YAY, Rory left me an email last night. I guess he ran into someone from his past and she figued there was some sort of chance for them to get back together again. I guess in a minor way it's a little disturbing, but I trust him.
Other then that not much has happened I was supposed to clean today, *looks around the room*, didn't happen! Ish! Maybe tomorrow!
Any ways, I am sick of being at my apartment all alone right now. I think I might walk down to Paris on the Platte; if not then maybe Tom's Diner? Hmm, we shall see. The other question is; what shall I bring with me, a book? Just myself? Tarot cards? Whatever!
Hey Rory just called me! He asked if I had written anything in my journal *evil grin*, well, I told him maybe, but it just so happens that I was in the process of writing it as he called, so I'm sure he will be happy to read this.
Any ways, I think I'm gonna go for now, maybe I will write later if I have any interesting stories to tell.
Until then, the darkness awaits!