Compiled by Christian Perring
Please e-mail me with suggestions for additions or revisions.
Last updated 8/22/97
Robert Audi, Moral knowledge and ethical character
Oxford University Press, 1997.
Robert Audi, "Self-deception, rationalization, and the ethics of
belief: An essay in moral psychology"
in Audi (1997).
Bernard Berofsky, Liberation from Self: A Theory of Personal Autonomy
Cambridge University Press, 1995
Simon Blackburn, "Practical tortoise raising"
Mind Oct 1995, v104, n416, p695(17)
James B. Brady, "Conscious negligence"
American Philosophical Quarterly July 1996, v33, n3, p325(11)
Michael E. Bratman, Review of Action, Intention, and Reason,
by Robert Audi
Ethics July 1995, v.105, n4, 927-930
Colin Campbell, The Myth of Social Action
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Norman S. Care, Living With One's Past: Personal Fates and Moral
Rowan & LIttlefielf, 1996.
Peter Caws, "Minimal consequentialism"
Philosophy July 1995, v70, n273, p313(27)
T.D.J. Chappell, "Reason, passion, and action: the third condition
of the voluntary" (Hume)
Philosophy July 1995, v70, n273, p453(7)
Philip Clark, "Practical Steps and Reasons for Action"
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, (1997), 27, pp. 17-45
Randolph Clarke, "Libertarianism, Action Theory, and the Loci of Responsibility" (draft)
Randolph Clarke,"Agent Causation and Event Causation in the Production
of Free Action"
forthcoming in the Phil. Topics Issue on Free Will.
Randolph Clarke, "Contrastive Rational Explanation of Free Choice"
Phil. Quarterly 46, April 1996, pp. 185-201
David Cockburn, "Responsibility and necessity"
Philosophy July 1995, v70, n273, p409(19)
Garrett Cullity and Berys Gaut (editors), Ethics and Practical Reason
Oxford University Press, 1997
John Deigh, The Sources of Moral Agency: Essays in Moral Psychology
Freudian Theory_
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Robert Dunn, "Motivated Irrationality and Divided Attention"
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1995, 73, pp. 325-335
Gerald Dworkin, Review of Liberation from Self: A Theory of Personal
Autonomy, by Bernard Berofsky
Journal of Philosophy, 1997, pp. 212-16
Carl Elliott, The Rules of Insanity: Moral Responsibility and the
Mentally Ill Offender
SUNY Press, 1996.
Joseph Heath, "Foundationalism and Practical Reason"
Mind, 1997, 106, pp. 451-473.
John van den Hengel, "Can there be a science of action? (Paul Ricoeur)"
Philosophy Today Summer 1996, v40, n2, p235(16)
Gene Heyman, "Resolving the Contradictions of Addiction,"
peer commentary, and author's response,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 19:4, 1996, pp. 561-610.
Martin Hollis, Reason in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of Social
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Ted Honderich, "Consequentialism, moralities of concern, and selfishness"
Philosophy Oct 1996, v71, n278, p499(22)
Tracy L. Isaacs, "Moral theory and action theory, killing and letting
American Philosophical Quarterly Oct 1995, v32, n4, p355(14)
Frank Jackson, "Mental Causation"
Mind 1996, 105, pp. 377-413
Frank Jackson and Philip Pettit, "Moral Functionalism and Moral
The Philosophical Quarterly 1995 45 pp. 21-40
F.M. Kamm, "Morality and Action" (book review of Warren Quinn)
The Journal of Philosophy Nov 1996, v93, n11, p578(7)
Jeanette Kennette & Michael Smith, "Frog and Toad lose control"
Analysis, 1996, 56: 63-73
Jeanette Kennette & Michael Smith, "Synchronic self-control
is always non-actional"
Analysis, 1997, 57.2, pp. 123-131
Christine M. Korsgaard, The Sources of Normativity
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Michel Lejoyeux, Jean Adès, Valérie Tassain and Jacquelyn
Solomon, "Phenomenology and Psychopathology of Uncontrolled Buying"
American Journal of Psychiatry, 153:12, December 1996, pp. 1524-1529
James Lenman, "Belief, desire and motivation: an essay in quasi-hydraulics"
American Philosophical Quarterly July 1996, v33, n3, p291(11)
Brian Lewis, "Self
Deception: A Postmodern Reflection"
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, (1996) 16(1), 49-66.
Alfred R. Mele, Review of Action, Intention, and Reason, by Robert
Mind Jan 1995, v104, n413, p145(4)
Alfred R. Mele, Autonomous Agents: From Self-Control to Autonomy
Oxford University Press, 1995
Alfred R. Mele, "Internalist Moral Cognitivism and Listlessness"
Ethics 1996 106 pp. 727-753
Alfred R. Mele, "Addiction and Self-Control"
Behavior and Philosophy, 1996, pp. 99-117
Alfred R. Mele, "Agency and Mental Action"
(forthcoming in Philosophical Perspectives)
Alfred R. Mele, "Real Self-Deception," peer commentary, and
author's response,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 20:1, 1997
Alfred R. Mele, (ed.), Oxford Readings in Philosophy: The Philosophy
of Action
Oxford University Press, 1997
Alfred R. Mele, "Underestimating self-control: Kennett and Smith
on Frog and Toad"
Analysis 57.2, April 1997, pp. 119-123
Alfred R. Mele, "Twisted Self-Deception"
Alfred Mele and S. Sverdlik, "Intention, intentional action, and
moral responsibility"
Philosophical Studies, 1996, 82, pp. 265-87.
Elijah Millgram, Review of Practical Reasoning About Final Ends
by Henry
Mind 1996 105 pp. 504-506
Elijah Millgram, Practical induction
Harvard University Press, 1997
Joe Mintoff, "Rational Cooperation, Intention, and Reconsideration"
Ethics, 1997, 107, pp. 612-643
Adam Morton, "Folk Psychology is not a Predictive Device"
Mind 1996 105 pp. 119-137
Robert Murray, "Is Davidson's theory of action consistent?"
Canadian Journal of Philosophy Sept 1995, v25, n3, p317(18)
Robert H. Myers, "On the Explanation, the Justification and the
Interpretation of Action"
Nous 1995 29 pp. 212-231
Lee Overton, "The Problem of Listlessness: A Response to Mele"
(On the Web at BEARS:
Christian Perring, Review of Ian Hacking, Rewriting the Soul
Philosophical Quarterly, 1997
Christian Perring, Review of The Rules of Insanity, by Carl Elliott,
A Mental Health Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 2, May - June, 1997
Christian Perring, "Intentional Self-Deception and Akratic Belief" (Draft)
Elizabeth A. Radcliffe, "How does the Humean sense of duty motivate?"
The Journal of the History of Philosophy July 1996, v34, n3, p383(25)
John H. Riker, Ethics and the Discovery of the Unconscious
Ithaca, NY: SUNY Press, 1997
Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, "The Social and Political Sources
of Akrasia"
Ethics, 1996, 107pp. 644-657
Abraham Roth, "Teleological and Causal Reasons Explanations" (Draft)
Pascal Sauvayre, "On
the Dialectics of Agency"
Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology, (1995), 15(2), 144-160.
Charles Sayward, "Taking Actions Seriously"
Behavior and Philosophy 1995/6, 23:3/24:1, pp. 51-60
G. F. Schueler, Desire: Its Role in Practical Reason and the Explanation
of Action
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995
Tore Sandven, "Intentional action and pure causality: a critical
of some central conceptual distinctions in the work of Jon Elster"
Philosophy of the Social Sciences Sept 1995, v25, n3, p286(32)
Michael Scott, "Wittgenstein's philosophy of action"
The Philosophical Quarterly July 1996, v46, n184, p347(17)
Dion Scott-Kakures, "Self-Deception and Internal Irrationality"
Philosophy and Phenomelogical Research 1996 LVI pp. 31-56
Scott Sehon, "Deviant Causal Chains and the Irreducibility of Teleological
forthcoming in Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
Scott Sehon, "Natural Kind Terms and the Status of Folk Psychology,"
forthcoming in American Philosophical Quarterly
Scott Sehon, "Action Explanation and Nonreductive Materialism" (Draft)
Richard K. Scheer, "What I will do and what I intend to do"
Philosophy Oct 1996, v71, n278, p531(9)
David W. Shoemaker, "Theoretical Persons and Practical Agents"
Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1996 25, p. 318
Michael Smith, "Internal Reasons"
Philosophy and Phenomelogical Research 1995 LV pp. 109-131
Christina Sorbin and Harold Sackeim, "Psychomotor Symptoms of Depression"
American Journal of Psychiatry 154:1, January 1997, pp. 4-17
Edward Stein, Without Good Reason: The Rationality Debate in Philosophy
and Cognitive Science
Clarendon Press, 1996
G. Lynn Stephens and George Graham, "Psychopathology, Freedom,
and the Experience of Externality"
(forthcoming in the Philosophical Topics special issue on Free Will)
Michael Stocker with Elizabeth Hegeman, Valuing Emotions
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Steven Sverdlik, "Motive and rightness"
Ethics Jan 1996, v106, n2, p327(23)
Steven Sverdlik, "Consistency Among Intentions and the 'Simple
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 26:4 (1996), pp. 515-522
J. K. Swindler, "Social Intentions: Aggregate, Collective, and
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 26:1 (1996), pp. 61-76
Torbjorn Tannsjo, "Blameless wrongdoing" (Jonathan Dancy and
Derek Parfit on
agent-relativity and consequentialism)
Ethics Oct 1995, v.106, n1, 120-127
J. David Velleman, "The Possibility of Practical Reason"
Ethics 1996 106 pp. 694-726
J. David Velleman, Review of Practical Reasoning About Final Ends
by Henry
Ethics 1996 107 pp. 143-146
Peter White, The Understanding of Causation and the Production of
Action: from Infancy to Adulthood/Essays in Developmental Psychology
Hove (UK)/Hillsdale (USA): L. Erlbaum Assoc., 1995
Timo Airasinan and Wojcrech W. Gasparski, Practical Philosophy and
Action Theory
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1993
Robert Audi, "Volition, intention, and responsibility" (Symposium:
Act &
University of Pennsylvania Law Review May 1994, v.142, n5, 1675-1704
Annette C. Baier, Review of Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional
Behavior, by Alfred Mele
Mind Oct 1993, v102, n408, p668(7)
David Degrazia, "Autonomous Action and Autonomy-subverting Psychiatric
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 1994, Vol. 19, pp. 279-297
Alan Donagan, The Philosophical Papers of Alan Donagan, edited
by J. E. Malpas
Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994
Ishtiyaque Haji, Review of Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional
Behavior, by Alfred Mele
Canadian Journal of Philosophy Sept 1994, v24, n3, p511(14)
Stephen J. Morse, "Causation, Compulsion, and Involuntariness"
Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 1994, Vol. 22,
No. 2, pp. 159-180
Scott Sehon, "Teleology and the Nature of Mental States"
American Philosophical Quarterly, 1994 31, pp. 63-72
Stephen Shute, John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, Action and Value in
Criminal Law
Clarendon Press, 1993
George M., Wilson, Review of Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional
Behavior, by Alfred Mele
The Philosophical Review Jan 1994, v103, n1, p175(4)