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Key Names, Terms and Concepts from The Last Dance
print out the first page only to get the key terms for chapters 13 and 14.
Chapter 14: Life After Death
  • after-death states
  • afterlife
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • bardo
  • belief
  • Bible on the afterlife
  • Christianity
  • communitarianism
  • Dante
  • Eastern worldviews
  • eternal damnation
  • ancient Greeks
  • ancient Hebrews
  • individualism
  • Islam
  • hell
  • Hellenistic concepts
  • Hinduism
  • human personhood
  • humanitiarianism
  • immortality of the soul
  • karma
  • Eric Kast
  • LSD
  • life after death
  • Munkar
  • Nakir
  • near-death experiences
  • New Testament
  • nirvana
  • Old Testament
  • parapsychology
  • Oskar Pfister
  • positivism
  • psychedelic experiences
  • psychological defense mechanisms
  • reincarnation
  • resurrection
  • secularism
  • soul
  • symbolic immortality
  • Tibetan Buddhism
  • transcendence
  • transmigration of the soul
  • Western worldviews
Chapter 13: Risks of Death
  • accident prone
  • accidents
  • AIDS causes
  • AIDS statistics
  • Ruth Aisenberg
  • capital punishment
  • casualties
  • Karl von Clausewitz
  • criminal negligence
  • deterrence
  • disasters
  • disaster warnings
  • Ebola virus
  • emerging diseases
  • environmental disaster
  • genocide
  • guns
  • HIV
  • high-risk sport
  • Holocaust
  • homicide
  • hostile imagination
  • industrial accidents
  • Robert Kastenbaum 
  • malaria
  • manslaughter, voluntary and involuntary
  • murder
  • murder statistics
  • natural disasters
  • noncriminal homicide
  • nuclear weapons arsenal
  • occupational hazards
  • PTSD
  • psychic maneuvers
  • psychic numbing
  • risk taking
  • stress
  • terrorism
  • tuberculosis
  • violence
  • war
Chapter 12: Suicide
  • acute suicidal risk
  • altruistic suicide
  • ambivalence
  • anomic suicide
  • assisted suicide
  • attempted suicide
  • chronic suicide
  • cluster suicides
  • coroners
  • crisis suicide
  • depression
  • egoistic suicide
  • fatalistic suicide
  • Jim Jones
  • gender differences
  • mass suicide
  • order of lethality
  • postvention
  • psychological autopsy
  • psychotic suicide
  • risk factors in suicide
  • romantic suicide
  • Edwin Shneidman
  • sociological model
  • subintentional death
  • suggestibility
  • suicide intervention
  • suicide notes
  • suicide pacts
  • suicide rates
  • suttee
  • unintentional death
  • victim-precipitated homicide

Chapter 11: Death in the Lives of Adults
  • abortion
  • childbearing losses
  • death of a parent
  • Erik Erikson
  • infertility
  • intimacy vs. isolation
  • miscarriage
  • neonatal death
  • parental bereavement
  • peer support groups
  • perinatal death
  • SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
  • social support network
  • spousal bereavement
  • sterility
  • stillbirth
  • symbolic loss
  • widowhood
Chapter 10: Death in the Lives of Children and Adolescents
  • art therapy
  • children’s conception of death
  • cognitive transformation
  • distancing strategies
  • explaining death to children
  • magical thinking
  • mature concept of death
  • Jean Piaget
  • preoperational
  • psychosocial development
  • reversibility
  • selective memory
  • separation anxiety
  • sibling death
  • Sons and Daughters in Touch
  • Mark Speece
  • spontaneous drawing
  • support groups

Chapter 9: The Law and Death
  • aid-in-dying legislation
  • advance directive
  • amendment
  • autopsy
  • benefactor
  • beneficiary
  • codicil
  • conditional will
  • coroner
  • death certificate
  • distribution of property
  • donor cards
  • durable power of attorney for health care
  • estate trustee
  • executor/administrator
  • forensic pathology
  • forensic science
  • formally executed will
  • holographic will
  • intestate
  • life insurance
  • living will
  • medical examiner
  • modes of death
  • mutual will
  • National Organ Transplant Act
  • natural death directive
  • next of kin
  • notification of death
  • nuncupative will
  • official registration of death
  • Oregon Death with Dignity Act
  • organ donation
  • organ procurement centers
  • persistent vegetative state (PVS)
  • Patient Self-Determination Act
  • physician-assisted suicide
  • postmortem
  • probate
  • proxy
  • “Required Request” laws
  • testator
  • Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
  • Uniform Determination of Death Act
  • viatical settlement
Chapter 8: Last Rites
  • ashes
  • Ba
  • body disposition
  • burial
  • burial vaults
  • casket
  • contingency fees
  • coroner
  • cosmetic restoration
  • cremation
  • cryonics
  • crypt
  • death customs
  • donation to science
  • embalming
  • Egyptians
  • final disposition
  • FTC Funeral Rule
  • funeral cost
  • funeral director
  • funeral parlor
  • funeral society
  • gasketed steel
  • grave goods
  • grave liners
  • grave marker
  • itemizing funeral costs
  • Ka
  • last rites
  • mausoleum
  • medical examiner
  • Jessica Mitford
  • mortician
  • mortuary goods
  • pallbearers
  • Parsi
  • rites of passage
  • single unit pricing
  • David Sudnow
  • Trade Regulations Rule on Funeral Industry Practices
  • undertaker
  • vigil
  • wake
Chapter 7: Survivors
  • acute grief
  • anniversary reaction
  • anticipatory grief
  • attachment theory
  • bereavement
  • broken heart
  • central vs. peripheral relationship
  • complicated grief
  • deathbed promises
  • disenfranchised grief
  • dual-process model
  • grief
  • “grief-work”
  • high grief vs. low grief
  • inner representations
  • Lindemann
  • linking objects
  • “little deaths”
  • loss
  • mortality and morbidity of grief
  • mourning
  • multiple losses
  • narrative model of grief
  • pathological grief
  • perceived similarity
  • phases of grief
  • secondary morbidity
  • somatic symptomology
  • survivor guilt
  • survivor support groups
  • symptoms of grief
  • tasks of mourning
  • traumatic grief
  • trigger events
  • unfinished business
Chapter 6: Medical Ethics
  • artificial nutrition and hydration
  • autonomy
  • beneficence
  • brain death
  • clinical death
  • CMO (comfort measures only)
  • comatose
  • CPR (cardiopulminary resuscitation)
  • definition of death
  • DNR (do not resuscitate)
  • ethics
  • etiology
  • euthanasia
  • extraordinary measures
  • Harvard criteria
  • higher-brain theory
  • Hippocratic oath
  • informed consent
  • justice
  • life-sustaining treatment
  • neonatal intensive care
  • PVS (persistent vegetative state)
  • placebo
  • right to die
  • rigor mortis
  • soul
  • vital signs
Chapter 5: Facing Death
  • adjunctive treatment
  • active dying
  • awareness contexts
  • biopsy
  • cancer
  • chemotherapy
  • complementary therapy
  • coping mechanism
  • diagnosis
  • dying trajectory
  • ethnomedicine
  • infection
  • interferons
  • life-threatening illness
  • malignancy
  • metastasis
  • oncologist
  • organ transplantation
  • pain management
  • prognosis
  • radiation therapy
  • relapse
  • remission
  • social death
  • social role of dying person
  • surgery
  • symbolic healing
  • tumor
  • unorthodox treatment
  • visualization
  • xenotransplantation
Chapter 4: Health Care Systems
  • acute care
  • bureaucratization of death
  • burnout
  • caregiver stress
  • chronic illness
  • classic and ideal caring situations
  • covenantal relationship
  • diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)
  • emergency/trauma care
  • health care rationing
  • home care
  • hospice care
  • hospital
  • life review
  • medical eschatology
  • medical paternalism
  • nursing home
  • palliative care
  • primary caregiver
  • quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)
  • skilled nursing facility
  • support groups
  • total care
  • triage
Chapter 3: Learning About Death
  • accomodation
  • assimilation
  • ch'ing ming
  • cultural diversity
  • culture
  • death system
  • ethnocentrism
  • feng-shui
  • "fuzzy" concepts of death
  • noncorporeal continuity
  • norms
  • parental messages
  • pidgin
  • pluralism
  • religiosity
  • replaceability
  • resocialization
  • social construction of reality
  • social learning
  • social structure
  • socialization
  • society
  • structural-functionalism
  • subcultures
  • symbolic interactionism
  • Taoist traditions
  • teachable moments
  • values
Chapter 2: Perspectives on Death: Cross-Cultural and Historical
  • All Souls' Day
  • ancestor worship
  • Black Death
  • butsudan
  • charnel houses
  • cult of martyrs
  • danse macabre
  • death knell
  • death songs
  • deathbed scenes
  • el Dia de los Muertos
  • effigy
  • haka
  • invisible death
  • mourning restraints
  • name avoidance
  • necromancy
  • o-bon
  • origin-of-death myths
  • power of the dead
  • rites of passage
  • ritual
  • shaman
  • tames death
Chapter 1: Attitudes Toward Death
  • causes of death
  • cultural lag
  • death awareness movement
  • death denial
  • death education
  • death notices
  • "death talk"
  • demographics
  • Dies Irae
  • dirge
  • elegy
  • epidemiologic transition
  • euphamisms
  • gallows humor
  • geographical mobility
  • hibakusha
  • Holocaust literature
  • iconography of death
  • institutioal denial
  • life expectancy
  • life-extending technologies
  • "mean world" syndrome
  • mortality rates
  • mourning memorials
  • obituaries
  • revicitimization
  • thanatology
  • vigilante literature

In order to prepare for a test, you need to go through the relevant list as you are reading the chapter, and make sure that you know the meanings and major facts associated with each of these terms.  You should also make sure that you know the subtle differences between terms with similar meanings.