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Test 3 Thursday April 15

This test will be 75 minutes long. You can use a pre-written 4"x6" index card.  It must be in your own handwriting.  You should hand it to me with your answers.

The test will be on Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

You should know some of the basic information about their lives, the dates they lived, what works they wrote, and how their lives related to the ideas that they wrote about.  The notes that I have written on the philosophers that you can find on the class web page will be especially useful for this.  But most importantly, you should study the texts written by the philosophers in the class book, Social and Political Theory.  I will expect you to understand their main ideas.

The test will consist of both 40+ multiple choice questions (Bentham, Mill) and short answer questions (Gilman).

I have added notes and test questions on Charlotte Perkins Gilman to the PHL002  website.

cdp Wednesday 7 April, 1999