to him online for so long I felt like he was not made of flesh anymore or something. Last night I had a slip up. I confess that I gave in to the temptation like I always have before. It has been a while since the last time that cold edge has entered me. My flesh was shocked at the feel because it has been so long. I was on a total emotional crash yesterday and the fact that my parents were nagging me was not helping. I was glad when JJ got home for me to talk to him. He sounded disappointed to hear what I had done, which is a reaction I had not expected from him. Yet he admitted that he could not really say all that much to criticize me for what I do, since he himself has experienced this driving pain. Oh, my brother’s home, time to see if he got the pills. YES! Escape from reality, what bliss!