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undefined 9/25/00 (9:50pm)

I spent the weekend with my lovely Kitten and found it to be the best weekend I have experienced in a while. Of course, I always have fun when he is around, but this weekend there was really no one to pester us. I love spending time with him. With anyone else I would have been bored out of my mind by now (ok, lets face it, I would have dumped anyone else by now), but with him, it’s not like that at all! Everything is so easy and I feel so comfortable.

Tonight I had a little episode with my car once again. Mind you that I find the thing to be a piece of shit! It breaks down all of the fucking time! I was pissed off and upset and felt bad when my dad was yelling at me again. I went downstairs and fought the urgue to pull out the razors again. It was so hard to push away that urge. Rob came in and distracted me for the moment, then my mother called me up for dinner. If they wouldn’t have disrupted my thoughts I would have done it again. In some ways I wish they would have left me alone, and in some ways I am sort of greatful that they hadn’t.

My kitten got a new car tonight! I am so happy for him. I hope that this one is not like all the other’s. He works so hard and has the worst luck at times. He deserves better karma. Any ways, I am sure he will be here shortly so I must go for now! I can’t wait to seee him!


My beautiful Kitten has just left my house, in fact my feet still tingle from standing on the cold street as I said goodbye to him. He made me laugh as he shivered from the cold. Not that it was funny that he was cold, but it was just one of those things that I found amusing. AND NO, LOVELY, YOU ARE NOT JUST MY SOURCE OF ENTERTAINMENT! He makes me so happy, and not many people can make me feel like that anymore. Even when others do make me feel happy it is merely temporary and it isn’t genuine happiness. It’s more like a dilluted form of happiness; I feel happy while they are in my presence, but the second they are gone I start feeling horrid about something either I, or they have said. It amused me that he was using my line saying, "I really should leave now" but making no effort to do so. It’s hard to leave when I am with him. I laughed at my horriscope for Sunday. That was the day I dropped JJ off at work after spending the entire weekend with him. My horriscope talked about taking a rest from blissful weekend because I was going to need it in order to get back into gear and deal with reality. I found that to be most true. Now I must wait to see him again which truly bites! But I am happy for him now that he has a decent car. Now I think it is time to head down to my room and watch more wrestling until he gets home. The shit is so fake, I know, but the wrestling saga has me entrigued.