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Notes on John Stuart Mill's Subjection of Women

Christian Perring, Ph.D., with the aid of the work of PHL002 students

I.  The social organization that puts men above women is wrong.

Objection: Women's obedience and subservience to men is voluntary, unlike a slave's obedience to his master.
Reply: Women are not given much choice in how to live their lives.  Furthermore, their education enslaves their minds, so their actions are not truly voluntary.

II.  There should be equality between husbands and wives Objection: There is no need for reform of the marital laws because there are countless cases of men who treat their wives very well.  Loving authority goes with loving submission.
Reply: This is great when it works, but ... there are all degrees of love and affection toward family and all kinds of men, good and wicked.  There is no proof that all men are fit to be trusted with the power of a husband.  Laws not made to protect us from good people, but from bad people.  "Meanwhile, laws and institutions require to be adapted, not to good men, but to bad."

III.  Women should be allowed to compete equally for positions in society.